I am aware of the code cheking thing, i have been using balkan pharma gear almost exclusively since 2017, so i also know there was a massive operation against it from law enforcement in europe, now how can you get codes for products that are not listed on their web site, i still have vials of balkan Test E a lot of them, all check out as good but i don´t care if they say it is good, i still send out for testing every batch i get, i get around 7 or 8 vials for my TRT and test one of them.
I am not a shill of the source i am a fan of the brand, prices are good from this source, for reference another source for balkan in europe is granabolics, one enandrol vial costs 55 eur there, i´d still pay it if this source would cease to operate, bodyroids sells it for 41 eur, it is also a well known source, i have bought from both of them and never had any issues, of course i´d instead buy from this source because it is cheaper but that is it.
The codes don´t check out because there are no codes, but as stated before, there are no anabolics on the balkan official website so now it is safe to assume every single AAS from balkan out there is fake, end of discussion i guess