BigTomJ's Training and Everything Log

If your are

If you an easing your way back in to train, I assume you dropped weight as well as volume or u were able to keep up strength and dropped volume or frequency ?
i was only easing in last week. as for how, it depends on the movement and how im feeling, there isnt really a calculated methodical approach to it.

Some movements maybe i cut the weight down 10-20% from the previous.
Some movements maybe i keep the weights and do 2 sets vs 3
some movements i dont ease into at all.

I approach re-training intuitively and just listen to what my body is telling me while the rust is still getting shaken off.
When my body weight goes down or training turns to shit my strength drops I know some can maintain it.
My strength doesnt really fluctuate much with my weigh or with cycles, my top sets all look pretty similar bulk/cut/blast/cruise but my work capacity and recoverability changes a ton.

I have 2 friends also trying to have a kid. I have watched some videos on pregnancy protocols for no reason because I’m done in that department my nuts can get chopped at this point for all
I care.

It’s probably gana be hit or miss or some guys, my dad blasted test and decca for years and has 7 kids, and I have an another friend that had 2 kids on cycle. I noticed most have girls. I seen Boston Loyd’s protocol I think he had his kid on trt dose test.
me and my wife have been enjoying our private time with no contraceptive methods whatsoever (not even pulling out or tracking days) for 2 years at this point, with me being on at least true trt that entire time.

So its safe to say im not one of the lucky ones that can manage to get pregnant on gear.

we are gonna give it 2 months, and if there still nothing then the dosages go up and the test comes out entirely. everything else bodybuilding related takes a back seat until that deed is done
i was only easing in last week. as for how, it depends on the movement and how im feeling, there isnt really a calculated methodical approach to it.

Some movements maybe i cut the weight down 10-20% from the previous.
Some movements maybe i keep the weights and do 2 sets vs 3
some movements i dont ease into at all.

I approach re-training intuitively and just listen to what my body is telling me while the rust is still getting shaken off.

My strength doesnt really fluctuate much with my weigh or with cycles, my top sets all look pretty similar bulk/cut/blast/cruise but my work capacity and recoverability changes a ton.

me and my wife have been enjoying our private time with no contraceptive methods whatsoever (not even pulling out or tracking days) for 2 years at this point, with me being on at least true trt that entire time.

So its safe to say im not one of the lucky ones that can manage to get pregnant on gear.

we are gonna give it 2 months, and if there still nothing then the dosages go up and the test comes out entirely. everything else bodybuilding related takes a back seat until that deed is done
What will you like your tt to be after everything clears outta your system?
What will you like your tt to be after everything clears outta your system?
i actually dont care what my total test is.
125-200mg keeps me in the 700-1100 range where i feel the best, but the purpose of this health period is not to pct and reestablish natural endogenous production.
The purpose of this period is strictly for fertility, so idc if my total is 50 or 5000, as long as my balls are working and making healthy swimmers its alright for me
So its safe to say im not one of the lucky ones that can manage to get pregnant on gear.

I thought the same thing lol

If she’s not already have your wife start tracking her ovulation and temp. That’ll help a lot if you’re reduced on swimmers and it’ll be fun