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First hand, less quantity, to use than tren, practically half, more resistance and recovery, apart from more strength, being able to also reduce testosterone at a physiological level, since in prep I tried it without test and I did not notice any emotional or physiological drop in strength, resistance or recovery. I do not recommend mixing it with tren. Basically the same result or better than tren.
Ill try trestolone next year, thanks for the Info. Would 5mg/ED be a sufficient starting dose? Looking to slowly up the dosage until 50mg/day
Ill try trestolone next year, thanks for the Info. Would 5mg/ED be a sufficient starting dose? Looking to slowly up the dosage until 50mg/day
50mg/day is A LOT of MENT ace (if you're going for enth, it'll certainly be high but not as much, but I assume ED pinning means ace). I'm glad to hear you're starting at 5mg/day, that is very reasonable/on the low side. I think you'll be satisfied around the 25-30mg/day mark. It is incredibly potent.

To be honest, I never ran it that high. I have only ever been up to 10mg/day, but I was blasting a few other compounds and had to back it down to 5 again due to E2/progesterone sides.
Second that, 50mg trest a day is a lot. I'm currently at 10mg/day alongside 400 test and making great gains.

IMO aiming for a maximum dose is a bit silly, best to start low like you said and find a nice medium between gains and sides.
Ill try trestolone next year, thanks for the Info. Would 5mg/ED be a sufficient starting dose? Looking to slowly up the dosage until 50mg/day
Only way you're getting to 50/day is if its underdosed or you're 400lbs. 25/day is usually the sweet spot for most human bodybuilders and most can run it at half that dose
Thanks a lot guys! After reading what you said ill probably up the dose even slower, waiting 2 or more weeks between changes seems more reasonable. Also obviously not going up to 50mg/day :,)
Thank you @Liska .
Always great communication and fast shipping :)
Ordered many times and never fails.
Also thank you for the gift .
10/10 for me .


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Normally you don't get tracking ids if you order peds because of security.
Some seller offer it after 10days if you still haven't received it yet.
Some like meditrope give it to you after they shipped it.

Maybe set a 5-10 days line and then they can ask for tracking number (sometimes useless at your service because package is already here after a few days)
That is really just BS imo.
They say it is because of security and packages will/might get flagged if you track them all the time, but working in ecommerce and knowing that millions and millions of tracking inquiries happen every single day that is just weird.
Awesome, thanks! What did your pinning cycle look like? Did you hit specific spots to inject? Did you ramp up and have to use more?
It was the typical prep, test P, tren a, masteron p, oxa and helios, I did not have to use much quantity, 1ml = 0.8 clen + 10mg yohimbine