BG pharmaceutical drugs

Any update on order 10152? Status is still processing since October 10. You said you would ship last week but I haven't received any tracking number or update yet.
Give him a chance Jesus Christ, he needs to go out and buy them first!
Serious post or sarcasm? Shipping estimate on his site is 5-7 calendar days. I've had orders from him arrive in 2 days before. But Sunday to today is 5 calendar days. Just wanted to know if it had been sent, and if so, what tracking is.
Hello @BG pharmaceuticals , i'm taking your hgh genotropin, on 2.7 ui/0.9mg i'm at 648mg/ml igf-1 and hgh serium was only 3,45 ng/ml on 5iu after 2 hours, but on same dose omnitrope and sandoz prescribed by my doctor i was at 410 mg/ml igf-1, why those big difference on same pharma hormone?
Can somebody with more experience than me explain this, also that did try his geno and can say is 100% pharma
Serious post or sarcasm? Shipping estimate on his site is 5-7 calendar days. I've had orders from him arrive in 2 days before. But Sunday to today is 5 calendar days. Just wanted to know if it had been sent, and if so, what tracking is.
Serious, even god has Sundays off and we are just over half way on Thursday! That’s 3.5 days and estimate means roughly
Serious, even god has Sundays off and we are just over half way on Thursday! That’s 3.5 days and estimate means roughly
Was just checking.

Not posting multiple times or being pushy about it.

It does say calendar days, though. In any event, was not trying to say he had to work on Sundays :) Mostly just wanted to understand if would be going out this week or more likely next as shipping time with what is otherwise a fantastic source has been peculiarly and greatly inconsistent across multiple orders
Hi BG you should have received this afternoon 109,66€ on your bank account for the order 10318, i still see It in "on hold". Is It ok ? You found the Money ?

