Cat Café EU & US domestic

I bought some btc from cash app a few months ago. I haven't sent any of it out, but just buying was not too bad. I bought $1000 worth and the fee was less than $18.
From what i ve read, cash app easy and has normal fees. Not available in EU though
You also shouldn't use it more than 2 days in a row especially at higher doses
Can you elaborate? I'm not up to date on the science, last I checked long term tolerance was low and the safety profile decent for dosages up to 400mg/day (not recommend personally)

Anyways, here's the stock market update:


1. Back in stock are Hilma Biocare Test E, Masteron E, T3; DHB 125mg/ml, Nebivolol 28x5mg & Telmisartan 30x80mg

2. Optitropin HGH should be back in stock later this month hopefully.

3. These pharma products will not be restocked once sold out: Tiromel T3, Euthyrox T4, Lantus Insulin, Ventolin Salbutamol, Klomen Clomid, Femara Letrozole, Vidalista Cialis, Enurace Ephedrine

4. There's a very, very limited amount of Hilma Biocare products in stock at our UK domestic store:
Can you elaborate? I'm not up to date on the science, last I checked long term tolerance was low and the safety profile decent for dosages up to 400mg/day (not recommend personally)

Anyways, here's the stock market update:

View attachment 148245

1. Back in stock are Hilma Biocare Test E, Masteron E, T3; DHB 125mg/ml, Nebivolol 28x5mg & Telmisartan 30x80mg

2. Optitropin HGH should be back in stock later this month hopefully.

3. These pharma products will not be restocked once sold out: Tiromel T3, Euthyrox T4, Lantus Insulin, Ventolin Salbutamol, Klomen Clomid, Femara Letrozole, Vidalista Cialis, Enurace Ephedrine

4. There's a very, very limited amount of Hilma Biocare products in stock at our UK domestic store:
Well depends what you are using it for. If for the medical reason then it works. But if you use it for enhancement it generally starts causing headaches and a shortened leash making you frustrated. Probably from the burnout with the brain going running at 100%
@Liska sorry to bother again with this. Do you have any sort of ETA for melanotan II?
Also, do you plan to have your own Oxandrolone 10mg?
International shipping is rather unpredictable now, but if I had to guess I'll receive them in ~2 weeks and have the labtest in another 2 weeks, so 4 weeks total - if you really need MT2 for this summer you might want to look for a source with them in stock already, and I'm fine with members posting other vendors in my thread and will help find products I don't have in stock myself as well.

Oxandrolone 10mg production will start next week and I'll go for Janoshik's rush fee testing as well - the labels might actually be the only part of the product not finished this month.
International shipping is rather unpredictable now, but if I had to guess I'll receive them in ~2 weeks and have the labtest in another 2 weeks, so 4 weeks total - if you really need MT2 for this summer you might want to look for a source with them in stock already, and I'm fine with members posting other vendors in my thread and will help find products I don't have in stock myself as well.

Oxandrolone 10mg production will start next week and I'll go for Janoshik's rush fee testing as well - the labels might actually be the only part of the product not finished this month.
Shit, I'm tanned as a mofo as it is, can barely go to the beach at this point ahah. Still have some, I can wait that long easy. I just stock up on goodies and people always ask me for that kind of stuff. Go figure!

Nice on the Oxandrolone. I did get a few oxan 10mg from you, but Human Labs, just waiting on feedback. Just nice to have another brand.

Also started your tren en 200mg yesterday.
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You get 5% on all cat products for just mentioning it when ordering and 15% for posting a picture of your cat with any of my products, which does kind of require you to have some already, but NOONE has gone for this one so far.


I have an cat, are you joking or this is real?
You're an marketing genius.

Besides some questions:
1) Is there a specific reason to ditch Lantus ?
2) How many new products are coming soon?
3) Peptides like adipotide would be interesting.
4) Are you sponsering athletes?
5) Can you maker a higher dosed L-Carnitin 1000mg/ml or a cheap crimper ?

Thats my questions for the day,
love you.
I have an cat, are you joking or this is real?
You're an marketing genius.

Besides some questions:
1) Is there a specific reason to ditch Lantus ?
2) How many new products are coming soon?
3) Peptides like adipotide would be interesting.
4) Are you sponsering athletes?
5) Can you maker a higher dosed L-Carnitin 1000mg/ml or a cheap crimper ?

Thats my questions for the day,
love you.

It's really real, if noone's going for it I'm considering dropping a lot of catnip on a local animal shelter for a photo OP.

1) I don't want to risk summer heat affecting the product.

2) Here's a modified list from earlier in the thread:
Testosterone Acetate 100mg
Primobolan 100mg
Sustanon 250mg
LGD4033 (Ligandrol) 10mg
Turinabol 20mg
Oxandrolone 10mg
Proviron 25mg
Winstrol 25mg
Trestolone Acetate 100mg
MT2 10mg
BPC157 5mg
Dianabol 25mg
Anadrol 50mg
RAD140 10mg
Clomid 50mg
Tamoxifen 20mg
Exemestane 25mg (Anastrozole) 1mg
& maybe Masteron Propionate 150mg & Masteron Enanthate 250mg depending on raw availability.

3) The labtest for peptides costing 180usd each and not wanting to sell them overpriced means I'll break even after selling about 150 vials, so I can only afford to carry the most popular ones.

4) Yes, I'm looking to sponsor several contestants at the


5) Based on the feedback on Amino Asylums 600mg/ml L-Carnitine being a bit thick, 500mg/ml seems about the limit for a comfortable daily injectable product. I don't get the crimper question.