BG pharmaceutical drugs

Is there any meso discount code for orders ? Also it’s 5-7 for shipping to US Currently ?
There is no discount codes. Shipping time is 5-7 working days for 90% of the orders to US. There are some cities in US that the shipping time is the old one of 9-14 calendar days. No idea why is this. PM me if you would like me to check what would be your specific shipping time.
17 Genotropins 12 mg available.

10 Rimobolans available, price is extreme though. :)

Lowered the price of Aurorix 150 mg and added 300 mg version as well.

Ozempic is still out of stock at supplier level, like 2 weeks now. I have some stock at home though. I lost 5 kg since I've started using it. Was really skeptical before that but it really managed to kill my hunger. Still have some left in the pen for like 2 weeks more.
17 Genotropins 12 mg available.

10 Rimobolans available, price is extreme though. :)

Lowered the price of Aurorix 150 mg and added 300 mg version as well.

Ozempic is still out of stock at supplier level, like 2 weeks now. I have some stock at home though. I lost 5 kg since I've started using it. Was really skeptical before that but it really managed to kill my hunger. Still have some left in the pen for like 2 weeks more.
I was 225lbs. Now 202 and I still have 1.5 weeks left. Honestly I could improve my diet more also. Couldn't finish two different out to eat cheat meals this week. Was out with my girlfriend and couldn't finish chicken tenders. Last night couldn't finish 3 bbq ribs at a nice BBQ place. Kinda weird cause I can eat a rack of ribs easy. Haha
17 Genotropins 12 mg available.

10 Rimobolans available, price is extreme though. :)

Lowered the price of Aurorix 150 mg and added 300 mg version as well.

Ozempic is still out of stock at supplier level, like 2 weeks now. I have some stock at home though. I lost 5 kg since I've started using it. Was really skeptical before that but it really managed to kill my hunger. Still have some left in the pen for like 2 weeks more.
@BG pharmaceuticals are you also able to sell Perfums from bulgaria? I just bought 2x 60ml Dior Sauvage for just 40€. Normally 1 bottle costs 80-90€
@BG pharmaceuticals are you also able to sell Perfums from bulgaria? I just bought 2x 60ml Dior Sauvage for just 40€. Normally 1 bottle costs 80-90€
I am but there are a lot of fakes in that business.

You have Ivermectin?? Its basically impossible to find in the US now after Joe Rogan successfully treated himself for Covid with it.
Yes, it is listed on my web shop.

Whats the rimobolan price
$17, it is on the site.

avete trenbolone?
I was 225lbs. Now 202 and I still have 1.5 weeks left. Honestly I could improve my diet more also. Couldn't finish two different out to eat cheat meals this week. Was out with my girlfriend and couldn't finish chicken tenders. Last night couldn't finish 3 bbq ribs at a nice BBQ place. Kinda weird cause I can eat a rack of ribs easy. Haha
How does Ozempic actually work? As in, does it just reduce your hunger so you eat less? Or does it increase metabolism or somehow burn fat?
If it reduces hunger, how does it compare to sibutramine?
How does Ozempic actually work? As in, does it just reduce your hunger so you eat less? Or does it increase metabolism or somehow burn fat?
If it reduces hunger, how does it compare to sibutramine?
All the above. It literally just makes you not interested in food. Even when you’re eating you’ll eat 1/3 of what you eat and your brain is like “ok we’re done here”. You will never feel hungry either. It’s a very very strange drug, there’s nothing else to compare it to.