BigTomJ's Training and Everything Log

Congrats mate!

I can only give you one piece of advice, if you want it: Forget the me, my, I. There is only we from now own.

And when you f up, say sorry. Goes a long way.

(I know that was two, but an old fart like me rarely count correct these days...)
Every person in a successful, happy marriage that I've met in my life says more or less the same things, seems pretty universal and timeless.

Thank you brother
Cheers! I hope you weren't bulking too hard between having your suit fitted and the big day! Lol. I hope it all runs smoothly and good times for everybody!
I was at one point, about 20lbs heavier than when I got fitted and a couple weeks ago my fiance noticed how thick my hands had gotten and made me try my ring on, which BARELY fit.

As a precaution I haven't trained in like 2 weeks and cut out everything but trt and lowered my carbs to shed some of the water weight.

Fingers crossed I can still squeeze into it lol
I was at one point, about 20lbs heavier than when I got fitted and a couple weeks ago my fiance noticed how thick my hands had gotten and made me try my ring on, which BARELY fit.

As a precaution I haven't trained in like 2 weeks and cut out everything but trt and lowered my carbs to shed some of the water weight.

Fingers crossed I can still squeeze into it lol

You should have erred a bit on the side of caution and made the measurements slightly larger as better slightly loose than too tight. The food's gonna make those buttons pop :p

You should have erred a bit on the side of caution and made the measurements slightly larger as better slightly loose than too tight. The food's gonna make those buttons pop :p
It's the biggest jacket size mens warehouse carries, so it was that or a fully custom suit and that just wasn't in the budget with paying for a wedding and building a house at the same time
It's the biggest jacket size mens warehouse carries, so it was that or a fully custom suit and that just wasn't in the budget with paying for a wedding and building a house at the same time
It's all good, no offense meant :)
Check in update:

Ive made it into training maybe twice the last 2.5-3 weeks as things with the house were finalized and moving and all that jazz.
on top of that there were a LOT of missed meals, only getting my injections to maintain my test, and dropping the GH entirely because my hands were swelling too large for my ring to fit.

on top of that, with all the hustle and bustle i was averaging 20-25k steps a day with a very high activity level.

So no training, basically just trt, dropping GH entirely, and missing probably 30-40% of meals i am down to 246, flat as a pancake.

We are back to training this afternoon, back to the regular injection troutine, and back to the full meal plan today, and GH going back in after the wedding.

Being off routine has been a struggle as im very much someone who thrives on a structured routine and im very eager to return to some semblance of normality
Check in update:

Ive made it into training maybe twice the last 2.5-3 weeks as things with the house were finalized and moving and all that jazz.
on top of that there were a LOT of missed meals, only getting my injections to maintain my test, and dropping the GH entirely because my hands were swelling too large for my ring to fit.

on top of that, with all the hustle and bustle i was averaging 20-25k steps a day with a very high activity level.

So no training, basically just trt, dropping GH entirely, and missing probably 30-40% of meals i am down to 246, flat as a pancake.

We are back to training this afternoon, back to the regular injection troutine, and back to the full meal plan today, and GH going back in after the wedding.

Being off routine has been a struggle as im very much someone who thrives on a structured routine and im very eager to return to some semblance of normality
i missed how much gh your running at peak performance,how many ius, and are you splitting the doses tia
Also a big CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding, the key to a good marriage is easy " compromise", but seriously good luck @BigTomJ
i missed how much gh your running at peak performance,how many ius, and are you splitting the doses tia
Also a big CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding, the key to a good marriage is easy " compromise", but seriously good luck @BigTomJ
I was running 6iu per day
3iu am/pm

Thank you for the well wishes
what brand hgh are you using if i may ask?
I try to avoid mentioning whatever brands I currently use so that it isn't misconstrued as my approval or vouching of a particular source.

there's just no good that comes from it, I look like a shill and the membership either sees it as shilling, or worse takes it as validation for a source, which is only as good as their last batch, where they may take my choices of sources at face value and forgo their own research into a particular source.

I firmly believe that it is critically important that individuals do their own research into the sources they plan on using rather than taking recommendations from alleged well known members. That keeps everyone honest and nothing can be misconstrued as paid advertisement, sponsorship, or recommendations.

Thank you for understanding.
We are back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Weddings done, house is done, relaxation is done.
Last week was treated as a submax effort week to ease back into training (whenever I detrain for an extended period, my first session back usually beats me up badly with doms)

This week we are back slaving away full speed.

Off-season cycle is done last Monday, current protocol currently is just:
50mg test a week
2000iu HCG EOD
75iu hmg EOD
50mg clomid ED

Goal over this cruise period is to clean out a little bit, lose a bit of BF, and try to maintain tissue, with the top priority being getting my wife pregnant and starting out family.

This week's training posts to follow
Evening workout ️
Monday, Sep 23, 2024 at 5:52pm

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 15
Set 2: 215 lbs x 12
Set 3: 215 lbs x 9
Set 4: 210 lbs x 9

Hip Adduction (Machine)
Set 1: 185 lbs x 12
Set 2: 185 lbs x 10

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 20
Set 2: 210 lbs x 15
Set 3: 210 lbs x 15
Set 4: 230 lbs x 10

Single Leg Press (Machine)
Set 1: 225 lbs x 12
Set 2: 225 lbs x 10
Set 3: 225 lbs x 9

Evening workout ️
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024 at 6:11pm

Cable Pullover
Set 1: 87.5 lbs x 12
Set 2: 87.5 lbs x 12
Set 3: 87.5 lbs x 9

Single Arm Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 70 lbs x 6
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10
Set 3: 50 lbs x 9

Seal Row
Set 1: 45 lbs x 10
Set 2: 135 lbs x 5
Set 3: 225 lbs x 9
Set 4: 225 lbs x 7

Plate Loaded Isolateral Row
Set 1: 225 lbs x 12
Set 2: 225 lbs x 10

Iso-Lateral High Row (Machine)
Set 1: 135 lbs x 12
Set 2: 135 lbs x 9

Single Arm Triceps Pushdown (Cable)
Set 1: 40 lbs x 15
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15

Preacher Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 25 lbs x 12
Set 2: 25 lbs x 10

Evening workout ️
Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 at 5:48pm

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 70 lbs x 20
Set 2: 190 lbs x 12
Set 3: 190 lbs x 9
Set 4: 140 lbs x 15
Set 5: 140 lbs x 9

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 210 lbs x 7
Set 2: 190 lbs x 10

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 20
Set 2: 230 lbs x 12
Set 3: 230 lbs x 12
Set 4: 230 lbs x 12
Set 5: 230 lbs x 12
Set 6: 230 lbs x 12

Pendulum Squat (Machine)
Set 1: 0 lbs x 10
Set 2: 135 lbs x 8
Set 3: 225 lbs x 5
Set 4: 315 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 5: 315 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe

We are back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Weddings done, house is done, relaxation is done.
Last week was treated as a submax effort week to ease back into training (whenever I detrain for an extended period, my first session back usually beats me up badly with doms)

This week we are back slaving away full speed.

Off-season cycle is done last Monday, current protocol currently is just:
50mg test a week
2000iu HCG EOD
75iu hmg EOD
50mg clomid ED

Goal over this cruise period is to clean out a little bit, lose a bit of BF, and try to maintain tissue, with the top priority being getting my wife pregnant and starting out family.

This week's training posts to follow
good luck starting a family big t ,