BG pharmaceutical drugs

No difference positive or negative?
I can't tell. Nothing dramatically changed. I kept on losing weight slowly and steadily, and my hunger levels stayed the same. I think the .50mg dose probably works better, but if I were going to give a recommendation, I would say to stay at .25mg and just make slow and steady progress. As with any weight loss effort, you'll hit plateaus regardless of how aggressive you are.

I'm going to just run .25mg on a permanent and regular basis, if I can. It may even be that the more important value of Ozempic is the maintenance of the weight-loss rather than the initial weight loss.

I'm looking forward to winter time when I get bored and hungry and start gaining weight. I'm thinking the Ozempic is going to snuff out that desire. So, I'm excited. I really want to create a bodyweight set point and I want stability. I think Ozempic might be the tool to do that.
I see there was about 25% increase in the prices of the meds in Turkey so I will be adjusting some of the prices on my site, mainly the HGH.

Hopefully the hard to get meds will be restocked now.

Omnadren is on sale, $20 per box.
I see there was about 25% increase in the prices of the meds in Turkey so I will be adjusting some of the prices on my site, mainly the HGH.

Hopefully the hard to get meds will be restocked now.

Omnadren is on sale, $20 per box.
Damn that's really sucks if I wasn't broke at the moment I would deff buy 10-15 boxes.... Figures I'll have plenty of money in a week
Update on day 5, Thursday: still no crushed appetite like the people who claim they can only take a bite or two and feel like they have to puke. Drug clearly works as I have an insane appetite (like laugh at people who fail 10k challenges on Youtube) and on my RFL/PSMF 1050 calorie diet I’m feeling decent. When I did it previously, you arent as hungry as expected from no carbs so blood sugar is stable the whole day. But I would still want to eat every 2-3 hours. With the Ozempic, I’m routinely going 5 hours on at least 1 meal a day and back loaded the end of the night to hit my protein requirements. Still no sides which is great. Planning on staying at .25 for week 2 since it’s working and I cant afford any terrible side effects next week as I have to get on stage (not the one you guys are familiar with).
Glad it's working. And I think .25 is a sound choice for now. I was going to tell you that it at least takes 2 weeks. Anything before 2 weeks isn't even worth thinking or writing about.