Can I run hCG with TRT to get Pregnant?


New Member
Wife wants another child and I am ambivilent. Been on TRT for two years straight and I do not want to come off. I was wondering if I could just add hCG in on top of TRT and boost fertility that way. I'm on 200mgs/week.

We have been trying only for two months and obviously no go thus far. However, both of us are in our late 30's and don't want to wait too long as the probability of birth defects/special needs baby rises exponentially and we already have one special needs child. I have not had a semen analysis done since I have started TRT but back eight years ago I did and the count was low-normal with a higher than normal percentage with morphology issues.

I have a bunch of hCG my doctor has given me so I wouldn't need to go back and see him to get it.
No guarantees ......Chances are increased, but to many variables are at play. Remember it takes 2 to tango so it may not be you, but her...

Check the swimmers, see whats happening on your end then go from there.
We have two children already who were conceived naturally with no problem. My thought process is that TRT undoubtedly reduced spermatogenesis hence hCG may improve spermatogenesis thus negating the need to come off.

Anyone know of any studies showing the level of increase in sperm levels after adding in hCG to men on TRT? I can't find any.

I'm going to get a semen analysis performed while on TRT to see what I am working with, but I am curious if I should try hCG on TRT or if it is a waste and possibly detrimental due to leydig cell desensitization.
HMG dosages are being used 75 ius -225 ius 2-3 times weekly to help increase chances since it is more responsible for FSH function not so much LH
I was low-normal sperm count when i began TRT, ran hCG the entire time (1.5 years) and am now fighting to come back from being completely sterile.
Bouloux P-MG, Nieschlag E, Burger HG, et al. Induction of Spermatogenesis by Recombinant Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (Puregon) in Hypogonadotropic Azoospermic Men Who Failed to Respond to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Alone. J Androl 2003;24(4):604-11. Induction of Spermatogenesis by Recombinant Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (Puregon) in Hypogonadotropic Azoospermic Men Who Failed to Respond to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Alone -- Bouloux et al. 24 (4): 604 -- Journal of Andrology

A multicenter, open-label, randomized efficacy and safety study was performed with combined human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (recFSH) (Puregon(R)) treatment to induce spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadal male patients.

Patients were pretreated for 16 weeks with hCG to normalize testosterone levels. A total of 30 of 49 (61%) subjects had normalized testosterone levels but were still azoospermic after the hCG-alone phase. These patients were randomized into 2 treatment schemes with recFSH (2 x 225 IU recFSH per week [group A] or 3 x 150 IU recFSH per week [group B]), in combination with hCG for a period of 48 weeks.

Total testosterone increased during the hCG-alone period from 1.08 and 1.22 ng/mL to 6.26 and 4.52 ng/mL for groups A and B, respectively. Combined gonadotropin treatment was effective in inducing spermatogenesis (sperm count >=1 x 106/mL) in 14 of 30 subjects (47%) and this was achieved after a median duration of treatment of approximately 5.5 months.

Treatment time necessary for first sperm cells to appear in the ejaculate was related to the initial testicular volume. Subjects with a history of maldescended testes (11 of 30 subjects, 37%) showed a lower mean response to treatment as indicated by the relatively lower number of subjects reaching levels of at least 1 x 106 sperm cells per milliliter. Combined testicular volume increased during combined gonadotropin treatment from 11.4 to 24.0 mL. Although subjects with a history of maldescended testes had a lower starting testicular volume, subjects with and without a history of maldescended testes showed approximately the same relative increase in testicular volume. Total testosterone levels showed only a minor further increase during the combined gonadotropin treatment period.

In conclusion, a weekly dose of 450 IU (3 x 150 IU or 2 x 225 IU) recFSH, in addition to hCG, was able to induce spermatogenesis in many hypogonadotropic azoospermic men who failed to respond to treatment with hCG alone.

Also, see:
Stimulation of spermatogenesis with recombinan... [Fertil Steril. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI
A combined analysis of data to identify predic... [Fertil Steril. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI
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The real problem with fsh is it is cost prohibitive for many, believe my previous RE said somewhere in the neighbourhood of 3,000 per month.
Are you the same posted who publish sperm count of 10mil in another thread? If so thats nothing better than low as hell. Either way, consider it only takes one.

You will not find many that can succesfully have children on 200mgs per week. Bill Roberts once connotated the degree of shutdown is relative to use/dosage applied. The context was testosterone production. But the crossover relation clearly applies - whether or not it corrolates linearly and at which point on the curve is another question. I think he inferred that a 200mgs does of SynT would effectivel reduce natty TT production by about 75%. In my experience I agree. This does not speak directly about sperm production.

The bottom line is that if you want to stand a chance of having children you should cease all SynT ASAP. And then you have a year to you own Normalcy to be sure. Further, unless you want to be divorced prior to enduring all the torture that marriage can bring, you better get crackin _ OR YOU WILL find out the importance of this to her.

NOW with that said. HAS SHE BEEN CONSIDERED AND EVALUATED. If you have good BC/BS and she has a good OB, then that OB is the ticket to getting you reproductive therapy with a qualified specialist. And via her miscarriages(counted as at ANY TIME with ANY ONE - cumulative). So if she has withheld that information now is the time... Make NO QUARMS about the difficulty of having a child - and how long it could take. No imagine a few miscarriages after months of trying and months of pregnancy, and you now find yourself 2 YEARS DOWN THE ROAD and still no kids. Along with the fact the the miscarriage is the biggest shame and best kept secret in society ALWAYS, THE REAL TRUTH is that the miracle is not getting pregnant - BUT HAVING A HEALTHY CHILD. 1 in 125 children is born with a heart defect. This is a start for you future anxiety the will be unparalleled and only superceded by her INSANITY that is inherent to WOMAN...

So dont hesitate to take advantage if you have the LUXURY of this type doc. To easy you mind about the process. First you CAN spank the monkey at home and bring his tears in with you. but you already know this to that line is for others. Phase one is analysis - AND OF YOU BOTH. I seem to recall the doc telling her something about her FSH levels at a certain period within the cycle to which he was indicative the problem was more likely on her end. So this led to the lightest phase of FERTILITY TREATMENT which was to give her a med to prevent ovulation and then apply one further med to make the egg drop ON A DIME. At that time I had the option of puttin the mojo in there myself, or he could have done it by taking some batches and spinnin out the sperm then squirting them up in there with a device. I chose the fun route. But keep in mind I had limited chances in her mind. It should also be noted that my sperm count wet from 60mil to a mutated an perverted 20 or 30 mil and measured only 2 weeks prior to knocking her up on the first try. A concaminant uro made the diagnois and it never festered back at me from the repro docs office prior to the PROCEEDURE. They then have speculative methods these days of making the baby stay. So if she has any history of miscarriage, you should know.

DO NOT DISCOUNT HER PART AND BLAME IT ON YOU TILL ALL IS WEIGHTED. If she is not logging her temps daily, making sure to orgasm like a race horse when you cum in her, continuing to lay on her back with feet up, and all post licken your asshole prior to sex to promote "happy sperm".. She has not even begun to try to do her part....!

To top all my hindrances off. She came to the hospital where I layed after my fourth mandible surgery because of all the events leading up to. FYI, NEVER sit in the open space in the Docket, and IF,,, there is a swinging door that does not lock retaining you and you unforunate cell mates - YOU CAN BE SURE YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE ON A STRETCHER... I learned that the hard way LOL... But the point is that I was whacked out on all the antibiotics, morphine, and hydrocodone one could wish for and only 20 hours out of a 4 hour surgery, She shows up announcing she just had the shot to drop the egg, and I STILL DELIVERED THE BOMB...! It only takes one... The best part is that the nurses were listening on the speaker and it was damn difficult to cum with all the pain meds.. LOL It would probably make a very dimented porn movie...[:eek:)] All confirmed by the jaw doc the next morning. My defence was in place...

there are further reproductive steps at the office of the specialist beyond this front line approach. Ranging from harvesting her eggs and your sperm and intoducing them in a petrie and then stickin em back in there. To foreight sperm and eggs. Whats the point. To prove to you just how sick in the head they are about having a child, she would be more than happy to have someone elses sperm AND EGGS implanted in her to make the deal happen. And she will leave you if you are not on board... PERIOD... Keek in mind she is also most likely a childish and selfish bastard like most women are. So do not discount the likelihood that if she is avoiding her part, she could even dump you based on just blaming it as your fault without ever getting invovled if you allow her to sit on the bench if she has so chosen...

I had NEVER touched a "Steroid" in my life at this juncture...

I was low-normal sperm count when i began TRT, ran hCG the entire time (1.5 years) and am now fighting to come back from being completely sterile.
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it happens all the time, my buddy just got his wife prego while on TRT using HCG, and he was shut- down for 5 years.

if that doesn't work just add HMG like Scally suggested.
Agreed. And what I was attempting to convey is the IMPORTANCE of achieve pregnancy and childbirth if the wife wants it to happen, and what the potential outcome of resulting failure COULD BE.

So pay attention to what newbie23 said, "It happens all the time". Now pay attention to what he also DID NOT SAY, which is that SOMETIMES IT DOES NOT HAPPEN...

Do you want to leave this to chance?!:)

it happens all the time, my buddy just got his wife prego while on TRT using HCG, and he was shut- down for 5 years.

if that doesn't work just add HMG like Scally suggested.