Shit no! I'm doing this for uncut potency. I'm going the same route you are, just ba and whatman filter. I will Give my glassware an isopropyl bath and bake them before use though. I did the math and figured with top notch materials (for kitchen brew) and cost of product, it will cost $40-50 per 10ml vial. That is low even for many ugls, and it will be garunteed fire. @OdieM you are a bad ass!
Yeah you thank me now but I promise you'll cuss me later. Don't underestimate the FINA bro. I ran it like I've ran UGLs Trens and it's not even in the same category. I'm
Crying like a little bitch in my log now. Lol
Wrong place for an intro.What would you like to know I'm an open book