buying steroids in Istanbul July 2022 my experience


it was very easy to find growth hormone and testosterone and ancillaries but rimobolan was hard to find. i figured that to find rimobolan i had to go as far away from the tourist spots as possible. so i went to Istanbul mall deep in the European side of Istanbul and emptied all the pharmacies in 1km radius of their rimobolan. 1 amp of rimobolan cost 55 Turkish lira (3 usd). and a pen of genotropin 36 IU cost 1000 turkish lira (57 usd). aspen sustanon 1 amp cost 35 Turkish lira (2 dollars). anapolon was impossible to find. the pharmacists told me that the last time they had anapolon in stock was 2 years ago.
to get modafinil i had to get a prescription so i went to a little hospital and told the doctor that i forgot my modafinil at my home country so i need a prescription for modafinil. he gave me the prescription easily without asking any questions. but the hospital charged me 700 lira for the visit and the modafinil only cost 160 lira so because of the baksheesh the single most expensive medicine i bought in turkey was modafinil. btw modafinil is good but Adderall is way better
i asked pharmacies if they were selling anavar and other steroids from iran but non of them had it. i talked to guys at the gym about buying gear from iran but they only had UGL gear. i went to cevahir mall gym a single entry is 200 lira and that is expensive. but inside you can buy chicken and rice meal for 35 lira (2usd)
the gym was small and lacked some machines that i like.
this is my blood work, the first one is 5 days after injecting myself with 75mg of bayer testoviron and 2IU of genotropin a night before and 2 tabs of tiromel. and second one is after injecting myself with 75MG of turkish sustanon and 4 IU of genotropin and 1 tab of tiromel.
in conclusion i really really love turkey the food is amazing the prices are very cheap and the hamam was great and Turkish pharmacies are way way better than pharmacies in Thailand both in terms of item variety and prices. pharmacists told me that soon the prices of medicine in turkey will get a sharp increase to catch up with inflation. so rimobolan will be more available soon. i came just in time to buy medicine at extra great prices. I will definitely visit turkey again
So are there alot of jacked people walking around or are they all a bunch of dyels?
this was one of the things that surprised me. walking around Thailand you can see a lot of jacked white dudes on gear. so i figured that since steroids are so easily available in turkey i will see a lot of jacked dudes in turkey but i only saw 1 jacked dude in the gym and like 2 jacked dudes on the streets. talking to guys at the gym many of them told me that they used steroids in the past but they got tired of the hassle of running gear year round so they stopped.
this was one of the things that surprised me. walking around Thailand you can see a lot of jacked white dudes on gear. so i figured that since steroids are so easily available in turkey i will see a lot of jacked dudes in turkey but i only saw 1 jacked dude in the gym and like 2 jacked dudes on the streets. talking to guys at the gym many of them told me that they used steroids in the past but they got tired of the hassle of running gear year round so they stopped.
How long are you there for? Seems like a lot to use while there.
:oops: Is there a limit how many you can buy and are the prices the same in every pharmacy?
no limit. you can buy as much as they have in stock. If you want a more rare type of GH like saizen you can ask one of the bigger pharmacies to order it for you and they will have it ready by the next day. also when you buy GH they will give you a freeze pack. so you can walk around and the GH will not spoil. the prices are exactly the same in every pharmacy. they have to by law.
here is the official website that lists all the current prices of medicines in turkey you can just type the medicine in the search bar and see the price of each medicine. GENOTROPIN 36 IU (12 MG) GOQUICK enjeksiyonluk solüsyon için toz ve çözücü içeren kullanıma hazır kalem ilaç prospektüsü
Not to mention that they do some great hair transplants in Turkey at a reasonable cost, for those of us who are losing their hair and can't stand to be bald.
Chris and Ian are actually going to get there's some there, I know Greg or someone did a video on it bashing turkey cause I guess they have a tech and not a legit doctor doing it and instead of taking a small spot they do it all in one day or something like that it was awhile ago I watched this, but from what I've heard it's the place to go for a hair transplant alot of the tech are very good and usually the outcome is pretty spot on... I know a clinic had reached out to both Ian and Chris and I know at some point there gunna fly out and get it done, believe it was after the Mr.O and there gunna document it all. I believe it's basically them promoting the place and also getting a few transplant.....

Either way turkey seems like the place to go and love man or atleast vist for a few months at a time.... I think people go to Thai cause of the females and I guess if ur into that ladyboy shit.... But I think I would rather go to turkey honestly..

Clearly from the blood work everything seems to be working as it should. I'm curious the Bayer testovirion did u get those in turkey or somewhere else only reason I ask I don't see any Turkish srcs offering them?
@Zirpon where are you travelling back to? I am going back to the UK Sunday. Will carry my bits in my suitcase as I’ve always done. I know it’s legal to possess in turkey and travel with for personal use. Just noticed you got to put your bags through X-ray machines at the entrance to the airport in turkey - obviously the gear will show up but I assume they will just ignore it? Only got 7ml sustanon, 3 boxes t3, box of Adex and tamoxifen. Kept the receipt from the pharmacy just in case

On the subject of hair transplants, I’m back to turkey in September (Istanbul) for mine. Using hair of Istanbul if anyone looking for recommendations. Few people I know have used them and got great results.
Chris and Ian are actually going to get there's some there, I know Greg or someone did a video on it bashing turkey cause I guess they have a tech and not a legit doctor doing it and instead of taking a small spot they do it all in one day or something like that it was awhile ago I watched this, but from what I've heard it's the place to go for a hair transplant alot of the tech are very good and usually the outcome is pretty spot on... I know a clinic had reached out to both Ian and Chris and I know at some point there gunna fly out and get it done, believe it was after the Mr.O and there gunna document it all. I believe it's basically them promoting the place and also getting a few transplant.....

Either way turkey seems like the place to go and love man or atleast vist for a few months at a time.... I think people go to Thai cause of the females and I guess if ur into that ladyboy shit.... But I think I would rather go to turkey honestly..

Clearly from the blood work everything seems to be working as it should. I'm curious the Bayer testovirion did u get those in turkey or somewhere else only reason I ask I don't see any Turkish srcs offering them?
i got the bayer testoviron in thailand. turkey doesn't have bayer testoviron. they only have aspen sustanon
@Zirpon where are you travelling back to? I am going back to the UK Sunday. Will carry my bits in my suitcase as I’ve always done. I know it’s legal to possess in turkey and travel with for personal use. Just noticed you got to put your bags through X-ray machines at the entrance to the airport in turkey - obviously the gear will show up but I assume they will just ignore it? Only got 7ml sustanon, 3 boxes t3, box of Adex and tamoxifen. Kept the receipt from the pharmacy just in case

On the subject of hair transplants, I’m back to turkey in September (Istanbul) for mine. Using hair of Istanbul if anyone looking for recommendations. Few people I know have used them and got great results.
it will be okay i went with 20ML of rimobolan and 20ML of sandostatin plus a pen of genotropin plus many many more as pictured above and no one cared.1657885963891.png
my only regret is that i didn't buy more stuff. in fact i noticed that all of the tourist hot spot offer prescription medicine OTC like greece turkey dubai and thailand. it is a feature not a bug. they do this on purpose to attract tourist. i talked with a pharmacist in dubai and she told me that Britons really like to buy diclofenac in dubai because in the UK you need a prescription. also looking at thyroid uk facebook group they say that they go every year to greece to stock up on T3 because it is so expensive in the UK. i went in and out of many countries (bahrain singapore etc ) with a fuck ton of prescription medicine and no one cared.
this is the amount of medicines that the average American takes. and they travel all around the world. so no one in any airport cares about medicine.
pro tip go to an ice cream shop and just buy the ice cream container when you go back to the uk put the freeze pack they gave you with the GH pen inside he ice cream container. and wrap it in a lot of plastic bags. it will survive the 4 hour trip to the uk and it will come out the other side cold.
it will be okay i went with 20ML of rimobolan and 20ML of sandostatin plus a pen of genotropin plus many many more as pictured above and no one cared.View attachment 169251
my only regret is that i didn't buy more stuff. in fact i noticed that all of the tourist hot spot offer prescription medicine OTC like greece turkey dubai and thailand. it is a feature not a bug. they do this on purpose to attract tourist. i talked with a pharmacist in dubai and she told me that Britons really like to buy diclofenac in dubai because in the UK you need a prescription. also looking at thyroid uk facebook group they say that they go every year to greece to stock up on T3 because it is so expensive in the UK. i went in and out of many countries (bahrain singapore etc ) with a fuck ton of prescription medicine and no one cared.
View attachment 169252
this is the amount of medicines that the average American takes. and they travel all around the world. so no one in any airport cares about medicine.
pro tip go to an ice cream shop and just buy the ice cream container when you go back to the uk put the freeze pack they gave you with the GH pen inside he ice cream container. and wrap it in a lot of plastic bags. it will survive the 4 hour trip to the uk and it will come out the other side cold.
Thanks mate appreciated. Think one last trip to the pharmacy is on the cards to pick up some pens and maybe some slin :) will chuck Some in the mrs luggage if needs be lol. Was after metformin but they only had the extended release tabs.
i got the bayer testoviron in thailand. turkey doesn't have bayer testoviron. they only have aspen sustanon
Yeah that's what I thought, I'm surprised u don't really see any this srcs trying to open up.... Which ones do they carry now is it the Bayer paki testovirions or the Bayer amp that comes in an a clear amp somewhat like the 20 pack testovirions use to..... Wish I liked sust I seem to break out from it even if I pin eod.... And the aspens are good but I think if I was to give them a go again I would try the omadrens BG has them for a really good price..... If I hit the lotto I would probably bounce back and fourth between turkey and Thailand....