BG pharmaceutical drugs

Anybody have any experience with BG's Fiasp?

I'm curious to try it, however I have read anecdotally (among diabetics) that Fiasp is more fragile from a storage perspective than Novorapid.

As a diabetic I can say the storage is exactly the same. As long it is stored in a dark cool place you will be fine for sure.
As a diabetic I can say the storage is exactly the same. As long it is stored in a dark cool place you will be fine for sure.
What abt lantus? I received it weeks ago and I haven't opened it yet but it's inside a cupboard

When i open them do they need to be inside a fridge?
What abt lantus? I received it weeks ago and I haven't opened it yet but it's inside a cupboard

When i open them do they need to be inside a fridge?
Lantus contains insulin glargine. This is a modified insulin that is very similar to human insulin.
It should really be kept in the fridge until use then kept out of fridge and then thrown away after 28 days

I thinking storing it in the fridge before use is something to do with keeping it within the expiry date. Iv used lantus and Novorapid a year out of date and still felt as potent so I wouldn’t worry
What abt lantus? I received it weeks ago and I haven't opened it yet but it's inside a cupboard

When i open them do they need to be inside a fridge?
If possible always store in fridge. It will be fine in a dark cool cupboard. When I'm using a pen it is exposed to higher temperatures for a couple of days with no problems at all.

If you use lantus it will be better in a fridge when open, you'll probably use it 1-2 times a day and a pen go way longer than fast acting insulin.
I have lantus but have not opened it, it's been kept out of sunlight not in the fridge

I received it a couple of weeks ago

How good would it be to use? @BG pharmaceuticals
It should be good still, maybe with lower potency. But I suggest when someone buys insulin or stuff that needs to be refrigerated to keep it in the fridge and use it ASAP because it was out of the fridge during the shipping time.

Overall yeah, it starts losing potency after 28 days but for sure it is not for the trash.
It should really be kept in the fridge until use then kept out of fridge and then thrown away after 28 days
This is not a must. You can keep it at room temperature and use it even after 3 months. It will just lose some potency. Overall most insulin peptides are very stable at room temperature. I had a humalog pen in my car once and kept it there during the summer. It was no problem. It still worked kinda good.

If you are not diabetic it's fine to use them much longer even at room temperature.
Been waiting 18 days for an order... I added stuff on the 25th to add on and he said stuff would be shipped in a couple of days... Still not shipped..

By the time I receive these packages it will be a 30 day order and arrival. That's if nothing happens with customs...
Been waiting 18 days for an order... I added stuff on the 25th to add on and he said stuff would be shipped in a couple of days... Still not shipped..

By the time I receive these packages it will be a 30 day order and arrival. That's if nothing happens with customs...
Still no tracking after that long? @BG pharmaceuticals whats the deal?

I was told a few times on my last order it would ship next day but didn't. Took like 9 days before actually shipping, wasn't happy about that.