BG pharmaceutical drugs

Haha well I just took my 4th one now. I was never questioning the legitimacy. Like I said, just confused as to why i wasn’t experiencing such a common side effect!
Sure you were questioning the legitimacy, but thanks goodness you were. How else will we find out if there are any problems?

If you aren't feeling anything then maybe it's a bad batch, and you should stop taking them, save the rest of them, and get another box and see if those feel different. If you felt different, then maybe send it off for testing.

Things happen. You never know, so it's better to ask questions than not, and to tell people here what your impressions are.
Haha well I just took my 4th one now. I was never questioning the legitimacy. Like I said, just confused as to why i wasn’t experiencing such a common side effect!
Wait homie. I just looked at your other comments in another thread:

"I’m currently taking 80mg/day telmisartan and 5mg/day Nebivolol, but planning on a 2 week clen run the second half of august. So when i start it, drop the Nebivolol and maybe up the telmisartan to 120mg/day?"

If you are taking blood pressure medications like those two, they will counteract and prevent the jitteryness.
Sure you were questioning the legitimacy, but thanks goodness you were. How else will we find out if there are any problems?

If you aren't feeling anything then maybe it's a bad batch, and you should stop taking them, save the rest of them, and get another box and see if those feel different. If you felt different, then maybe send it off for testing.

Things happen. You never know, so it's better to ask questions than not, and to tell people here what your impressions are.

No, I knew they were legit, I seen Skankhunt’s Janoshik testing on them. I just wanted to know why I wasn’t experiencing the side effect. Didn’t know the blood pressure meds stopped the shakes!
Take it easy. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

Do you have ketotifen so you don't develop a tolerance to the clen?
Clen will work even if you stop to feel the sides. If your hands will not shaking like you have Parkinson clen will continue to do his job the same as it did in first day
Clen will work even if you stop to feel the sides. If your hands will not shaking like you have Parkinson clen will continue to do his job the same as it did in first day

Thanks for this! Everyone always makes clen out to be absolutely terrible with sides, so that’s just what I expected I guess.
I have an article on my site about ketotifen.


Thanks BG, a stellar plug you are! Just PMed you about this by the way
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So does this mean I can really crank it haha? The max dose of telmisartan is 160mg right? What about nebivolol?
Yes there is a study with 160mg and patients seem to tolerate that dose kinda well, but it will def lead to a potassium inbalance (meaning too high potassium levels and your heart will cramp). So better let your electrolytes check on a very regular basis (every 7 days in the beginning) to make sure your potassium stays within the range.
Wait homie. I just looked at your other comments in another thread:

"I’m currently taking 80mg/day telmisartan and 5mg/day Nebivolol, but planning on a 2 week clen run the second half of august. So when i start it, drop the Nebivolol and maybe up the telmisartan to 120mg/day?"

If you are taking blood pressure medications like those two, they will counteract and prevent the jitteryness.
Why are you taking such a high dose of telmisartan? I'm taking 20mg per day so I break the pill into 4 pcs.

Did you start at a lower dose and work your way up?