buying steroids in Istanbul July 2022 my experience

60 dollar a pen is amazing my turkey plug is killing me lol! Send me 1k geno and 1k nords haha! I meed to get to turkey asap!No anapoloans at all anywhere? i know iran adrol was gone a few yrs ago but my turkey plug had anapoloans still
i looked every where they don't have anapolans
I have flights booked for 10 Jan to Istanbul for gyno surgery.
I am glad I saw this thread, will be hunting for GH and primo whilst out there.

Does anyone know if you can call a Turkish pharmacy prior to travel to pre-order to ensure they are in stock.
Damn I know last time he told me the iran adrol was not in stock anymore but had something to do with iran policys. Im hit my guy up and ask if he has it in stock cause I got 2 boxes left!
Im in Turkey and they didn’t have any rimobolan and no proviron. They even called the depot(warehouse) and they also said they didn’t have any. Something to do with the supplier from Italy? Kinda bummed out but I was able to get Aspen sustanon , genotropin , t3 , and an ai. How many ampules you think is considered a 3month supply? I really wanted to stack my test with other compounds but I’m happy with what I got.
Im in Turkey and they didn’t have any rimobolan and no proviron. They even called the depot(warehouse) and they also said they didn’t have any. Something to do with the supplier from Italy? Kinda bummed out but I was able to get Aspen sustanon , genotropin , t3 , and an ai. How many ampules you think is considered a 3month supply? I really wanted to stack my test with other compounds but I’m happy with what I got.
this hospital in mexico will give you 720 iu of GH and they call it a 3 month supply. they also will give you 50 amps of test and they call it 3 months supply and it is totally legal. so i would say 50 amps of primo.
this hospital in mexico will give you 720 iu of GH and they call it a 3 month supply. they also will give you 50 amps of test and they call it 3 months supply and it is totally legal. so i would say 50 amps of primo.
Awesome thanks for that!! Also some good news, I went around some more pharmacies yesterday and ended up finding some rimobolan. Gonna go search for some more today. Hope to find proviron too. Hype!!
Another little update for anyone who’s following this thread. Was able to get my hands on 10+ more rimobolan ampoules. He actually didn’t have any in stock but sold me some he stocked up on for himself from the back. He looked like he lifted weights. I was super happy. Only thing missing is proviron and I’ll be set. Happy days.
Another little update for anyone who’s following this thread. Was able to get my hands on 10+ more rimobolan ampoules. He actually didn’t have any in stock but sold me some he stocked up on for himself from the back. He looked like he lifted weights. I was super happy. Only thing missing is proviron and I’ll be set. Happy days.
From another thread:
Turkish Pharmacy said:
Actually there is no problem on our side or producers. Rimobolan, Proviron, Anapolon, Sustanon are all available in pharmacy system(unavailable on market) which means none is taken off the market. For example Evista has been taken of the system dont know why. But all others we sell are waiting for correct price to start to distribute. Pharmaceutical companies are companies and they want to profit. If they cant, they simply dont distribute.

Most pharmacy grade products are (%80 or more) paid by goverment to pharmacies through prescriptions. Rest is "otc" which you pay and get the medicine like in a supermarket. (Mostly, if a medicine doesnt get you high, you can buy them otc in Turkey. ) Prices are determined by ministry of health, as soon as they make correct and enought price update in Turkish Lira. To keep their budget lower(to limit prescription payments), they keep medicine prices low which causes this unavailability. They say there is a price update on February hopefully it will be enough to bring back all, Rimobolan, Proviron, Anapolon, Sustanon etc...
Awesome stuff! Thank you for this! I will be visiting again in February. Hope so cause I would love to stock up for personal use.
Do you know if it is possible to get Cinnatropin from pharmacies in Turkey? Or do you know if you can get a pen with less IUs of GH than 36 ius? I see the source for Cinnatropin on this forum has that but it seems like it was from Iran.
it was very easy to find growth hormone and testosterone and ancillaries but rimobolan was hard to find. i figured that to find rimobolan i had to go as far away from the tourist spots as possible. so i went to Istanbul mall deep in the European side of Istanbul and emptied all the pharmacies in 1km radius of their rimobolan. 1 amp of rimobolan cost 55 Turkish lira (3 usd). and a pen of genotropin 36 IU cost 1000 turkish lira (57 usd). aspen sustanon 1 amp cost 35 Turkish lira (2 dollars). anapolon was impossible to find. the pharmacists told me that the last time they had anapolon in stock was 2 years ago.
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to get modafinil i had to get a prescription so i went to a little hospital and told the doctor that i forgot my modafinil at my home country so i need a prescription for modafinil. he gave me the prescription easily without asking any questions. but the hospital charged me 700 lira for the visit and the modafinil only cost 160 lira so because of the baksheesh the single most expensive medicine i bought in turkey was modafinil. btw modafinil is good but Adderall is way better
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i asked pharmacies if they were selling anavar and other steroids from iran but non of them had it. i talked to guys at the gym about buying gear from iran but they only had UGL gear. i went to cevahir mall gym a single entry is 200 lira and that is expensive. but inside you can buy chicken and rice meal for 35 lira (2usd)
the gym was small and lacked some machines that i like.
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this is my blood work, the first one is 5 days after injecting myself with 75mg of bayer testoviron and 2IU of genotropin a night before and 2 tabs of tiromel. and second one is after injecting myself with 75MG of turkish sustanon and 4 IU of genotropin and 1 tab of tiromel.
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in conclusion i really really love turkey the food is amazing the prices are very cheap and the hamam was great and Turkish pharmacies are way way better than pharmacies in Thailand both in terms of item variety and prices. pharmacists told me that soon the prices of medicine in turkey will get a sharp increase to catch up with inflation. so rimobolan will be more available soon. i came just in time to buy medicine at extra great prices. I will definitely visit turkey again
Definitely a business opportunity. Remember midnight express.
I was there a few months ago. Lots of Geno pens, Anapolon, Sustanon. Barely any Rimobolan. Not sure why you guys are having a hard time finding Anapolon unless they were offering fakes.
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Do you know if it is possible to get Cinnatropin from pharmacies in Turkey? Or do you know if you can get a pen with less IUs of GH than 36 ius? I see the source for Cinnatropin on this forum has that but it seems like it was from Iran.
you can't find cinnatropin in pharmacies in turkey because it is an iranian medicine. they have 16iu genotropin pens in turkish pharmacies