Using a lot of words in the passive voice to say something simple isn't intelligent. It's pretentious at best, and it obsfucates your meaning at worst.
Brevity beats bullshit.
Try this: "Looking for alternatives for testing my shit. Is anyone better, faster, or cheaper than Janoshik
Using a lot of words in the passive voice to say something simple isn't intelligent. It's pretentious at best, and it obsfucates your meaning at worst.
Brevity beats bullshit.
Try this: "Looking for alternatives for testing my shit. Is anyone better, faster, or cheaper than Janoshik?"
Vocabulary, ranges from simple minded to intelligent. thank you so kindly for your opinion. Nothing said was bullshit, your simple sentence still meant the same exact thing as you stated for me to try.
I'll keep your advice in mind, although i have my own formulated opinion regarding your attempt to be little me. Its just not worth it, i will choose to speak how i wish, nothing personal to your dislike of it or your bullshit. To bad you don't know how truly intelligent i am, although that surly does not matter at this point because you have shown a strong sense to hate my character instantly.
Sad part to this world that this actually bothers certain individuals that much.
what is worse me asking a question with fancy words and a big vocabulary or the little few of you that just had to say something and chime in other then answering the simple question that i guess was too much for you.
A board meant to help people and conversate and teach, but if its not done the way certain people want it or what they think it should be done like your just not cool enough or bullshit or stupid.. You are just gods gift to humanity, you perfect amazing people. Just to tough for me
Now fuck respect, ignorant bullshit waste my breath on this crap. respect is earned. attack me for nothing... just answer the fucken question fucken idiot or don't but you want disrespect you got it.
Get the fuck outta here, fucken pathetic. go cry somewhere else. Thinking i give a fuck. What are you the language pigs.. Gods gift to man.
cut your bullshit tough act, mind your own business, and learn what a ten year old knows how to do. Stay the fuck out peoples shit if you dont like it. and your attempt be be little me and sound smart was just fucken stupid. take a hike with your pathetic wining and bullshit speech. I will speak how i choose to fucken speak.
There im speaking like you and your bullshit vocabulary. fuck what a god dam headache with some of these cry babies over some fucken words, fucken pathetic and annoying... keep it simple sir don't use big words its not intelligent, your autistic, cause that is cool to make fun of someone ehhh tough guy..fucken autistic, goof i have a family member who is you fucken punk, ... You don't know who the fuck i am and trust this I don't give a fuck who you are, something you learn behind the steel..
I come from the underworld mother fucker and became beyond successful,
done wasting my time with this bullshit, crying over a paragraph, its too much...