Best cycle cholesterol support supplement?

Me, too. I tried every goddam thing there is, including cardarine. Did it for almost 4 months. LDL went from 175 to over 250. After years of fighting the DR trying to fix it without a statin, I gave up. Rosuvastatin it is, can’t fight genetics. My calcium score is 571, so, I really had no choice. I’m curious to try ezetimibe in conjunction with a lower statin dose.
Cardarine (GW501516) could cause cancer, I always would try to avoid it. There are other better medicaments to resolve the cholesterol,....
Would preventing heart attacks not extend life though? I feel like the logic behind saying statins don’t extend life expectancy is inaccurate. Less heart attacks, less premature death. Those preventable heart attacks are not offset by side effects on the other side, so it is a net positive.

Is there a known mechanism that niacin drives up hdl lowers ldl? Because we know the mechanism by which statins work. Not to mention there are multiple generations of statin drugs, each generation becomes more refined and effective at what it does with fewer side effects. I have a hard time believing niacin will work better than these highly engineered and well studied pharmaceuticals.

But that’s just my opinion, biased because I’ve studied a lot of biology and chemistry and am in a health care adjacent field.
If a person has less heart attacks but then gets cancer more often and strokes or other diseases then they may not live longer then if they didn't take the statin. so no gain.
Would preventing heart attacks not extend life though? I feel like the logic behind saying statins don’t extend life expectancy is inaccurate. Less heart attacks, less premature death. Those preventable heart attacks are not offset by side effects on the other side, so it is a net positive.

Is there a known mechanism that niacin drives up hdl lowers ldl? Because we know the mechanism by which statins work. Not to mention there are multiple generations of statin drugs, each generation becomes more refined and effective at what it does with fewer side effects. I have a hard time believing niacin will work better than these highly engineered and well studied pharmaceuticals.

But that’s just my opinion, biased because I’ve studied a lot of biology and chemistry and am in a health care adjacent field.
If a person has less heart attacks but then gets cancer more often and strokes or other diseases then they may not live longer then if they didn't take the statin. so no gain.
Even if cholesterol is not the issue statins lower inflammation (a crucial part of atherosclerosis) and improve endothelial function. I feel like it's smart to use it when on gear. I'm not gonna pretend I understand all the research and know what's it doing but seeing it restore my ldl pretty much to the same spot where i had them off gear, while I'm on any amount of gear puts my mind at ease. Not to mention I have experienced zero side effects. I don't understand the statin fear mongering. Even 5mg rosuvastatin once a week does more than all the supplements you could think of combined.

I throw every other supplement at it as well that has any data behind it like nattokinase, aged garlic extract, high dose vit k mk7, vit c etc. Because why not.
"More recently, a growing number of studies have demonstrated the impact of statin use to be associated with increasing measures of coronary artery calcification [28,3133]."
Statins harden arteries which leads to the heart pumping harder which can then enlarge it. So is it worth less inflation to have this as a trade off?

Me, too. I tried every goddam thing there is, including cardarine. Did it for almost 4 months. LDL went from 175 to over 250. After years of fighting the DR trying to fix it without a statin, I gave up. Rosuvastatin it is, can’t fight genetics. My calcium score is 571, so, I really had no choice. I’m curious to try ezetimibe in conjunction with a lower statin dose.
My calcium score is about the same but no blockages or not much narrowing and the highest LDL level i have had in the last 30 years was a 95. It is usually around 80. But at 75 the last couple years and the Dr.s still wanted to put me on a stain. Typically my total runs around 142. Low VLDL, low glucose, lower A1C, low BP, low Homocysteine, low C Reactive Protein. my fibrogen is about 2/3 the way up the normal range. That is about the worse biomarker i have.
If a person has less heart attacks but then gets cancer more often and strokes or other diseases then they may not live longer then if they didn't take the statin. so no gain.
So your saying that the these other diseases and cancers occur at an equal rate that statins prevent heart attacks from plaque building up in arteries? Don’t think so.

If that were the case they would not be on the market. Also as you age these other ailments you describe increase in likelihood. But if your dead from a heart attack at 56 you won’t die from these other all cause mortality things that are not conclusively caused by statin use. So I still feel like the logic there is very flawed.
"More recently, a growing number of studies have demonstrated the impact of statin use to be associated with increasing measures of coronary artery calcification [28,3133]."
Statins harden arteries which leads to the heart pumping harder which can then enlarge it. So is it worth less inflation to have this as a trade off?

From what I understand it's a good thing. Soft plague is what you should be worried about. You shrink it by calcifying it. From what I've personally seen from people who have had elevated cac scores they've been able to decrease/eliminate it with stacks that contain a statin. That's good enough for me. I'm always open minded for a better approach though.
So your saying that the these other diseases and cancers occur at an equal rate that statins prevent heart attacks from plaque building up in arteries? Don’t think so.

If that were the case they would not be on the market. Also as you age these other ailments you describe increase in likelihood. But if your dead from a heart attack at 56 you won’t die from these other all cause mortality things that are not conclusively caused by statin use. So I still feel like the logic there is very flawed.
Opinion differ. All medications have down side. The Dr. and patient decide if the benefit out weighs the negative. May i ask how many cardiologists you have discussed longevity and stain use with? If you have data from a large group of stain users showing they live longer i would be happy to read it. After searching for quite some time for that info i have come up with nothing. Along with the 2 cardiologists i spoke with saying they have seen nothing even showing longevity increases. Though big pharma has data. If i was the CEO for a statin company i would be bragging about the years it added to people lives.

And the list goes on.
From what I understand it's a good thing. Soft plague is what you should be worried about. You shrink it by calcifying it. From what I've personally seen from people who have had elevated cac scores they've been able to decrease/eliminate it with stacks that contain a statin. That's good enough for me. I'm always open minded for a better approach though.
And when you calcify it your heart then has to work harder. I have seen some studies in the past where the left ventricle then gets enlarged more with statin use but it was small. Date shows less heart attacks with statin use. But that does not man all cardiac disease becomes less, if the enlarged/weak heart becomes the big issue as opposed to blockages then if i may be trading one problem for another i would like to know what the odds are. I am open minded too. That is why i have searched and ask 2 cardiologists about longevity and no good data exists even though big pharma has all the data. I would be bragging if i was them about people living years longer if it were true. They usually publish any positive thing no matter what.
We have heard for years about keeping cholesterol levels below 200 to be healthy, But that is for the heart attack health it seems. Longevity seems to be different as this study with 12.8 million people show levels around 230 are where people live the longest. I have seen other fair sized studies that support that.
How do you dose it throughout the day? 200mg is enough to give me a quick flush.
You can take it in the morning, afternoon and evening, with 500 mg for every time. You are going to have flush always, but it is not bat, the meaning is that its working good, you will tolerate it without problem
And when you calcify it your heart then has to work harder. I have seen some studies in the past where the left ventricle then gets enlarged more with statin use but it was small. Date shows less heart attacks with statin use. But that does not man all cardiac disease becomes less, if the enlarged/weak heart becomes the big issue as opposed to blockages then if i may be trading one problem for another i would like to know what the odds are. I am open minded too. That is why i have searched and ask 2 cardiologists about longevity and no good data exists even though big pharma has all the data. I would be bragging if i was them about people living years longer if it were true. They usually publish any positive thing no matter what.
We have heard for years about keeping cholesterol levels below 200 to be healthy, But that is for the heart attack health it seems. Longevity seems to be different as this study with 12.8 million people show levels around 230 are where people live the longest. I have seen other fair sized studies that support that.
The big problem in this society is that the pharmaceutical companyies goberment rule for their interests. Its for this that there is a lot of hidden information, because they are not interested in the population knowing it.

If somebody wants to know which are the cardiovascular risk, its necessary to check differnt parameters like:
1) Cholesterol: HDL,LDL and TGL, but its more important de alipoproteins A and B like ApoA and ApoB100, because is most effective than HDL, LDL,...Apart of this, its necesary the fibrinogen, CPK and blood pressure.
2) Electrocardiogram and echocardiogram to check heart tissues and to know if there is left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial or ventricular fibrillation,... and whatever thing.
3) To know if you are suffering from cardiac cell apoptosis due to the use of medications, in this case steroids or whatever cause:
- Within the processes commonlyused to detect apoptosis is the detection of DNA degradation, changes in the symmetry of the cell membrane andactivation of specific proteins.
- Cell death is a phenomenon that can result from mechanisms such as necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis is the death process that occurs
When a cell is severely damaged and loses,
among other things, the integrity of its membrane that
It leads to her death by lysis. In these circumstances it
releases cellular content, which in vivo favors
appearance of inflammatory processes. On the other hand, the
cell death by apoptosis is a physiological death,
that can occur, either because the organism requires for its development the death in particular of
that cell, or because the cell suffered irreparable damage and the cell dies for the benefit of the organism.
In this case, the cell dies due to the activation of a series of mechanisms that cause the cell to not lose the integrity of its membrane, and it will only present loss of said integrity towards the end of the process. This is not observed in vivo since the cells Apoptotic cells are eliminated by phagocytosis before losing membrane integrity. Because Apoptosis requires the activation of genes for it to occur carry out this type of cell death, it has also been called programmed cell death.
- You can check if you could have some problems with TUNEL method. It is a common method to detect DNA fragmentation due to apoptotic signaling cascades,...
- If could avoid these problems with caspase inhibitors, Z-VAD-FMK (carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-[O-methyl]-fluoromethylketone),tribulus terrestris,...but each medicament depends of the context.
The big problem in this society is that the pharmaceutical companyies goberment rule for their interests. Its for this that there is a lot of hidden information, because they are not interested in the population knowing it.

If somebody wants to know which are the cardiovascular risk, its necessary to check differnt parameters like:
1) Cholesterol: HDL,LDL and TGL, but its more important de alipoproteins A and B like ApoA and ApoB100, because is most effective than HDL, LDL,...Apart of this, its necesary the fibrinogen, CPK and blood pressure.
2) Electrocardiogram and echocardiogram to check heart tissues and to know if there is left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial or ventricular fibrillation,... and whatever thing.
3) To know if you are suffering from cardiac cell apoptosis due to the use of medications, in this case steroids or whatever cause:
- Within the processes commonlyused to detect apoptosis is the detection of DNA degradation, changes in the symmetry of the cell membrane andactivation of specific proteins.
- Cell death is a phenomenon that can result from mechanisms such as necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis is the death process that occurs
When a cell is severely damaged and loses,
among other things, the integrity of its membrane that
It leads to her death by lysis. In these circumstances it
releases cellular content, which in vivo favors
appearance of inflammatory processes. On the other hand, the
cell death by apoptosis is a physiological death,
that can occur, either because the organism requires for its development the death in particular of
that cell, or because the cell suffered irreparable damage and the cell dies for the benefit of the organism.
In this case, the cell dies due to the activation of a series of mechanisms that cause the cell to not lose the integrity of its membrane, and it will only present loss of said integrity towards the end of the process. This is not observed in vivo since the cells Apoptotic cells are eliminated by phagocytosis before losing membrane integrity. Because Apoptosis requires the activation of genes for it to occur carry out this type of cell death, it has also been called programmed cell death.
- You can check if you could have some problems with TUNEL method. It is a common method to detect DNA fragmentation due to apoptotic signaling cascades,...
- If could avoid these problems with caspase inhibitors, Z-VAD-FMK (carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-[O-methyl]-fluoromethylketone),tribulus terrestris,...but each medicament depends of the context.
I am always surprised that people think big pharma is there for them. They are a business and as such their #1 job is to make money for their share holders. I expect no difference. That is what virtually every business does. That is why i invest in them. And make money doing it. It is a business. When i want to do good in the world i donate to charities as that is their function. Pharma is not a charity. People vote for politicians whose job is to do what is best for it's citizens. But when they don't people complain and then vote the same people back in most of the time.So if government is not reining in big pharma i blame the voters.

When just looking at numbers for my age group people such as me have a 7% chance of a heart attack in the next 10 years as i have more calcification then most. And at it;'s best if i take a statin to lower my already low cholesterol levels my risk goes down to 5% according to the studies. which are really not built around people that have always lead a healthy lifestyle. That is only a 2% better chance of no heart attack. Yet the big pharma will call it a 30% lower chance.

I have had much of those things tested that you brought up in the past with everything tested being in very healthy ranges. Including my inflamation tests fibrin etc. Dr.s just laugh an tell me i am just unlucky. But i feel more is NOT known about how the body really works as opposed to what IS known.
Over use of anti-estrogen can cause increase in bad cholesterol, oral steroids will also, I use citrus bergamot, berberin, nac , beets, fish oil, this combo seems to help me and run 3 times a week
I was able to reduce ldl and cholesterol in general with cardio, nacin, citrus bergamot, red yeast rise, and cycle support but my HDL keeps taken a hit.

My cholesterol is generally good. With HDL being so low does that really matter if everything else is good?


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I was able to reduce ldl and cholesterol in general with cardio, nacin, citrus bergamot, red yeast rise, and cycle support but my HDL keeps taken a hit.

My cholesterol is generally good. With HDL being so low does that really matter if everything else is good?
The best important thing in your case, is try to resolve the problem with HDL If you want which are the best parameters to know your cardiovascular health are ApoA, ApoB100, Fibrinogen, Coagulacion and Cpk, apart of HDL and LDL.

If you HDL is low but ApoA is correct, you dont have any problem, because ApoA parameter is more precise than HDL. With LDL and ApoB100 si simlar, because its more important the ApoB100 because it defines the cardiovascular risk for cholesterol high if you have LDL high but ApoB100 normal, you dont have any problem. But apart of this the fibrinogen shoud be correct.

In your case, you shoud ask a blood test with this parameters and you follow with niacin with 1500 mg per day during 2 months until resolve the problem. You try to add omega3, monacoline K and Q10,...and good diet
One can’t go wrong increasing fiber intake as it’s been shown to lower LDL. I make my own “weapons grade doo doo juice”

1 tbsp ground flaxseed
1 tbsp psyllium husk
1 tsp ground fennel seeds
1 tsp ground chia seeds
1 tbsp ACV

Mix with 16-20 oz H2O and slam it down quickly or it will set up like concrete.

I take this in the evening and although it’s the worst minute of the day, when I drink my coffee the following morning it leads to the most satisfying power dump to start the new day off. I recommended this to a coworker and it shaved almost 50 pts off his LDL within a month. That’s what I call “good shit”…..