Cat Café EU & US domestic

Not the only one, I myself need AI most of the time in low doses even lower than most but still need it on hand to keep things in check.

Get yourself pill splitter or alternatively i sometimes use sharp razor blade and place the pill on top of a hard surface (even bottle cap dose the job), biggest pain for me is splitting cabaser into 4 as theyre usually smaller than aromasin and harder so end up breaking more at times
Man trust me I have used everything, pharma aromasin is fucked up, lost don't know how many pills because splitted badly uneven. Pharma arimidex is fine on the other hand but I would like to try aromasin for a while to see if I can do better management with it and if maybe my lipds will improve (maybe not)
You don't know what you talking about 90% of LEGIT pharma grade gear you found comes from Greece and Balkan.

Let me tell you something here we go to the pharmacy we ask for aromasin dostinex testosterone proviron nandrolone nolva what ever you can think of and we get without prescription! No question ask.

So yeah there's a history of fakes but also 90% of LEGIT products come from here Greece Balkan Ukraine and then from western Europe
Man trust me I have used everything, pharma aromasin is fucked up, lost don't know how many pills because splitted badly uneven. Pharma arimidex is fine on the other hand but I would like to try aromasin for a while to see if I can do better management with it and if maybe my lipds will improve (maybe not)
I've been on that pfizer aromasin for a while now, not any better to split I tell you that.You could try increasing your omega3 and other related supplements to help with lipids.

(sorry liska for going offtopic in your thread)
Not the only one, I myself need AI most of the time in low doses even lower than most but still need it on hand to keep things in check.

Get yourself pill splitter or alternatively i sometimes use sharp razor blade and place the pill on top of a hard surface (even bottle cap dose the job), biggest pain for me is splitting cabaser into 4 as theyre usually smaller than aromasin and harder so end up breaking more at times
Try sustanon. Im up to mmmm about 1g per week with tren and eq and have no signs of gyno at all. I am super sensitive usually even small amounts of test are bad for me. Of course im holding water but its not bad at all.

Splitting cabaser ill assume its a 1mg tab into 1/4ths youre unlikely to get even doses. 250mcg is the size of a pinhead.

You get a cute kitty video all the same :)

I don't see the needs in splitting caber, it's super strong. If you have 0.5 you can split it easily if you have 1mg just split it in half and take it once a week. It will work fine. Once a week of 0.5 will easily bring prolactin to single digit.
No matter the investment cost, I ultimately want to make products tailored completely to the needs of our community, not 25mg coated Aromasin by Pfizer that can't even be split properly/evenly.

I m using Pfizer aromasin and with a 2€ pill splitter i cut it in 4 even parts really easy.
All UGL aromasin i 've tried splitting, ended up uneven/ dust.
Trest E/D have had some forums hype for the last ~6 months but the previous/first time someone (Panda) bought into that hype, these didn't sell well at all, so I'm both afraid and confident history will just repeat itself.

I'm more tempted to bring about financial ruin by going for Oxabolone raws personally.
Trest E/D have had some forums hype for the last ~6 months but the previous/first time someone (Panda) bought into that hype, these didn't sell well at all, so I'm both afraid and confident history will just repeat itself.

I'm more tempted to bring about financial ruin by going for Oxabolone raws personally.
Why Oxabolone ?

Whats your personal favorite ?
I don't understand the interest ppl have for exotic compound. You can't build a good physique with the basic stuff you think exotic shit will give you an edge? I see some big ppl here using the most basic stuff for cycling.. you all should think twice about it I guess.
I don't understand the interest ppl have for exotic compound. You can't build a good physique with the basic stuff you think exotic shit will give you an edge? I see some big ppl here using the most basic stuff for cycling.. you all should think twice about it I guess.
Yeah so true i just would like regular compounds in different esters like boldenone cypionate/enanthate and the same for deca.
Yeah so true i just would like regular compounds in different esters like boldenone cypionate/enanthate and the same for deca.
These raws exist(ed):
Boldenone & Nandrolone Prop (couldn't get samples upon request, quite rare)
Boldenone & Nandrolone Cyp

Comparing ester weight, half-life and their characteristics for brewing to the more popular esters will always lead back to the same conclusion: There's a good reason they're not more popular.

When I get potentially stupid ideas I usually let @pharmasource, who has a ton of experience and experiments under his belt, explain to me why exactly my idea is stupid, get a satisfying explanation and move on (to the next stupid idea).