Balkan Pharmaceuticals/Sp Laboratory EU Domestic.

lmao why does he have to even respond? There is nothing the source can say to fix anything, you just want to be tricked? "please seller, say something that makes me believe you"
You are like the loser guy whose girlfriend cheat on him, and wants to "talk" and be convinced and will listen to any excuse she gives him.
believe your own eyes and have a backbone, not listen to words of a scammer?
you are right, there is nothing he can say. I just want to hear what BS he has to say. There is nothing he can say that will make me buy from him ever again and i hope no-one else on this forum will either. I'm ok with taking a small loss on the products and cutting my losses.
I place orders with him each time for more than €500 sometimes. I have first of the npp testo sp anavar sp stano hgh balkan hgh sp labs and I am always satisfied with the products and my physical condition under BP and SP. If you guys want I can send to Anabolize Bia.. 1ml from batch 2024 and 1ml from batch 2026. The test costs $55 guys who want to do it with me I'm ready to do it.

I place orders with him each time for more than €500 sometimes. I have first of the npp testo sp anavar sp stano hgh balkan hgh sp labs and I am always satisfied with the products and my physical condition under BP and SP. If you guys want I can send to Anabolize Bia.. 1ml from batch 2024 and 1ml from batch 2026. The test costs $55 guys who want to do it with me I'm ready to do it.

View attachment 285986
Sorry... I speak about Primobol Balkan Pharma i have two lot from 2024 and 2026 or 2028.
If there are participants to do it with me, no problem, we will share the costs and everything else.
Sorry... I speak about Primobol Balkan Pharma i have two lot from 2024 and 2026 or 2028.
If there are participants to do it with me, no problem, we will share the costs and everything else.
Send it to jano, is quicker and comunication is also a lot better, i´ll help if it is sent to jano
Send it to jano, is quicker and comunication is also a lot better, i´ll help if it is sent to jano
Jano is more expensive for the same thing AB is very reliable and is not corruptible. AB are very efficient in communication and very quick to do the tests in a few days we receive the results
Jano is more expensive for the same thing AB is very reliable and is not corruptible. AB are very efficient in communication and very quick to do the tests in a few days we receive the results
But your vials have codes or not?? post pics of the vials, how much time take for AB to send you results, thing is you need to send it as a blind sample, i believe blind samples is a bit more expensive?
If I sell gear and say it is Bayer primo, and put Bayer labels on them, and you find out it is not Bayer, why would you buy from a liar? even if their is primo in them, that person is lying and does not have ethics, not a stranger i would sent untraceable money to
But your vials have codes or not?? post pics of the vials, how much time take for AB to send you results, thing is you need to send it as a blind sample, i believe blind samples is a bit more expensive?
Yes I will send 1ml of Primobol Balkan for blind testing by removing the label from the ampoule. The blind test costs $55
Idk what would be the point into counterfeiting stuff to dose it correctly since it would not give much profit, the whole purpose of counterfeiting is to simply sell bunk or underdosed crap imo but ohh well let’s just test it out and see
Idk what would be the point into counterfeiting stuff to dose it correctly since it would not give much profit, the whole purpose of counterfeiting is to simply sell bunk or underdosed crap imo but ohh well let’s just test it out and see
The quality of a counterfeit item doesn't change the fact that it’s still a counterfeit. For example, imagine you create an amazing new shoe that's incredibly comfortable and stylish, but it's from an unknown brand. If you decide to sell it as a well-known brand like Yeezy and charge the same high price, you'll make a bigger profit than if you had marketed it under your own brand. However, it's still counterfeit.

Even if the counterfeit product is of high quality or even if it appears identical to the original, it remains fraudulent. People pay for drugs made in regulated, pharmacological conditions with tested ingredients. A drug made by someone in a bathtub claiming to be the same is still counterfeit, regardless of its quality.

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The quality of a counterfeit item doesn't change the fact that it’s still a counterfeit. For example, imagine you create an amazing new shoe that's incredibly comfortable and stylish, but it's from an unknown brand. If you decide to sell it as a well-known brand like Yeezy and charge the same high price, you'll make a bigger profit than if you had marketed it under your own brand. However, it's still counterfeit.

Even if the counterfeit product is of high quality or even if it appears identical to the original, it remains fraudulent. People pay for drugs made in regulated, pharmacological conditions with tested ingredients. A drug made by someone in a bathtub claiming to be the same is still counterfeit, regardless of its quality.

View attachment 286028
We can all agree on one thing, there is no primo, nor parabolan nor NPP on balkan´s official web site, right now i just checked and there isn´t even Testosterones anymore so using this current logic even the testoterones are fake, so there is no need to even consider using the brand for those interested in transparency.
So you all be aware, no hormones in the official balkan web site, so you all now know everything is fake, move along, use QSC or something else.
The only missing products are "homones and other hormone meds" you don´t need to be a genius to imagine why that is.
We can all agree on one thing, there is no primo, nor parabolan nor NPP on balkan´s official web site, right now i just checked and there isn´t even Testosterones anymore so using this current logic even the testoterones are fake, so there is no need to even consider using the brand for those interested in transparency.
So you all be aware, no hormones in the official balkan web site, so you all now know everything is fake, move along, use QSC or something else.
The only missing products are "homones and other hormone meds" you don´t need to be a genius to imagine why that is.
Nice try, but it seems you missed (or maybe weren’t aware of) the product verification process BP has in place.

So using "this current logic" if the codes don’t check out, the source has no explanation, and the website doesn’t mention anything about these products, then it might surprise you, but they are indeed fake.
Nice try, but it seems you missed (or maybe weren’t aware of) the product verification process BP has in place.

So using "this current logic" if the codes don’t check out, the source has no explanation, and the website doesn’t mention anything about these products, then it might surprise you, but they are indeed fake.
I am aware of the code cheking thing, i have been using balkan pharma gear almost exclusively since 2017, so i also know there was a massive operation against it from law enforcement in europe, now how can you get codes for products that are not listed on their web site, i still have vials of balkan Test E a lot of them, all check out as good but i don´t care if they say it is good, i still send out for testing every batch i get, i get around 7 or 8 vials for my TRT and test one of them.
I am not a shill of the source i am a fan of the brand, prices are good from this source, for reference another source for balkan in europe is granabolics, one enandrol vial costs 55 eur there, i´d still pay it if this source would cease to operate, bodyroids sells it for 41 eur, it is also a well known source, i have bought from both of them and never had any issues, of course i´d instead buy from this source because it is cheaper but that is it.
The codes don´t check out because there are no codes, but as stated before, there are no anabolics on the balkan official website so now it is safe to assume every single AAS from balkan out there is fake, end of discussion i guess
I am aware of the code cheking thing, i have been using balkan pharma gear almost exclusively since 2017, so i also know there was a massive operation against it from law enforcement in europe, now how can you get codes for products that are not listed on their web site, i still have vials of balkan Test E a lot of them, all check out as good but i don´t care if they say it is good, i still send out for testing every batch i get, i get around 7 or 8 vials for my TRT and test one of them.
I am not a shill of the source i am a fan of the brand, prices are good from this source, for reference another source for balkan in europe is granabolics, one enandrol vial costs 55 eur there, i´d still pay it if this source would cease to operate, bodyroids sells it for 41 eur, it is also a well known source, i have bought from both of them and never had any issues, of course i´d instead buy from this source because it is cheaper but that is it.
The codes don´t check out because there are no codes, but as stated before, there are no anabolics on the balkan official website so now it is safe to assume every single AAS from balkan out there is fake, end of discussion i guess
there is no reason to use this source at all, its actually the most expensive eu source on this board by about DOUBLE.
so wtf are you talking about, its counterfeit gear that you pay double for?

"it is safe to assume every single AAS from balkan out there is fake, end of discussion i guess"

Yes, this is what was determined literally more than 1 year ago, literally the first replies to this thread are stating that the guy is selling counterfeit/fake gear

there are many other eu sources that are half of the price, and do not pretend to be something else. AND have testing.
I am aware of the code cheking thing, i have been using balkan pharma gear almost exclusively since 2017, so i also know there was a massive operation against it from law enforcement in europe, now how can you get codes for products that are not listed on their web site, i still have vials of balkan Test E a lot of them, all check out as good but i don´t care if they say it is good, i still send out for testing every batch i get, i get around 7 or 8 vials for my TRT and test one of them.
I am not a shill of the source i am a fan of the brand, prices are good from this source, for reference another source for balkan in europe is granabolics, one enandrol vial costs 55 eur there, i´d still pay it if this source would cease to operate, bodyroids sells it for 41 eur, it is also a well known source, i have bought from both of them and never had any issues, of course i´d instead buy from this source because it is cheaper but that is it.
The codes don´t check out because there are no codes, but as stated before, there are no anabolics on the balkan official website so now it is safe to assume every single AAS from balkan out there is fake, end of discussion i guess
yes alot of sources are selling BP and SP products. Im just curious how the codes check out. Is balkan still producing products but dont list them on their site or do they have some UGL produce and they provide the codes? who knows...
The bigger issue is that this source sold products with no codes and provided no explanation and just chooses to ignore. I never seen any source do that. If his products were legit then he would be on here defending himself and providing explanations, instead hell probably just put another sale on here later.
bro i can get someone on Fiver to make those labels and print them off, and the cap logo I can get wholesale from china for a penny.

youre either a shill or havent read anything in this thread.
Ok and your person with Fiver how could they put a unique verification code there and that on the official site? Sometimes people you go too far to try to bring a person down. And most often with arguments that don't hold water at all.
Ok and your person with Fiver how could they put a unique verification code there and that on the official site? Sometimes people you go too far to try to bring a person down. And most often with arguments that don't hold water at all.
I wouldn`t waste my time reasoning with these type of individuals, according to him any one who likes the brand is a shill of the source, LOL, that is just crazy.
Speaking of, i sent a sample of something i had left from SP labs out for testing since i am using it this summer how ever i have the feeling i get some fluid retention on it and the compound does not aromatize, i had the same feeling with the same compound from cat cafe and deus so it might be that the compound is simply freeing up more testosterone and hence more aromatization, any how is what doubtful people should do instead of relying on Codes, that is just dumb,i´ll get back here with results.