Beligas and OS Gear Winstrol

I don’t see them listed all I see is raw powders they sent me a list and thx for helping me buy the way! You’ve been a huge help everyone else seems like they don’t to help

Post the question above injectable orals in the Stanford thread. You'll get an answer right from the master chemist.
Ultima is just mediocre and offers low value. It's neither a conspiracy to sell bunk or anything great.

I'll repeat. Stanford, Generic Asia, or QSC will all leave you very satisfied, for different reasons.
Standford says they don’t have any injectable orals I was thinking steroidify but idk if there legit either
So this source went from "janoshik is an incompetent ass clown" to " we will send a sample for independent testing" to "check out my reviews bro, we gtg". slippery, little snake.
At this point its all conjecture...except the test results. They are from an accredited lab. So, @OSGear, it's irresponsible for you to try and put this on the one professional involved in all this.

I submit that you need to tighten up on the brands you carry. Demand whatever proof you need to see from these large UGL brands to ensure, to the best of your ability, that they are following steps to be sure they are on the up and up because your reputation in on the line.

Another thing...OSGear...we've seen this play out time and time again...good results have sources praising Jano as a wonderful asset to the Community. A bad result and the sources first move is to call the professional's character into question. Its a bad look.

The problem couldn't be with the owners of whatever ugl has a shit result. When there is money involved its the dealer that needs to answer. Perhaps the ugl owner was offered a kilo of Stanazolol for half the regular price and the #'s start churning around in his head about the nice boost its gonna give his bottom line?

There's no FDA standing Sentry or popping in to test raws. There are still plenty of UGL's and powder suppliers who DON'T test. This is how they are rooted out. They and you can try to hide behind some bullshit misdirection blaming the Lab but you know good and well its the ugl owner and their suppliers that are more than likely to blame. Anything else is an attempt at passing the buck.
What makes you believe they are genuine? Been there and watched the testing process?

Is the same process as yours. You pay for it and you get a document with a result. Why would I trust yours?

The way you treat this is hilarious. Sorry for doubting the 'self-considered guru' of AAS lab testing.

I will start recommending other testing labs to our clients, are plenty respectable labs out there, like Simec AG... we're done with your lab.
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You're a nobody drug dealer slithering your way through forums to scrape together sales.

Learn your place loser

Oooooh, you hurt my feelings. I might be a nobody, why would I want to be someone?

By the way, we have some nice promos running, you might want to check them out :)
At this point its all conjecture...except the test results. They are from an accredited lab. So, @OSGear, it's irresponsible for you to try and put this on the one professional involved in all this.

I submit that you need to tighten up on the brands you carry. Demand whatever proof you need to see from these large UGL brands to ensure, to the best of your ability, that they are following steps to be sure they are on the up and up because your reputation in on the line.

Another thing...OSGear...we've seen this play out time and time again...good results have sources praising Jano as a wonderful asset to the Community. A bad result and the sources first move is to call the professional's character into question. Its a bad look.

The problem couldn't be with the owners of whatever ugl has a shit result. When there is money involved its the dealer that needs to answer. Perhaps the ugl owner was offered a kilo of Stanazolol for half the regular price and the #'s start churning around in his head about the nice boost its gonna give his bottom line?

There's no FDA standing Sentry or popping in to test raws. There are still plenty of UGL's and powder suppliers who DON'T test. This is how they are rooted out. They and you can try to hide behind some bullshit misdirection blaming the Lab but you know good and well its the ugl owner and their suppliers that are more than likely to blame. Anything else is an attempt at passing the buck.

@biggerben69 - OSGear is an official seller and can be verified in the manufacturer's network and website. We don't have the products at our warehouse but are shipped by the brand himself so yes, is the dealer that needs to answer but this doesn't mean that if you buy the product from a different source you'll get something else. I'm sure that everybody understands what I mean.

The oils and pills that were tested are dosed according to the label. Lab tests can be verified on our website.

The problem here is related to the Winstrol-Suspension, so an water based product. We've asked the brand to test all the water based products - recommended Simec AG for this task - and once we receive the lab results will post them on our website and here, under this thread. So we are transparent about the process and open to solve the issue.
Ultima is just mediocre and offers low value. It's neither a conspiracy to sell bunk or anything great.

I doubt that. Ultima Pharmaceuticals is our absolute bestseller since 3 years now (that's a fact) and top preference for new clients. Got thousands of amazing reviews all over the boards and lots of OSGear sponsored athletes are using this brand successfully.

I understand you might want to advertise another brands, but please, do it gently.
@OSGear, Dude, listen. Fighting with Janoshik over your source's bullshit compounds isn't going to earn you any brownie points with anyone here.

Janoshik can be a dick, but nearly everyone deserves it when he is. Janoshik is committed to telling the truth and nearly everyone on these boards respects his testing. We rely on testing from labs like his BECAUSE we want to reduce the amount of harm we are doing to our bodies with gear, let alone bunk gear.

You can continue to sell to retards that don't know how to source proper gear, but at the end of the day you are not the one manufacturing these compounds, you are simply reselling them. You are getting upset over something you didn't even make, you just re-sold it.

It doesn't look good for people here when they see you failing to take responsibility and getting bent out of shape like a crybaby. In fact, here's something I don't understand: why do so many sources throw tantrums here? It's unprofessional, but I suppose it comes with the territory of selling illegal drugs.

That being said, we want to reduce harm. Either play along, or lose respect. When people google your name, OSGear, and these forums pop up, and they see that you're scamming / refusing to take accountability, they won't want to do business with you. They'll tell their friends to avoid osgear, and it could have lasting ramifications later down the road.

I doubt that. Ultima Pharmaceuticals is our absolute bestseller since 3 years now (that's a fact) and top preference for new clients. Got thousands of amazing reviews all over the boards and lots of OSGear sponsored athletes are using this brand successfully.

I understand you might want to advertise another brands, but please, do it gently.

I said it was mediocre, and it is. That's not an insult, it's the objective truth.

I spent years in the orbit of the "Chinese produced, shipped, attractively packaged, mediocre gear" world, where "regular" prices are inflated, to accommodate perpetual "amazing sales".

Since you decided to pick a fight with me, let's go.

You charge $42 for a vial of Ultima Test-E, which, incidentally, is exactly the same product as Nakon Medical's Test-E. The bizarre invention of Nakon, btw, whose products are all identical in every way, including price, to Ultima, can only be explained as a pure marketing ploy to dupe naive customers into thinking they're getting pharma grade. There's no other explanation for a parallel line of products in different branding. That's a pretty crappy thing to do. But I digress...

So here you are, with the current "amazing sale" offering buy 3 get 1 + another 20% off of Ultima/Nakon 'Medical'. Wow! That makes each vial $25!! That's incredible!

And when I was buying in that world, it's a good deal.

The problem is, I wasn't aware of, say, Generic Asia's $13 Test-E 250, which is tested more frequently than Ultima/Nakon and backed by excellent customer service.

So I challenge you to tell me how I'd be better off with Ultima rather than Generic Asia's equivalent product? A loss of flashy packaging that costs $12 a vial? At quantities 10+ the difference becomes even more stark with GA at $8.45. They're both coming straight out of China. Hell, it could be the same factory along with a dozen other brands for all I know.

While there's nothing wrong with nice packaging and an easy to navigate website, it offers nothing in terms of additional product quality for the premium, or customer service, over the single example I gave.

Places like OSGear, are, hopefully, a temporary stop for newbies until they become more familiar with the way gear suppliers work, and stumble, hopefully, into places like MESO and figure out what's up.

Any business with a reputation to protect typically offers reliable consistency, including Ultima and GA, but let's not pretend one is offering a superior product warranting a higher price.

As for me, I like a little flash, and I came to trust Dragon Pharma over a number of years. I like the silkscreened dragon on the vials, makes me feel like I'm using the forbidden gear of the Yakuza. I figured out the rhythm of the sales, and how to get vials of DP Test C 250 for $12 (vs $48) by timing it right and value-maxxing the "multi-brand retailer game".

But I know damn well I'm paying $4 for that painted dragon (while some sucker is paying $40 for it!), and the gear's not the slightest bit better than the $8.45 GA vial.
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It's kind of mind blowing how not self aware OSGear is coming off right now.

The best thing you could do for your reputation is admit fault, fix the situation, and do better. Attacking Jano, who has no skin in the game to fault you and suggesting they butchered a stupid easy process is absurd and immature.

Do better.

Based off your attitude in this thread alone I know I won't be shopping with you ever, nor would I suggest any of my acquaintances look your way. You come off like you're 22 and scrambling for excuses instead of just being a man and taking it on the nose. Shit happens, especially when you're just a reseller, not even a lab yourself. You bought and resold a bunk batch. I'm sure it's unintentional on all parties, but could be prevented at any step of the way with QC and testing.