Brewing Component TH

Ya I was trying to make it 75mg to a ml and this is what I got back my .22 filters were getting clogged in the end so some was left in filters . Nectar was a little dirty after I squeezed out filter.
went through 3 filters. Filtered twice .45 then .22
Ya I was trying to make it 75mg to a ml and this is what I got back my .22 filters were getting clogged in the end so some was left in filters . Nectar was a little dirty after I squeezed out filter.

That's what I figured. Why you would do that I have no earthly idea.

That's why I use a small bottle top filter. Fuck trying to push through a clogged whatman and having to use a couple of them to get the job done.
Don't know why I won't be doing that shit again. Lesson learned
That's what I figured. Why you would do that I have no earthly idea.

That's why I use a small bottle top filter. Fuck trying to push through a clogged whatman and having to use a couple of them to get the job done.
Ya I was trying to make it 75mg to a ml and this is what I got back my .22 filters were getting clogged in the end so some was left in filters . Nectar was a little dirty after I squeezed out filter.

If I make it , Im going for 50mg/ml for e/d use . Thats 350ml/wk . Plus my 150mg/wk TRT dose that should make for a easy first tren cycle .
My first tren . So on AI"s , should I just get Adex , Nolva and some Prami/Cab ?? All I have ever used was Adex for an AI, on test and EQ/Deca cycles .
You should just make it 100mg/ml. Then you don't have to pin but .5 instead of a ml ED. Just my opinion.
And it's a good opinion that's what I'm going to do next time...right now I'm on 30mg dbol 750mg test e making some good gains. Do you think I can add tren the last 4,5 weeks 50mg eod and cut down test. Or should I just do my cycle,pct and save it for next time. I have test e from MD and I think it is under dosed.
And it's a good opinion that's what I'm going to do next time...right now I'm on 30mg dbol 750mg test e making some good gains. Do you think I can add tren the last 4,5 weeks 50mg eod and cut down test. Or should I just do my cycle,pct and save it for next time. I have test e from MD and I think it is under dosed.

I would save it bud. You would see some results and be more vascular for sure but you need to run it a bit longer then 4-5 weeks IMO. Around week 7 is when the tren looks the best on me. Around week 8 is when my body starts feeling toxic though. Some come off the tren when they feel toxic. I donate blood and ride it out for a few more weeks after the toxic feeling.
I would save it bud. You would see some results and be more vascular for sure but you need to run it a bit longer then 4-5 weeks IMO. Around week 7 is when the tren looks the best on me. Around week 8 is when my body starts feeling toxic though. Some come off the tren when they feel toxic. I donate blood and ride it out for a few more weeks after the toxic feeling.
Ok will do
My first tren . So on AI"s , should I just get Adex , Nolva and some Prami/Cab ?? All I have ever used was Adex for an AI, on test and EQ/Deca cycles .
Aro, and nolva have done just fine for me. I have pharma cabaser on hand but have never felt a need to use it. I start my brew tomorrow night. I'm doing 80mls but will run a 40ml batch first to see how it turns out.
Aro, and nolva have done just fine for me. I have pharma cabaser on hand but have never felt a need to use it. I start my brew tomorrow night. I'm doing 80mls but will run a 40ml batch first to see how it turns out.

Im on TRT so theres NO Pct . Run the Aro and Nolva together everyday or do you do a "watch see" . I never had problems w/ Deca , another nor-19 ....
Aro, cause I use a bit more test than trt. And nolva in case you get the itchy nips. Happens every time I run tren.
That and what else ?
Never done aromasin and Adex has always kept my E-2 down ...
Good nolva and aromasin and you will be straight in my opinion. I know your a BP checker type of guy like me (*fist bump*), keep an eye on it, didn't take long for mine to step up quick.
Damn! You went for the whole box!! I was just daydreaming about that not less than an hour ago. Are you going to brew all at once? If not, you might want to refrigerate the other carts.
Is it best to refrigerate this stuff?i have a couple packs of this stuff in my gun safe.