BG pharmaceutical drugs

I shipped it yesterday, sorry for the delay but a lot of factors played a role and I am delayed in shipping packages but catching up fast as of now.

Thanks I appreciate it I only asked because on my UPS app the tracking has not updated and still says “Shipment Ready for UPS”, and no projected delivery date. Also says “Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.”
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Hi sir . When will orders paid for Wednesday be shipped? Let's see if he answers here. Thank you
Why dont you mail him about order stuff? I would think he checks his emails more often than here.

I see this on every sources thread people constantly asking for shipping details when its not been even a week when the payment went through. You just have to wait, he will respond and the package will arrive. ..maybe i should eat im getting little cranky over stupid stuff
Monday I think. I usually ship next day but now I am behind schedule and there is delay for which I am sorry.
Perfect sir , let 's see if there is enough time because on August 10 I 'm going on vacation , that 's why I 'm in a hurry , if I can not , I 'll write to you on Monday to request a refund . Thank you
Why dont you mail him about order stuff? I would think he checks his emails more often than here.

I see this on every sources thread people constantly asking for shipping details when its not been even a week when the payment went through. You just have to wait, he will respond and the package will arrive. ..maybe i should eat im getting little cranky over stupid stuff
It's actually a reasonable request in this specific situation. BG had some problems the last 2 weeks, and he wasn't able to send packages as fast as usual. So if you expected the usual service from BG, and it doesn't happen, you might be seriously pissed off. He was late with my package also, but I can't be too upset with him because he's been really good so far. I do wish he would have proactively reached out and kept me up to date with any problem he has, but I know life can get in the way and that may not happen. He should probably be clear about that though.