BG pharmaceutical drugs

There still no refund neither items what i paid?You are very persistent thief.
Can't believe why moderators allow this scams
There still no refund neither items what i paid?You are very persistent thief.
Can't believe why moderators allow this scams
What happened? I think it's best if you just write down your story and what happened and what you did to solve the problem.
Aspen makes Sustanon. Jelfa makes Omnadren. Organon used to make Sustanon.

Maybe @cars92 got confused because Organon kinda looks like Omnadren.

But yeah same testosterone blend and carrier oil. I believe Sustanon has more BA and less BB than Omnadren.
I have both from BP and I have a preference for Omnadren, not because sustanon does not work but with Omnadren I have no PIP

Yes, hello.

Do you have any update on order no. 11129? Order was placed on November 30, status still says processing. Shipping was supposed to be 5-7 calendar days. Thanks.


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