Cat Café EU & US domestic

I'm always interested to look at their sources as well as whether they presume a difference in oral bioavailability between GW501516 (Cardarine) and GW0742 given their miniscule structural difference.

@godsgifttoearth SR9009/11 are nowhere near that number, so I doubt it.
SR9009 has like 2% but im sure the dude who invented both said SR9011 was much much higher.
Btw I want to take the opportunity now to ask you guys about liskas HGH. What are your experiences with it?
best value deal ever.
i used another brand before on 4ius started with cat growth on 4ius and got all the typical sides you get on "too much" hgh in a few days.
anecdotal etc.. but just ask janosh for the lab results and see for yourself.
Thanks to everyone posting touchdown pictures, even those lacking in cats!

The cat café will be closed for orders on Wednesday the 15th and about a week later for the holidays - if you want to receive your order before the holiday still, this week is the latest you should place and pay for your order depending on country of residence.

As the promotion has concluded, I'll be adjusting some retail prices based on how it affected sales. Two pharma products that have been discounted already are Trulicity (Dulaglutide) 1.5mg pens for 50€ (please don't order if your customs are difficult as they're a pain to stealth) and Arimidex by Teva 30x1mg for 23€.

The only new products relatively certain for December still are MK2866 (Ostarine) 20mg and Oxandrolone 10mg as they're en route to Jano already. Conversely, you can assume everything else for a 2022 release.
I'm closing the cat café for new orders on the 14th and 15th as I want to catch up on exchanging cat litter and baking catnip christmas cookies.

The last day of shipping orders before the holidays will be Tuesday the 21st, and as long as your order is reasonably sized, the morning of the very same day is the latest you can place & pay for one to be shipped.

Hi. Trying to place an order but no one is replying to my email. Have I got the wrong email?

View attachment 157490
Please be considerate of our time and sanity; read and adhere to the very few rules posted in very few words on the website. Without breaching customer confidentiality I can only say you've managed to break every single one of them at once, which is why you haven't received a reply.