also FACTS MATTER.. dont get your news from tik tok headlines man.. saw some protests outside MPs offices in strip malls? saw protests outside these are sometimes called "sit-ins" often to confuse people to think they are actually inside. love to see some pics or article if I am incorrect..
remember EMOTION triggers people into making leaps in logic as I think you have done here. re anti immigrant sentiment.
just here in hopes that folks need to open eyes a wee bit more don't be so easily fooled by politicians or rhetoric in editorialized news you read, (these new age news organization DO FAR more editorializing than even MSM but also have less oversite and you get In an echo chamber). I am scared for the amount of control PP is going to garner over canada, start private prisons like his idol harper wanted... fact is with freedom comes crimes, if you want 0 crime that means your in a dictatorship as they will continue to make more and more laws making more and more people criminals...
-education science etc are important force in freedom, learning how to think, how not to be easily fooled (as it appears you have been). new age conservative decrease science spending, want education prices to go up and have more stupid people who do manual labor to keep multinationals happy and are far easier to be manipulated. this goes for provinces aswell conservative gov typically have poorer education. they play on your feelings saying people are being indoctrinated, but I think if go to science dept in a uni you will see far more openminded approach to world view.
on topic of education and freedom and crimes. I have known plenty of guys who were drug addicts, some did some bad things, we came from a shithole and poor place. you know what turned there lives around? got educated, got a sick job making major dollars and cleaned up their act. They weren't bad people or evil, if they would of got locked up they never would of gotten what they have today, homes toys families. So seeing it first hand how many people actually can turn it around given the opportunity, vs if got locked up, had a kid and continued fucked up lifestyle as couldn't get ahead esp with having to pay for a kid. I am pretty sure would of not been great for the kid to live in that environment and would of probably came out even more fucked up than there dads.
So when you say suck the tit of gov, is single mothers using 10 dollar a day childcare sucking on the tit of welfare state? What makes Scandinavian countries so happy?(also actually much more free than even USA aswell) they have amazing amount of resources used for families, which in turn helps prevent crimes/mental health issues etc. Free healthcare aswell, which is SOO important, of course conservatives want it to fail, so do what they can to make that happen.. AS not only will it divide wealth further, put people in crazy debt if have heart attack or cancer or have a kid, but also opens up for BIG PHARMA to come in and run clinics and make MORE money off people. So if want BIG PHARMA to make MORE money off you support conservative anti healthcare. Of course more $$ involved more power they get, and less oversite.
anyway another rant.. lol sorry about that, know most people dont Bother reading these blocks of text.
but would still like to see actually someone dismantle what I said. hopefully makes people think, hmm, maybe even though 90% here disagree why cant they come up with any actual facts? why do those who disagree just say "your stupid", thats not how one wins an argument.
INTERESTING PP actually wants HIS buddies to run his CENTRAL DIGITAL CURRENCY... lol man you cant make this shit up! basically will be asking Canadians to directly invest in HIS/buddies money... talk about a crook.....
" "It can surveil what you're doing, what you're spending and potentially abuse your civil liberties," Poilievre said" SOOO we should ask a private company track us instead? just to sell the data? or of course legally obligated to hand over info to gov anyway for "tax" purposes... man how dumb does he think people are. poor PP, guess doesn't know canada has MUCH lower inflation compared to other g7 nations.. says audit the bank! lol but its already audited every year by 2 companies lol.. But dumb dumbs dont know that so just hear him say "ya audit them, ya inflation is cause printed money" both are simply not true. crazy a guy heavily invested in crypto now basically wants to start his own crypto and convince Canadians to buy into HIS COIN!!!! wonder how PP made his millions working in politics since he graduated... wonder if he got any favours, pretty tuff working full time AND making millions on the side without some help...think Nancy palowsi was bad....