You would think you would have picked an avatar for your great company in your profile. What kinda fly by night operation are you? LOL
You had other sites? So you put a site up, scam people, vanish... then put up another site!

Thanks for proving me right.. saying you have already failed before. :)

Where are these other "mysterious" sites. Im sure you'll not want to disclose that. And I'm sure you will find people here very accepting of you keeping secrets.
No mister know it all, again scamming people is NOT what we are here for. By other website i meant that i have been in partnership with other sites and other guys and things fell apart for undisclosed reasons.
Or maybe you would like me to tell you these reasons and who these guys are, do you?

No mister know it all, again scamming people is NOT what we are here for. By other website i meant that i have been in partnership with other sites and other guys and things fell apart for undisclosed reasons.
Or maybe you would like me to tell you these reasons and who these guys are, do you?

Well, you are not emotionally stable.. look at how you composed your last rant.

If you want to even attempt to have someone trust you enough to send $ to some new little Rinky Dink operation... I would suggest you tell everyone here all about yourself!

Other sites.. wow.. and those partnerships failed. And "things" fell apart. It's obvious you don't have your shit together. Come back when you do :)
Nobody knows everything bro. I'm open to learn though.
I did notice some of your products are tested by jano. That's a start, however you need to come with a fire intro and really tell the community more about yourself and your business. Sell us on why we should buy from you instead of other vetted sources that have literally been here for years. I'm not trying to be an asshole at all man, you just gotta do better around here. I did notice you had Dues oil based winny witch is kinda a big deal for me anyway. Also, your prices are a little steep. I wish you the best of luck man. Also, you gotta have thick skin around here. You mite wanna keep your emotions in check. You won't get anywhere talking bad to members here. Best of luck

I did notice some of your products are tested by jano. That's a start, however you need to come with a fire intro and really tell the community more about yourself and your business. Sell us on why we should buy from you instead of other vetted sources that have literally been here for years. I'm not trying to be an asshole at all man, you just gotta do better around here. I did notice you had Dues oil based winny witch is kinda a big deal for me anyway. Also, your prices are a little steep. I wish you the best of luck man. Also, you gotta have thick skin around here. You mite wanna keep your emotions in check. You won't get anywhere talking bad to members here. Best of luck

Thank you man. I genuinely appreciate your positive words and attitude.
The only reason i haven't written a long intro is simply because i have noticed that whatever new source writes, they receive the same welcome no matter what, so i thought i would stand the storm and wait until the water is settled.

As mentioned earlier, we have been in partnership with another company and had a rather well known website which can not be disclosed for obvious reason i would suppose. We pride ourselves with our high quality service, and the fact that we almost always respond to any inquiry within 12 hours, mostly much less. We go far and beyond to provide our customers with a satisfying and pleasant experience doing business with us, because we believe that a happy customer is a returning customer, and word of mouth is the best marketing strategy there is.

We only carry high quality brands, coupled with fair prices which might not be the cheapest in the market, but amongst the most affordable within the circle of well known websites that have integrity and good reputation. We do not do fake sales where we go super high with the price and then drop down to fool people.

Last but not least, I assure you that we are open for any constructive suggestions in terms of products, service, promotions or whatever within our ability to offer.

Thank you man. I genuinely appreciate your positive words and attitude.
The only reason i haven't written a long intro is simply because i have noticed that whatever new source writes, they receive the same welcome no matter what, so i thought i would stand the storm and wait until the water is settled.

As mentioned earlier, we have been in partnership with another company and had a rather well known website which can not be disclosed for obvious reason
Cause it doesn't exist.

i would suppose. We pride ourselves with our high quality service, and the fact that we almost always respond to any inquiry within 12 hours,
12 hours, Chinese company usually responds within 10 min, they have over 11 salespeople, no min shipping charge, and hav test for $7 a bottle. You have competition out there boy.

mostly much less. We go far and beyond to provide our customers with a satisfying and pleasant experience doing business with us,
Money talks, bullshit walks. Either compete with the price, or take a hike. Getting a product within a certain time, and adequate customer service should be standard.

because we believe that a happy customer is a returning customer, and word of mouth is the best marketing strategy there is.

We only carry high quality brands,
Brands don't mean shit. Everyone is getting their raws from the same 1 or 2 companies out of China. Private labeling, then jacking the price up just isn't going to get me to pay 10X what you pay for it.

coupled with fair prices which might not be the cheapest in the market, but amongst the most affordable within the circle of well known
Thing is you don't have integrity... you are just a 1 day old website. So unless you have the lowest price or something else exceptional, you have years before people will feel comfortable with you.'

I can order Test from China, $7 bottle, no shipping fee, great customer service, and they take credit cards. When you can beat that, let me know! Price rules on the internet.

websites that have integrity and good reputation. We do not do fake sales where we go super high with the price and then drop down to fool people.

Last but not least, I assure you that we are open for any constructive suggestions in terms of products, service, promotions or whatever within our ability to offer.


And all new sources are required to post a tit picture with the word MESO written in lipstick on a woman's tits.
Cause it doesn't exist.

12 hours, Chinese company usually responds within 10 min, they have over 11 salespeople, no min shipping charge, and hav test for $7 a bottle. You have competition out there boy.

Money talks, bullshit walks. Either compete with the price, or take a hike. Getting a product within a certain time, and adequate customer service should be standard.

Brands don't mean shit. Everyone is getting their raws from the same 1 or 2 companies out of China. Private labeling, then jacking the price up just isn't going to get me to pay 10X what you pay for it.

Thing is you don't have integrity... you are just a 1 day old website. So unless you have the lowest price or something else exceptional, you have years before people will feel comfortable with you.'

I can order Test from China, $7 bottle, no shipping fee, great customer service, and they take credit cards. When you can beat that, let me know! Price rules on the internet.

And all new sources are required to post a tit picture with the word MESO written in lipstick on a woman's ti
Go ahead and order your Test from China for 7$ then. Good luck Sir.
Go ahead and order your Test from China for 7$ then. Good luck Sir.
Where do you think everyones raws come from? Little Rock Arkansas?

Labs in here, have stated they got their raws from the same companies that sell direct to the consumer, and have posted their lab tests.

And the Chinese and others take credit cards... fully protects me from fraud, not getting product, etc.

But hey... people can buy from some unknown like you, and send bitcoin into the abyss , hoping you don't close shop up, like you have on other websites, that you refuse to mention.

As shitty of a host that you have your page on, im guessing you are just looking any sucker to place one order, to cover your crappy hosting cost for a month :)

PS: Another tip.. don't get into a pissing contests with people on here... ya never win. :)
@BestRoidShop bro your prices are ridiculous. We have so many good source9s here, you can't compete. Yu need to give meso a fat ass discount like 3O-4O% to get some bruh what was going on in your head when you Put 125$ behind that 1Oml vial tren mix? Did you really thought "yeah this is a good price, people will buy this"???? +
@BestRoidShop bro your prices are ridiculous. We have so many good source9s here, you can't compete. Yu need to give meso a fat ass discount like 3O-4O% to get some bruh what was going on in your head when you Put 125$ behind that 1Oml vial tren mix? Did you really thought "yeah this is a good price, people will buy this"???? +
He's admitted to failing a few times before.

Personally.. If you don't have the best price domestic, or international... you don't have a chance as a newbie. Everything is price price price.... I don't care how friendly you are to me... it's price price price, assuming the lab work Tests out ok.

This shit has turned into a commodity.
Now he's going to ignore people.. yea, he's such a big player, he can afford to do that! Probably processing an order his brother made :)
Not for nothing but don’t u guys have anything better to do with your life then repeatedly knock this source down - I have no clue if they are legit or not but time will tell - get a life man
Not for nothing but don’t u guys have anything better to do with your life then repeatedly knock this source down - I have no clue if they are legit or not but time will tell - get a life man

Do you want someone sending this guy $, with the data we have seen so far?

The market is flooded with "labs". When that happens, the labs are going to do sneaky things to stay afloat and make $.

If he has what it takes to compete, good. Lets see it. But he doesn't. And Guess who's going to get burnt playing the game... some consumer.
Do you want someone sending this guy $, with the data we have seen so far?

The market is flooded with "labs". When that happens, the labs are going to do sneaky things to stay afloat and make $.

If he has what it takes to compete, good. Lets see it. But he doesn't. And Guess who's going to get burnt playing the game... some consumer.
All I’m saying is don’t u have anything better to do pal - do you even lift?