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Trest E/D have had some forums hype for the last ~6 months but the previous/first time someone (Panda) bought into that hype, these didn't sell well at all, so I'm both afraid and confident history will just repeat itself.

I'm more tempted to bring about financial ruin by going for Oxabolone raws personally.
Needs some early forerunners. There is a massive amount of hype for MENT on reddit, the younger crowd are well into it. Its the older heads you've got convince.

Think a lot of people are wising up to tren being a bit of a bad thing, so need the next super drug. Could easily be trestolone.
Needs some early forerunners. There is a massive amount of hype for MENT on reddit, the younger crowd are well into it. Its the older heads you've got convince.

Think a lot of people are wising up to tren being a bit of a bad thing, so need the next super drug. Could easily be trestolone.
For compounds with potentially heavy sides like trest and tren I'm a fan of the short ester to adjust dosage/control sides/get off quickly if necessary.

Hype doesn't necessarily translate into sales - I'll go ask the brewers currently offering these compounds on how they're selling and report back though.
Here's a really basic read on it:

I've not talked with any factory (rep) about it for many months now, last quote I received was $9000/kg which I found actually reasonable though still way outside the budget.

My personal favourite has recently been


I saw this compound somewhat recently on a site for research chems I believe it was $100 for 10ml i forget conc but I think it was 100mg/ml.

If its what I think it is allegedly this was Dan Duchaines favorite steroid of all times. His second being deca. So one could consider this a notch better than deca I suppose?

Hard to.come by and I cant say too much about it because no one ever tried it for whatever reason.

I would also add Duchaine preferred deca because it favored results with few side effects moreso than any other compound which leads me to posture that oxabolone might simply be a weak steroid but with almost zero side effects. Probably a fave for older bbers and people with pre existing health issues heart issues high blood pressure etc might actually be able to run it. I cant say for sure tho.
For compounds with potentially heavy sides like trest and tren I'm a fan of the short ester to adjust dosage/control sides/get off quickly if necessary.

Hype doesn't necessarily translate into sales - I'll go ask the brewers currently offering these compounds on how they're selling and report back though.
Whichever is 1test (ment or trest i get them mixed up) I wouldnt be in a huge hurry.

I ran a max muscle for several years when halodrol hit the market and suddenly every company had various designers for sale. VPX actually sold 1test cypionate in a 10ml bottle (it came with a dropper to make it seem you should put under your tongue but that was a ruse the vial had a crimped rubber stopper lol) and once the novelty wore off nobody bought them. PIP was crippling and they were like $150 per. Total gimmick IMHO.

Your body does not have exotic receptors for these weird concoctions. Find what works the cheapest simplest offering the least sides and most control and move your brain cells in other directions. Drugs are only one aspect of bodybuilding.
I saw this compound somewhat recently on a site for research chems I believe it was $100 for 10ml i forget conc but I think it was 100mg/ml.

If its what I think it is allegedly this was Dan Duchaines favorite steroid of all times. His second being deca. So one could consider this a notch better than deca I suppose?

Hard to.come by and I cant say too much about it because no one ever tried it for whatever reason.

I would also add Duchaine preferred deca because it favored results with few side effects moreso than any other compound which leads me to posture that oxabolone might simply be a weak steroid but with almost zero side effects. Probably a fave for older bbers and people with pre existing health issues heart issues high blood pressure etc might actually be able to run it. I cant say for sure tho.
You did? I don't mind anyone posting other sources here, can you have a look for said site by chance? It really is incredibly rare, it's possibly the only compound I've not seen on a raws pricelist ever. You have a good bit of knowledge that's just as hard to come by these days actually!
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You did? I don't mind anyone posting other sources here, can you have a look for said site by chance? It really is incredibly rare, it's possibly the only compound I've not seen on a raws pricelist ever. You have a good bit of knowledge that's just as hard to come by these days actually!
Hate to get your hopes up the compound I was thinking of was Stenbolone Acetate. I came across it as I was looking for info on dienolone acetate which i found on one of the links on the moreplatesmoredates youtube channel. I want to say it was swisschem that had it but I just checked and i dont see it. But we are talking about something other than what you wanted. Sorry for the mixup!

By the by this site seems very interesting. Also in my experience methyldienolone was the strongest best liked prohormone we ever carried and we had everything from superdrol to methyl 1test etc.
Hate to get your hopes up the compound I was thinking of was Stenbolone Acetate. I came across it as I was looking for info on dienolone acetate which i found on one of the links on the moreplatesmoredates youtube channel.
Ah I see, Derek's got a video on Oxabolone as well actually:

The prohormone era went completely by me admittedly - I wonder if SARMS will take that role/niche.
Ah I see, Derek's got a video on Oxabolone as well actually:

The prohormone era went completely by me admittedly - I wonder if SARMS will take that role/niche.

Depends on the FDA I think. Ironically even tho I sold countless bottles of them not once did I use any designers myself. I am old school, for whatever its worth. If its good enough for Dorian its good enough for me!
Today is the last day of my opening promos! I'm overjoyed to report that despite some promises, noone at all went for the 10% one that was later raised to 15%.

I'll have to think of something else, feel free to make reasonable suggestions.

Anyway, here's my collection of strays, which is the very last vial of the batch that couldn't measure up - rightmost is a (slightly overfilled) vial for reference. The Test Prop is free to add to any order, the Deca, NPP, EQ are 20€ each:
you will still get a pic of my cat with a bottle of you primo, promised :D
Last days were quite busy, but i will snap the pic today or tomorrow :p
Well I will not make an order now, my wife don't let me spend more money on steroids :( for now... but I'm going to share a photo with my cats getting ready for summer lol
