Please do not bring your vial of gear, That would be like bringing the hooker that gave you herpes to the clinic. I've had one infection since my love affair with gear started in 1994. It was in 1996(give or take a yr) I had taken a cruise to the Caribbean. The last port of call was Cozumel, Mx. I was concerned about bringing the gear back as I would be standing in a long line with the other fine folks and could be subjected to question/interrogation and search. My plan and course of action was to transfer the amps of testoprim D and testoviron into plastic travel sized bottles of shampoo I had thought I thoroughly sterilized.
Now, this was back before I was utilizing the web to its full potential. I failed to realize that the plastic would slowly break down into the oil and that I would be risking infection. I made it through customs and we checked into a hotel in Miami with the couple we cruised with and that evening picked up our children who were put on a plane that day by their grandparents in Ct and extended our vacations and took the kids to Disney. About 3 days into the second half of our vacation the inj site high and to the side on my right glute was swollen and red. I had antibiotics of my own that I had brought for just this kind of crisis. I successfully hid the abscess from my kids, spouse, and the other family all the while as I picked up band aids gauze and tape and was changing bloody and puss soaked gauze a couple of times a day after the abscess came to a head and took 2 or 3 days to drain completely.
I made it through having to hide bloodied bed sheets in the hotel as well as(are you ready to be offended?) having the bandage come off in the hotel pool full of vacationers. Were any of you all at Disney that yr? I'll investigate and may be able to come up with a date and name of the hotel if it will satisfy someone's curiosity? Disgusting,,,I know. I don't have the HIV but for some reason when I think about the pool thing a certain homosexual Olympic diver comes to mind? (Louganis)
I have a dimed sized divot on my ass as a reminder of all that. A Dr, would've drained it quickly and packed the wound and scarring would've been minimal.
My ex wife was a control freak and I had lied and agreed to not purchase any steroids on our vacation. I lied and would never dream of passing up the opportunity to pick up.
My wife was aware of the trips to Brownsville Tx, I began taking in '94 for the sole purpose of smuggling gear across the border and felt that I could do without putting myself at risk of bringing gear back, no matter how small of I risk I felt it to be.
The morning we pulled into Cozumel I was ready to pull of the crime by putting another crime into play. We met for a quick breakfast of coffee and baked goods with the couple we were traveling with.We met them the yr before on a cruise and hit it off and cruised every yr for many yrs. The friendship, for me, was based on the fact that they were both pharmacists and could see that fact could benefit me several times over the years. I've befriended several wheelchair bound gentlemen over the years for basically the same reason.....accessibility to schedule 2 and 3 narcotics.
I digress. My plan hinged on my being a well mannered and caring husband who would fetch my wife a cup of coffee and a selection of cookies and pastry for her to sip and choose from. After pouring the beverage into a cup(self service) I opened the bindle of crushed rohypnol I had acquired on my last trip to Brownsville and would use over the yrs to render my wife unconscious when I wanted to or needed her to be out of my way or compliant to my desires.(Hey,,we were married? It's how we got down.)It's odorless and tasteless, however, after company had added a blue dye in order to make it bit more difficult to mick an unsuspecting spouse. The dye proved useless when the beverage was black coffee that morning(or when put in bottle of beer in a dimly lit bar).
We quickly finished up out coffee and macadamia nut cookies she decided on and we made out way to where we would disembark with our friends. About 5 minutes or so after ingestion the schedule 1 drug started to take hold and a fog of confusion ensued. I suggested taking a seat for a moment and then quickly decided that perhaps the cabin would be a better idea. We excused ourselves as our friends expressed concern and wished my wife well.
We didn't quite make it back to our cabin as she was rendered out on her feet. I choose a chaise lounge in the shade poolside. REM sleep was rapidly approaching and my plan went off without issue. I went to 2 pharmacy's and contemplated taking a cab to a vet but was satisfied with the booty I collected. A bit overpriced being so close to tourist central I was more than satisfied and very pleased with myself.
To this day my ex steers clear of macadamia cookies and the nut in general as she blames the strange reaction on the delicious nut. When she's ingested rohypnol before and after the cruise incident she has found herself with a mouthful of THEEEZZZEEE NUTZZZ!!