Bodybuilding on a Budget

I think you can use it in baking. Over in the new members section there's a cute new girl that bakes all the time. Just saying...
Thought about mixing it super thick and using it instead of a protein shake but I think the fat content will be too high :(
A few tricks:

Make sure you take in your fiber.
Make your food look good, seriously. Our brains are wired to make our mouths salivate and increase hunger when food looks tasty.
Cut your food into little pieces, and eat quickly.
Sauces help a TON. '
If you have to, chew chew chew and swallow with a beverage.
Replace the meals where you HAVE to with shakes, if you really need to.
Take digestive enzymes, they help me.
Drink over 1 gallon of water day.

Last, but not least, focus! Keep that goal in mind! Watch motivational shit on youtube while you eat! I did that for the longest time. You know how many fucking times I watched Evan Centopani or John Meadows shit while I was eating in the morning? Daily, for about a year. I couldn't eat to save my fucking life in the morning, so I inspired myself by those who I looked up to.

"I watched Evan Centopani or John Meadows shit while I was eating in the morning"

Now doesn't that wet the appetite... [emoji23]
Man, does your friend know how cheap he can by a chunk of pot roast or something from the grocery store? Or cheap steaks, chicken is cheap. Red meat has a lot of creatine too. Add a bunch of brown rice, eggs, milk. God the shit you need is cheap! Slice the meat up add onions, spices whatever, get a bag of potatoes fuckin just eat all that shit.
Brown rice bro not white. Brown rice has all 9 essential amino acids in plentiful ammount and is right next to the white at the store.

Even better, brown minute rice. Cooks in 7 minutes in the microwave as opposed to waiting 45 minutes to make regulsr brown rice haha
Bodybuilding on a budget is really hard. So congrats to everyone who can succeed at it. I'm not one of them, i've never been good at budgeting though :)