BG pharmaceutical drugs

Hello @BG pharmaceuticals , i'm taking your hgh genotropin, on 2.7 ui/0.9mg i'm at 648mg/ml igf-1 and hgh serium was only 3,45 ng/ml on 5iu after 2 hours, but on same dose omnitrope and sandoz prescribed by my doctor i was at 410 mg/ml igf-1, why those big difference on same pharma hormone?

This is the post?

So let me get this straight:

- IGF1 @648
- GH at 3.45 (2.7 iu's)

Omnitrope from doc's office:
- IGF1 @419
- GH @35? Was this after pin of whole vial?

If your igf was at 650 from bg's rhGH but serum GH 2h post pin was 3.45 then what are you arguing about? If igf is so high, clearly there is more then enough rhGH in those vials. Or are you implying there's igf in the vials with a little bit of gh or what?

Your post's really are a bit confusing/unclear. And btw is that actual 5iu's (lab tested quantity)? Or just what the label say's, ie. in reality more like 6.5 iu's?
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This is the post?

So let me get this straight:

- IGF1 @648
- GH at 3.45 (2.7 iu's)

Omnitrope from doc's office:
- IGF1 @419
- GH @35? Was this after pin of whole vial?

If your igf was at 650 from bg's rhGH but serum GH 2h post pin was 3.45 then what are you arguing about? If igf is so high, clearly there is more then enough rhGH in those vials. Or are you implying there's igf in the vials with a little bit of gh or what?

Your post's really are a bit confusing/unclear. And btw is that actual 5iu's (lab tested quantity)? Or just what the label say's, ie. in reality more like 6.5 iu's?
Nono, i was taking omnitrope with a prescription by doctor and my igf 1 was about 420, with bgpharma geno my igf 1 is sky high (640) always on same dose of 2.7iu and serum is too low around 3. This is what i'm suspicious skyhigh igf 1 and low hgh serum, idk if pharma hgh should do this, or maybe there is some igf 1 wich is not anymore from pharmacy ecc..
The problem is that he doesn’t know what he is doing. He says he is testing igf-1, then he says he is testing it 2h after injection. He is mixing everything up, igf-1 does not need to be tested right after the injection. He clearly has no idea what he is doing.

There is only one way to tell if that hgh is legit or not, a lab test.

Testing IGF-1 two hours after injecting GH is fine.

I believe the timing window he chose was specific for serum GH test, which is pretty close to what you said was optimal.

And yes, sending a sample to Jano is the best way but a pain in the ass.
Nono, i was taking omnitrope with a prescription by doctor and my igf 1 was about 420, with bgpharma geno my igf 1 is sky high (640) always on same dose of 2.7iu and serum is too low around 3. This is what i'm suspicious skyhigh igf 1 and low hgh serum, idk if pharma hgh should do this, or maybe there is some igf 1 wich is not anymore from pharmacy ecc..

This did not answer my questions.
You can find your answer in my previous post, i alredy write the same things several times, too many question you are not gonna help me like person before you, i write what i have to minium 10 times

You did not write enough buddy. And what you did write was written pretty scattered and confusing.

I was trying to help you, but you decided to be a dick about it.
You did not write enough buddy. And what you did write was written pretty scattered and confusing.

I was trying to help you, but you decided to be a dick about it

You did not write enough buddy. And what you did write was written pretty scattered and confusing.

I was trying to help you, but you decided to be a dick about it.
Omnitrope from doc office:
Dose 2.7 iu
Igf 1: 420
hgh generics:
Dose 5iu
Igf 1 500
Gh serum 35
Geno from bg
Dose 2.7iu
Gh serum 3
Igf 1 650
I dont do janoshik test on his geno but is useless bc cant say difference between pharma and generic. I'm suspicious about my very high igf 1 and low gh, if it's real pharma grade. If they add some igf 1 ecc.
Omnitrope from doc office:
Dose 2.7 iu
Igf 1: 420
hgh generics:
Dose 5iu
Igf 1 500
Gh serum 35
Geno from bg
Dose 2.7iu
Gh serum 3
Igf 1 650
I dont do janoshik test on his geno but is useless bc cant say difference between pharma and generic. I'm suspicious about my very high igf 1 and low gh, if it's real pharma grade. If they add some igf 1 ecc.

If I interpreted this correctly, I'm guessing either there was a mistake or the answer is not obvious.

Do you remember dose timing relative to the blood draw? How long were you running GH before the blood draw?

If I interpreted this correctly, I'm guessing either there was a mistake or the answer is not obvious.

Do you remember dose timing relative to the blood draw? How long were you running GH before the blood draw?

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The graphics is correct and the number i said is correct i am sure 100%, i been taking hgh minimum 8 weeks before blood test in every case. Every day injection. I inject 3 hours before in ugl hgh 10 iu and 2 hours before in bg geno 5iu (for the blood test gh serium). I hope we figure out what is happening, i have a gh deficiency so is important i get real pharma hgh
The graphics is correct and the number i said is correct i am sure 100%, i been taking hgh minimum 8 weeks before blood test in every case. Every day injection. I inject 3 hours before in ugl hgh 10 iu and 2 hours before in bg geno 5iu (for the blood test gh serium). I hope we figure out what is happening, i have a gh deficiency so is important i get real pharma hgh

You did a fourth test (10 IU UGL hGH)?

Is this chart correct and do you have any additional data?

GH doseIGF-1Serum GHdurationhow long after GH inj was blood pulled
Omnitrope2.74208 weeks
UGL5500358 weeks
BG Geno2.765038 weeks2 hours
UGL103 hours
You did a fourth test (10 IU UGL hGH)?

Is this chart correct and
GH doseIGF-1Serum GHdurationhow long after GH inj was blood pulled
Omnitrope2.74208 weeks
UGL5500358 weeks3 hours
BG Geno2.765038 weeks2 hours
No I was taking 5iu ED but the day of test i taked 10iu 3hours before the test(is the same ugl hgh). I correct the chart
No I was taking 5iu ED but the day of test i taked 10iu 3hours before the test(is the same ugl hgh). I correct the chart

And this is what I asked you and you still haven't answered: are the reported iu values label claims or actual lab tested values. The purported label claim of, for instance, 10 iu's can have a lot of variance, it can be anywhere up to 16 iu's when actually measured by somebody like jano.

And on another note, now you're saying you pinned 10iu's before the test, not 5?
Here you said you pinned 5:
hgh serium was only 3,45 ng/ml on 5iu after 2 hours

And again, label claims vs real dosages is a very important piece of information.
And this is what I asked you and you still haven't answered: are the reported iu values label claims or actual lab tested values. The purported label claim of, for instance, 10 iu's can have a lot of variance, it can be anywhere up to 16 iu's when actually measured by somebody like jano.

And on another note, now you're saying you pinned 10iu's before the test, not 5?
Here you said you pinned 5:

And again, label claims vs real dosages is a very important piece of information.
I pinned 5iu in genotropin and 10 iu on generics, and i not lab tested, but since i get 1iu to 100 igf 1 i think is correct dosage, also the source has janoshik test
I pinned 5iu in genotropin and 10 iu on generics, and i not lab tested, but since i get 1iu to 100 igf 1 i think is correct dosage, also the source has janoshik test

I know you haven't lab tested yourself. Other people or the source might have lab tests.