Cat Café EU & US domestic

Arrivati anche a me in 6 giorni in europa. Imballaggio perfetto ,nella scatola dei [EDIT//]. Un genio. Non mi resta che provare e testare i risultati.
It was early January batch. You can see some thick rubber pieces on top right corner and bottom, there are more smaller ones inside.
First time i draw more than 20 times from same vial. Your other vials around 15 times, were fine.
20G is pretty much standard for drawing.
With what needle gauge did you test them and how many times did it last?
Is it possible that this Tren batch has different/bad quality rubber?

Most of times i was trying to keep some distance. But at some point its inevitable that you 'll not go close.
I also had it before from other lab, but it was a known issue from them. Rubber was dropping in after first use.
Use mini spikes


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Hice un pedido a España hace una semanas y fue todo excelente, tardó una semana y el envío fue excepcional y muy cómodo. Liska me atendió con mucha paciencia. El único pero que pondría es que hay que pedir mínimo 250 y no vale para pedidos mas pequeños pero merece la pena más que ninguno! Gracias liska!
Hice un pedido a España hace una semanas y fue todo excelente, tardó una semana y el envío fue excepcional y muy cómodo. Liska me atendió con mucha paciencia. El único pero que pondría es que hay que pedir mínimo 250 y no vale para pedidos mas pequeños pero merece la pena más que ninguno! Gracias liska!
¡Gracias! Estoy trabajando arduamente para mejorar el problema del pedido mínimo y agregar opciones de pago para el verano. Tengo mucho planeado para la comunidad española este año, ¡así que espérenlo con ansias!
Can you include 1-test cyp (dhb) in your product offering? Love that compound more than anything.
DHB Doesn't seem to play nice with MCTs. Low dosed (50-75mg/ml) in castor oil and some EO, seems to be the way forward to reduce pip. MCT seems to clear so fast that DHB just crashes in the muscle.
I dont really understand why some people have that PIP or even swollen areas when i have been using his test for quite long and 0 issues. Maybe it is the quantity of ml you dont tolerate, or even that your body doesnt tolarate a higher concentration of test. Maybe you can try to spli the dose in 2. Do you pin 350mg once a week?
4th injection with 350mg test. Every injection site is swollen, hard and hot. I hope it gets better but so far not a pleasant experience
I dont really understand why some people have that PIP or even swollen areas when i have been using his test for quite long and 0 issues. Maybe it is the quantity of ml you dont tolerate, or even that your body doesnt tolarate a higher concentration of test. Maybe you can try to spli the dose in 2. Do you pin 350mg once a week?
Maybe some vials have more floaters than others .
Liska used to be cool but now he made some money and started acting cocky .
4th injection with 350mg test. Every injection site is swollen, hard and hot. I hope it gets better but so far not a pleasant experience
Send me a mail please from the same one you made the purchase from. This is a rather unique experience based on user reports so far and might indeed be an intolerance to higher concentrations of the compound in general.

Maybe some vials have more floaters than others .
Liska used to be cool but now he made some money and started acting cocky .
What on flat earth are you talking about? I haven't taken a cent from cat café profits for myself yet, it's all going back into upgrades and new projects.
I'm doing 2x 0.5 ml in delts with insulin pin and ventroglut with blue needle. So just running 350mg. Inflammation stays for 3-4 days
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I'm doing 2x 0.5 ml in delta with insulin pin and ventroglut with blue needle. So just running 350mg. Inflammation stays for 3-4 days
Have you used Test E/C in MCT at 250mg/ml before and not had such issues? The concentration would be the first variable to check, then intolerance to carrier itself.
I'm doing 2x 0.5 ml in delts with insulin pin and ventroglut with blue needle. So just running 350mg. Inflammation stays for 3-4 days
I have experienced inflamation when i used insulin pins. There are various reasons but mainly cause you are pinning close to the surface or the skin, not deep enough. I habe experienced that on the quads, not with @Liska test, then i read about that and i changed into IM needles and not a single pin since then had inflamation. So IMO you should consider using IM needles, cause im using daily the same as you in the delts with 0 issue, i think you should consider that change life changing for me
Have you used Test E/C in MCT at 250mg/ml before and not had such issues? The concentration would be the first variable to check, then intolerance to carrier itself.
Ich habe das 250er das 10/21 und das Primo 100er
scheint wohl am MCT Öl zu liegen
injiziere mit Insulin Nadel (12,7 mm) mittlerweile
Es ist nur geschwollen - keine Schmerzen
Nur es stellt eben kein anderer in so einer Qualität her deshalb lebe ich damit
Jeden Tag 0,30 ml Test E + 0,75 ml Primo also ca 500 mg die Woche von beidem
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