Best cycle cholesterol support supplement?

From someone who has Hypercholesteromia with a total that hovers around 400 if untreated. I’ve tried everything “natural” under the sun and this is what I have found:

Pantethine: 600-900mg daily works to lower total c and ldl. Use the stuff with the patented Pantestin.

RYR: Used to work years ago but now the FDA has mandated the active ingredient (which was used to make a certain statin) to be removed. In the U.S. it’s now useless unfortunately.

Niacin: The stuff that makes you flush does work to lower total c and ldl. But the flushing is intolerable to me.

Rosuvastatin: 5mg / 3x per week brings my total down to about 220…almost a 50% reduction. I do have some brain fog from it but no muscle pains at this dosage.

Estimibe: Just tried it at 10mg and almost immediately had stomach issues. Mostly like soft stools and incomplete bowel movements. Ended up with a lovely giant hemorrhoid. Threw it in the garbage.

I have settled on Rosuvastatin 5mg / 3x per week & Pantethine 600mg / 5x per week - off cycle.

On cycle, I take the statin 5x per week.
From someone who has Hypercholesteromia with a total that hovers around 400 if untreated. I’ve tried everything “natural” under the sun and this is what I have found:

Pantethine: 600-900mg daily works to lower total c and ldl. Use the stuff with the patented Pantestin.

RYR: Used to work years ago but now the FDA has mandated the active ingredient (which was used to make a certain statin) to be removed. In the U.S. it’s now useless unfortunately.

Niacin: The stuff that makes you flush does work to lower total c and ldl. But the flushing is intolerable to me.

Rosuvastatin: 5mg / 3x per week brings my total down to about 220…almost a 50% reduction. I do have some brain fog from it but no muscle pains at this dosage.

Estimibe: Just tried it at 10mg and almost immediately had stomach issues. Mostly like soft stools and incomplete bowel movements. Ended up with a lovely giant hemorrhoid. Threw it in the garbage.

I have settled on Rosuvastatin 5mg / 3x per week & Pantethine 600mg / 5x per week - off cycle.

On cycle, I take the statin 5x per week.
I thought ryr didn’t have the goods in it anymore.

The Pantestin is not something I can buy off amazon? Like NOW pantethine
I thought ryr didn’t have the goods in it anymore.

The Pantestin is not something I can buy off amazon? Like NOW pantethine
Correct, the available RYR doesn’t contain the active component that lowers cholesterol anymore…at least in the U.S. Total bullshit imo.

Look here for the brands that have the patented version of Pantethine - Pantesin® Pantethine supports a healthy heart

I have used Jarrow mostly from Amazon but they’re having issues with shipping products that are stuck together and unusable. I just ordered a bottle of the Endurance Products (on Amazon) but I can’t vouch for its effectiveness. I will be getting bloodwork done in another few weeks to see if it’s working.
One can’t go wrong increasing fiber intake as it’s been shown to lower LDL. I make my own “weapons grade doo doo juice”

1 tbsp ground flaxseed
1 tbsp psyllium husk
1 tsp ground fennel seeds
1 tsp ground chia seeds
1 tbsp ACV

Mix with 16-20 oz H2O and slam it down quickly or it will set up like concrete.

I take this in the evening and although it’s the worst minute of the day, when I drink my coffee the following morning it leads to the most satisfying power dump to start the new day off. I recommended this to a coworker and it shaved almost 50 pts off his LDL within a month. That’s what I call “good shit”…..
Did anyone read this? OMG it made my damn day! I know it's an old post but damn LMAO, "weapons grade doo doo juice" HAHAHA! Thank you good sir! : )
I have talked to 2 cardiologist in the last year as to if statins cause longer life and they have said they have seen no data to support that. I have seen where there are less heart attacks with their use but that doesn't mean longer life necessarily as i see where some strokes go up as well as cancer rates.
I work in a cardiac catheterization lab and we do angiograms, pacemakers, ablations, etc. all day, everyday. Not one single cardiologist, and I work with 10 different ones, has said that statin use hardens arteries, or there is no benefit or longevity increase from using them. Half of them take a low dose of Crestor daily along with Telmisartan for longevity, and none of them have heart disease. One of the benefits of statin use in patients that have CAD is that they stabilize soft plaque, which is the plaque that is prone to rupture, causing an MI.
I work in a cardiac catheterization lab and we do angiograms, pacemakers, ablations, etc. all day, everyday. Not one single cardiologist, and I work with 10 different ones, has said that statin use hardens arteries, or there is no benefit or longevity increase from using them. Half of them take a low dose of Crestor daily along with Telmisartan for longevity, and none of them have heart disease. One of the benefits of statin use in patients that have CAD is that they stabilize soft plaque, which is the plaque that is prone to rupture, causing an MI.
I never reported there were no longevity benefits. Only that there was no data that those that take stains live longer then those that don't. And pharma companies have the data on that. And if it was in my products best interest i would report that.
As for statins hardening arteries. I think you need to do more studying as many studies show they do harden arteries. One of the selling points of statin is that they stabilize plaque. Stabilizing it hardens it. Stabilize is a better selling point then saying it hardens the arteries that would cause many to not want to use it.

Long-term statin therapy is associated with severe coronary artery calcification
If my LDL wasn't pathologically low and not rescued by any amounts of gear, and it was actually high, my first consideration would be ezetimibe. More cardio and vegetables. Then a statin.
Estimibe: Just tried it at 10mg and almost immediately had stomach issues. Mostly like soft stools and incomplete bowel movements. Ended up with a lovely giant hemorrhoid. Threw it in the garbage.

Is there actually something for lipids that will not cause disgusting smeary shits? Because rosuvastatin does this to me too
Is there actually something for lipids that will not cause disgusting smeary shits? Because rosuvastatin does this to me too
Have you tried 10-20 g of psyllium husk (or a significant increase of fiber) per day?
Counter acts the smelly tar dump.
If red yeast rice contains its active ingredient Monacolin K (apparently not anymore in the US) the you basically take a statin. Monacolin K = lovastatin.

Why wouldn't you then just take a modern statin like rosuvastatin instead? At least you know what you get. Dunno about American prices but in Europe it's cheaper than red yeast rice.