Can I run tren again after being hospitalized by it?


New Member
I ended up stopping tren last time with a 300mg run for like 15 days and bloodwork came back alt 2900 ast 900 bilirubin .9 ggt 33-35. Creatine kinase was like 500. I want to start running 70-100mgs a week again. How dumb would this be? Went to the hospital and the doctors never gave any ruling or whatever. Can I be alright if I just get bloodwork a week or so in?

Then the answer is a no, you cant run tren again.

Or, you could give us more information. Weight? Bodyfat? what else might have been stressing your system? Do you drink? Medications? Recreational drugs? Is your workout routine high volume/frequency?

Need more to go off here if you want any real input.
Then the answer is a no, you cant run tren again.

Or, you could give us more information. Weight? Bodyfat? what else might have been stressing your system? Do you drink? Medications? Recreational drugs? Is your workout routine high volume/frequency?

Need more to go off here if you want any real input.
Yes I take medications but I don’t think it’s that now. 5 10 205 16-17%bf. No drinking. High intensity workouts 5 days a week ppl split
Alt scores > 100 indicates a serious liver disease. You're saying your score was 29x this!? That's not the tren dude. You have some other serious variables at play. You went to the hospital and the doctors didn't give any ruling/advice/opinions/suggestions? They just sent you on your way when your on the verge of liver failure? W0t?

A 2 week run of 300mg of tren is definitely not going to do that
Alt scores > 100 indicates a serious liver disease. You're saying your score was 29x this!? That's not the tren dude. You have some other serious variables at play. You went to the hospital and the doctors didn't give any ruling/advice/opinions/suggestions? They just sent you on your way when your on the verge of liver failure? W0t?

A 2 week run of 300mg of tren is definitely not going to do that
They did an ultrasound that came back normal. They didn’t say to do anything really, just stop taking it.
They did an ultrasound that came back normal. They didn’t say to do anything really, just stop taking it.
Hope you get it sorted out mate. I think the AAS should be the last of your concerns right now. Get your health right first. Those liver values are scary high. I don't think I've ever seen anything remotely close to being that high
You can do anything you want to. You have to decide if the risk/reward ratio is acceptable for you. If you know this compound is toxic for you then my opinion is that you have to be an absolutely wreckless moron to choose to take it again. People make horrible decisions all the time. You can join that club. It's your body and you can ruin it if you'd like.
You can do anything you want to. You have to decide if the risk/reward ratio is acceptable for you. If you know this compound is toxic for you then my opinion is that you have to be an absolutely wreckless moron to choose to take it again. People make horrible decisions all the time. You can join that club. It's your body and you can ruin it if you'd like.
I just pinned 5mgs
Hope you get it sorted out mate. I think the AAS should be the last of your concerns right now. Get your health right first. Those liver values are scary high. I don't think I've ever seen anything remotely close to being that high
I did 7mgs rad140 for 3-4 weeks and was 1000. Felt symptoms though
Check out my other post if u wanna see it but I don’t feel like finding it again

This one? Your liver values look normal here

This one? Your liver values look normal here
Nah it’s the one with the tren or 3000 alt in the title. I pasted it maybe a page or two in

This one? You literally made the exact same thread months ago

I'm not clicking the sketchy link. If you want to post the picture, go ahead