Gross Debt isn't the metric you usually look at. Look at government debt vs % of GDP ratio.
-Is our national debt more or less than it was under conservatives?
-Are the majority of people better or worse off these days?
-Is our dollar de valued?
-Why did he sell off all Canadas gold? Gold has doubled in value since.
-Is there more or less censorship?
-Are there not constant liberal scandals?
- Why don't liberals answer questions
- Just look at the people running the country, I wouldn't let those stupid looking liberal tards run a garbage dump nevermind a country.
- Why do they refuse to use Canadian resources but buy Saudi oil?
- Are we not an embarrassment on the world stage
Oh sure a few fruit loops are happy because they can go in the wrong bathroom, and people are forced to comply with their imaginary gender. Real fucking success.
See this is the thing about Libtards...cherry pick some oddball metric and act like they are smart.I posted the graph... its facts will post again for u
also look up a graph for whatever your province your from. you will see liberals and even NDP pay off debt (Alberta is only exception) or at least dont increase it like "conservatives" in past 40 years... its important to know, our conservatives aren't fiscally conservative, which is the only conservative I can actually agree with.
dont be confused when they say "surplus" just means they aren't going into as much debt as they planned. building up a house of cards till interest rates get even higher and becomes impossible to keep up borrowing more money as will default as was the case with a couple provinces after long conservative rain in late 70s early 80s.
long and short of it the new "conservatives" of canada spend money to build up economy which is fine an all, but no plan to even pay back. the worst part is they make cuts to education science and healthcare all at the same time... so makes a guy wonder where is all this excess spending going? here it goes to friends of the party who get the contracts.
another over arching point is, look to the MOST conservative countries in the world.. do you want to live in those place? why are the most social / liberal countries the best and freest places to live in the world? why are those people time and time found to be the happiest AND healthiest? I mean majority of our country came from ultra conservative places to be FREE, while some values stayed from German Mennonites like no abortion and all kids are evil until baptized, they escaped a conservative country.. and no communist countries are not socially liberal places.
Gross Debt isn't the metric you usually look at. Look at government debt vs % of GDP ratio.
-Is our national debt more or less than it was under conservatives?
-Are the majority of people better or worse off these days?
-Is our dollar de valued?
-Why did he sell off all Canadas gold? Gold has doubled in value since.
-Is there more or less censorship?
-Are there not constant liberal scandals?
- Why don't liberals answer questions
- Just look at the people running the country, I wouldn't let those stupid looking liberal tards run a garbage dump nevermind a country.
- Why do they refuse to use Canadian resources but buy Saudi oil?
- Are we not an embarrassment on the world stage
Oh sure a few fruit loops are happy because they can go in the wrong bathroom, and people are forced to comply with their imaginary gender. Real fucking success.