BG pharmaceutical drugs

Bro-science is like the snowball effect. Once a few people speculated dimer content of hGH determines water retention, now it's stated like fact.

Next they'll start a rumor that UGL causes 'GH gut' more than pharma, and then people will start stating it like fact (unless this already happened)

:::end rant:::
Did you try both? I don't think so. Is not bro science
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@BG pharmaceuticals Made a very large order October 28. You said you would ship in 2 or even 3 shipments. I only got tracking for one shipment. I needed confirmation that you shipped order in full but its been 5 days and you still havent replied smh. Customer service getting worse
@BG pharmaceuticals Made a very large order October 28. You said you would ship in 2 or even 3 shipments. I only got tracking for one shipment. I needed confirmation that you shipped order in full but its been 5 days and you still havent replied smh. Customer service getting worse
I won't scam you, no need to worry, will ship the second part today and third part later. it is the same products but in large amounts, so I don't think there is problem?
@BG pharmaceuticals Made a very large order October 28. You said you would ship in 2 or even 3 shipments. I only got tracking for one shipment. I needed confirmation that you shipped order in full but its been 5 days and you still havent replied smh. Customer service getting worse
Yet your dumb ass keeps ordering and complaining with every single order. Get a life dude, all you do is bitch about tracking and delivery everywhere.
Not reconstituted, still needs refrigeration? Just asking because i’ve had generics and pharmaceutical serrostim which I hadn’t refrigerated and tested after a year with analizy bialek and was 98,5% purity.
If not reconstituted it does not need to be kept at a low temperature.
Ah. Any suggestions on an alternative? Appetite suppressant focused and preferably tab based.
Hmm I doubt he will find it. Haven't had that shit in years. I would love to know which lab is producing it but from what I know it's illegal to produce in China.