Cat Café EU & US domestic

Posing practice while waiting for the lab report:
As I've been struggling with the visual qualities and accurate dosing of some tablets while scaling up production to meet increasing demand, I've decided to stop work on new oral products in the imminent future until I can marry higher quantity and quality of production.

Once springtime comes, I'll shut down parts of the cat café to (re)focus on my goal of fulfilling the potential I see untouched in this industry still, which I've been unable to balance with managing the day to day operation of the cat café.

If you would like to help and show your support, please take two minutes to read the store guidelines & rules and follow them closely. Being respectful of my time by doing so has a huge impact on my ability to process and ship orders within 24h.

If you're not comfortable with english, feel free to mail me in your native language and I'll respond in kind.
Posing practice while waiting for the lab report:
View attachment 160170
As I've been struggling with the visual qualities and accurate dosing of some tablets while scaling up production to meet increasing demand, I've decided to stop work on new oral products in the imminent future until I can marry higher quantity and quality of production.

Once springtime comes, I'll shut down parts of the cat café to (re)focus on my goal of fulfilling the potential I see untouched in this industry still, which I've been unable to balance with managing the day to day operation of the cat café.

If you would like to help and show your support, please take two minutes to read the store guidelines & rules and follow them closely. Being respectful of my time by doing so has a huge impact on my ability to process and ship orders within 24h.

If you're not comfortable with english, feel free to mail me in your native language and I'll respond in kind.
Your Dothraki better be on point if you want my business.
Posing practice while waiting for the lab report:
View attachment 160170
As I've been struggling with the visual qualities and accurate dosing of some tablets while scaling up production to meet increasing demand, I've decided to stop work on new oral products in the imminent future until I can marry higher quantity and quality of production.

Once springtime comes, I'll shut down parts of the cat café to (re)focus on my goal of fulfilling the potential I see untouched in this industry still, which I've been unable to balance with managing the day to day operation of the cat café.

If you would like to help and show your support, please take two minutes to read the store guidelines & rules and follow them closely. Being respectful of my time by doing so has a huge impact on my ability to process and ship orders within 24h.

If you're not comfortable with english, feel free to mail me in your native language and I'll respond in kind.
Your a good man @Liska , respect how you choose quality and ethics over profit.
catcafe 100mg tren a (21).png
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml Catcafé @Liska
lot number: 01-04-YAB
expiration date : 05/2024
result : 101,74 mg/ml (Perfect)

For information @Liska has tested this batch on his side at 101,24mg/ml.

@L0ND0N Thanks to you & the boys. Based on the test ordered date I choose to believe you sent the sample by giving it to a cat on the streets of Paris alongside Jano's address on a lazy summer's day.
I can't tell from reading the website but do you ship to the US? I'm sure somebody answered that but there's 4K replies
1. Early spring cleaning/inventory management at the cat café - if you're interested in bulk quantities (1000+ tablets) of these products, mail me:
Primobolan Acetate 25mg
Superdrol 10mg
Turinabol 20mg
Winstrol 10mg
Winstrol 25mg
Letrozole 2.5mg
MK2866 20mg
S23 10mg
YK-11 10mg (tested at 12mg average)
GW0742 10mg
GW501516 (Cardarine) 10mg
RAD-140 10mg

2. I've arranged custom synthesis of BPC-157 and TB-500 at 10mg each, expecting 99%+ purity as with the previous/present batch. HCG Livzon 5000iu has been reordered in a quantity that will allow me to offer entire kits at a discounted price. I hope for these three to be available and labtested by middle of March.

3. A box of 12 x 1.5mg Trulicity (Dulaglutide) pens is available for 350€ shipped very preferably to domestic customers.

@OnTRT Not currently, maybe sometime later this year.
Obviously 20G is just to draw and not to pin. With 20G you get a piercing and not injection.

20G from Braun is also what i use. But as i tell you, till 15 draws the rubber stays perfectly fine on all vials i ve used from you. First cat Tren i used and rubber got raped after around 25 uses. Maybe i got the bad luck rubber.
Who the hell draws with 20s. Absolute harpoon
Could someone that used both tren and trestolone elaborate on how tren compares to trestolone in terms of potency and fat burning capabilities?
Could someone that used both tren and trestolone elaborate on how tren compares to trestolone in terms of potency and fat burning capabilities?

trestolone is a more "refined" nandrolone. its nothing like tren and i don't know why people compared it to tren. Tren is tren, nothing does the things that tren does as a single compound. trestolone mental sides are a bit more acceptable than trens, you get a lot of mental directness, assertiveness that may come across as aggressive to more meek and passive people. it's not tren agitation, anger, impulsiveness or delusions of grandeur, just great energy, definitely not nandrolones inwardly destructive depression.
trestolone is a more "refined" nandrolone. its nothing like tren and i don't know why people compared it to tren. Tren is tren, nothing does the things that tren does as a single compound. trestolone mental sides are a bit more acceptable than trens, you get a lot of mental directness, assertiveness that may come across as aggressive to more meek and passive people. it's not tren agitation, anger, impulsiveness or delusions of grandeur, just great energy, definitely not nandrolones inwardly destructive depression.
I think the comparison with tren is related to the power of the coumpound. Those are the two aas were you can get more from lower dosages when compared to other coumpounds.