Canadians talk domestic

Who do you like, based on the research you've done?
Yeah, Pareto dried up and so did Tiger or whatever the other one was about 7 years ago. Both had good stuff, Tiger or whatever it was had better pricing. I'm up shit creek apart from TRT from doctor. I used to use MesoRX waaaay back in 2000/2001 years, then once I moved to Canada. How does one aquire reliable list these days? Damn you Pareto!
I used to use Pareto, apparently they are MIA? Read a bunch of people suggesting Jet pharma, and read elsewhere they are MIA too now?

What's the most legit supplier we have in Canada/GTA now?
Same. Need new source. Don't know of Jet, but my back up to Pareto is MIA also.
On that news article some sheep literally were posting their gratitude for making the streets safe again. Another writing about publicizing their names in every corner and shaming them to no end. After I left a bunch of nasty comments I think they were removed and now the comment function is disabled.
Based on the age and charges, it looks like the younger asian chick was the one they got for the controlled buys that led them to the operation's management and owners.
They’re going to cross reference it with the thousands they have on database from the previous busted ugls.
Looking for big fish, re-sellers and the like. Patients and personal use seems like a waste of tax payers resources.
IP, Anabolic Army, British Dragon, and whatever remailers over the past time frame for me as well. Before TRT was possible and well understood.