BG pharmaceutical drugs

Did my 2nd order yesterday with regular shipping, more fat loss stuff. Will report back how things go but first order was so smooth i'm not worried at all! :)
TD today. Took 20 days with regular shipping. Everything as ordered plus an extra box. Good experience and will definitely order again with express shipping next time.
Can you keep update when u start? Curioua how ull feel etc on Ozempic
Yeah keep us updated on the semaglutide experiment please :)
Not planning a full on log, but will definitely post some stuff here since there wasn’t much info between all the big boards when I was researching it. Highly recommend the Ozempic Weight Loss Facebook page (the one with 60,000+ followers). Been using it to read hundreds of experiences. It’s mostly obese people who were prescribed it, so it seems they get hit with sides worse that people like us are used to. For example, massive fatigue is a big one but imo that’s from the large calorie deficit. Feels just like when I’ve done RFL. But since they are used to always being filled with food, they attribute it more to the drug than the reduced calories, even if it could be a bit of both. Anyway, sorry for the divergence. Today is is day 3. Very mild nausea the 1st 2 days. Appetite is slightly reduced but nothing crazy yet as far as positive or negative effects. For reference, .25mg and .5mg are considered loading doses per manufacture so it isn’t crazy to not feel much from them. But YMMV as people also feel wrecked on .25mg. Just an FYI
Qualcuno ha mai avuto problemi con il pagamento tramite Coinbase? Ho fatto questa volta per efficienza e mi sta chiedendo di verificare il mio id per ricevere immediatamente la crittografia, in caso contrario la ritardano di 3 giorni. Mi sembra strano dato che fanno già tutto ciò tramite kyc quando configuri il tuo account.
S.Yes to me too ... They ask me for the photo of the document .. I do everything as described and they block my account ... twice ... Have you tried with block change?
Not planning a full on log, but will definitely post some stuff here since there wasn’t much info between all the big boards when I was researching it. Highly recommend the Ozempic Weight Loss Facebook page (the one with 60,000+ followers). Been using it to read hundreds of experiences. It’s mostly obese people who were prescribed it, so it seems they get hit with sides worse that people like us are used to. For example, massive fatigue is a big one but imo that’s from the large calorie deficit. Feels just like when I’ve done RFL. But since they are used to always being filled with food, they attribute it more to the drug than the reduced calories, even if it could be a bit of both. Anyway, sorry for the divergence. Today is is day 3. Very mild nausea the 1st 2 days. Appetite is slightly reduced but nothing crazy yet as far as positive or negative effects. For reference, .25mg and .5mg are considered loading doses per manufacture so it isn’t crazy to not feel much from them. But YMMV as people also feel wrecked on .25mg. Just an FYI

Everyone should probably stay on .25mg. I switched to .50mg and I don't notice much of a difference. This drug works, but it's slow and steady.
Im wondering how the new Tirzepatide compares to semaglutide in a self test. I have to try this out with my next diet.
Update on day 5, Thursday: still no crushed appetite like the people who claim they can only take a bite or two and feel like they have to puke. Drug clearly works as I have an insane appetite (like laugh at people who fail 10k challenges on Youtube) and on my RFL/PSMF 1050 calorie diet I’m feeling decent. When I did it previously, you arent as hungry as expected from no carbs so blood sugar is stable the whole day. But I would still want to eat every 2-3 hours. With the Ozempic, I’m routinely going 5 hours on at least 1 meal a day and back loaded the end of the night to hit my protein requirements. Still no sides which is great. Planning on staying at .25 for week 2 since it’s working and I cant afford any terrible side effects next week as I have to get on stage (not the one you guys are familiar with).
Update on day 5, Thursday: still no crushed appetite like the people who claim they can only take a bite or two and feel like they have to puke. Drug clearly works as I have an insane appetite (like laugh at people who fail 10k challenges on Youtube) and on my RFL/PSMF 1050 calorie diet I’m feeling decent. When I did it previously, you arent as hungry as expected from no carbs so blood sugar is stable the whole day. But I would still want to eat every 2-3 hours. With the Ozempic, I’m routinely going 5 hours on at least 1 meal a day and back loaded the end of the night to hit my protein requirements. Still no sides which is great. Planning on staying at .25 for week 2 since it’s working and I cant afford any terrible side effects next week as I have to get on stage (not the one you guys are familiar with).
I've been using those Olympics off and on the last 3 months. I was 226 and now I'm 199. I ate just fine... it doesn't really Crush my appetite at all. It does make me lose weight. I'm only up to 1 mg and I don't really have any sides I don't plan to go over 1 mg. I mean there's a couple of times I can't finish my whole meal but after you've been taking a while you can eat just fine. Perhaps I'm snacking less but I'm getting in on my protein cards and fats just fine.
I've been using those Olympics off and on the last 3 months. I was 226 and now I'm 199. I ate just fine... it doesn't really Crush my appetite at all. It does make me lose weight. I'm only up to 1 mg and I don't really have any sides I don't plan to go over 1 mg. I mean there's a couple of times I can't finish my whole meal but after you've been taking a while you can eat just fine. Perhaps I'm snacking less but I'm getting in on my protein cards and fats just fine.
That’s so funny how it seems to work this way much more often in people who aren’t obese