BG pharmaceutical drugs

Even though I’m only 83.6kg that would be okay?

Okay cool cause if anything I’ve cut a bit too hard, been thinking about hitting up a cheat meal not because of cravings but just to slow down the weight loss a bit!
I agree. I am on week 8 of a current cycle and the fat is melting off me like crazy. Even targeting the hard to reach spots. I'm having crazy good results.
I agree. I am on week 8 of a current cycle and the fat is melting off me like crazy. Even targeting the hard to reach spots. I'm having crazy good results.

So what happens if you destroy a McDonald’s meal on clen, is that okay? It’s been almost 8 weeks since I touched anything dirty haha. Are you also running ketotifen?
So what happens if you destroy a McDonald’s meal on clen, is that okay? It’s been almost 8 weeks since I touched anything dirty haha
Totally. I am doing a carb cycling thing where I have 1 or 2 days that I carb up, eating all the slow digesting carbs I deprive myself of through the week. Its still working.

Sometimes a fatty, carby meal like McDs gives you a calorie shock that your body responds well to. It wakes it up.
Totally. I am doing a carb cycling thing where I have 1 or 2 days that I carb up, eating all the slow digesting carbs I deprive myself of through the week. Its still working.

Sometimes a fatty, carby meal like McDs gives you a calorie shock that your body responds well to. It wakes it up.

Yeah on second thought though I’d probably go with a better choice like a huge steak or something, at this rate I’ll be making weight like 5-6 weeks out!
Yeah bro run clen +40mcg year around sounds great...jfc
Well actually you could get away with that dosage I mean that is the over-the-counter dosage for people that take it for allergies and asthma. I wouldn't run 160 micrograms for a year but you can do it for 3 months and then take a long break
No ketotifin for me. I've read some things about it that make it sound less effective than what everybody says. Its just me.
It totally clears out your beta 2 receptors I have posted a government study before on here. You only need to take one pill of it though. It does work because if you're like on 4 weeks of Clen and you're not getting the hand shakes... when you do take the 1 mg pill of the K it does make your hand start shaking again in a couple hours.


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