Cat Café EU & US domestic

Hi Liska. Cause u dont have alot of peptides in your Cafe, Do you know some safe sources where to buy? You recommended pharmacist back in the day for pharma (works very well) so i thought maybe you got something on hand for peptides too. Thank you!
Hi Liska. Cause u dont have alot of peptides in your Cafe, Do you know some safe sources where to buy? You recommended pharmacist back in the day for pharma (works very well) so i thought maybe you got something on hand for peptides too. Thank you!
I don't know any EU/UK source that labtests their entire peptide range via @janoshik currently and would advise against buying untested peptides due to having seen too many fucked up test results. That said, the era of having to buy untested peptides will be over in a couple of months finally, as it's been a frustrating and very exploitable blind spot for far too long.
I don't know any EU/UK source that labtests their entire peptide range via @janoshik currently and would advise against buying untested peptides due to having seen too many fucked up test results. That said, the era of having to buy untested peptides will be over in a couple of months finally, as it's been a frustrating and very exploitable blind spot for far too long.
Killing it @Liska respect for the amount of knowledge and harm reduction you bring to the community.

Cheers my friend
Anyone here have any experience with the kitty Winny? I got a bunch from Pcom and was super excited until a few jabronies on here told me they were “underwhelmed”. Biggest show of my life coming up and oddly enough I’ve been able to source bomb primo, mast, tren.....but cheap ass winny has alluded me. Any help would be ultra appreciated.
Anyone here have any experience with the kitty Winny? I got a bunch from Pcom and was super excited until a few jabronies on here told me they were “underwhelmed”. Biggest show of my life coming up and oddly enough I’ve been able to source bomb primo, mast, tren.....but cheap ass winny has alluded me. Any help would be ultra appreciated.
dude. if its tested as winstrol at the advertised dose, then any "underwhelmed" response is the fault of the user and nocebo. Liskas products are all bang on, has anyone proven a fault yet? and even when they're the tiniest bit off, its publically announced. cat cafe at this point could offer a warranty for their products.
I don't know any EU/UK source that labtests their entire peptide range via @janoshik currently and would advise against buying untested peptides due to having seen too many fucked up test results. That said, the era of having to buy untested peptides will be over in a couple of months finally, as it's been a frustrating and very exploitable blind spot for far too long.
Thank you alot for the answer!
dude. if its tested as winstrol at the advertised dose, then any "underwhelmed" response is the fault of the user and nocebo. Liskas products are all bang on, has anyone proven a fault yet? and even when they're the tiniest bit off, its publically announced. cat cafe at this point could offer a warranty for their products.
Will play Devil’s advocate on this statement.
Not all raw materials are created equal.
Fact is everything changed when it comes to quality of gear.
The BD dbol and anadrol that is offered as real isnt the same as the ones 12 years ago. Old dbol doesnt compare with the stuff on the market now.
Ive tried anadrol raws from multiple suppliers, even hg anapolon from (turkish pharma) also noticibly different then the ones 15 years ago.

Tren a ?
Finaplix was much much stronger then the chinese tren a raws we have now, but Yeah it’s the same stuff cause it tested 98% right ?

Negma s tren hex was ridiculous stuff just one ampule a week (78mg) totally changed vascularity , strength and muscle recomposition.

hg deca ? 250 mg enough to see massive change.

Nothing against liska btw, in my opinion he is doing a very good job trying to get the best quality raws , and i am also a customer.

But this whole idea that if it tests the same it’s the same as the hg stuff just isn’t true… countless anecdotes from experienced bb s and personal experience refute this idea

Its has been a pure pleasure dealing with Liska. Products are the best quality I've ever seen. Labels aesthetic as fuck. Shipping is very quick too. Expect another Order Today/Tomorrow.
I don't know any EU/UK source that labtests their entire peptide range via @janoshik currently and would advise against buying untested peptides due to having seen too many fucked up test results. That said, the era of having to buy untested peptides will be over in a couple of months finally, as it's been a frustrating and very exploitable blind spot for far too long.
These are fantastic news, why would it be over tho, the era of getting untested peptides i mean, i also think like this, at this point continue to buy untested gear is just dumb as hell.
Also @Liska if cutting any of the cat cafe´s pills in half, is the active ingredient evenly distributed all over the pill??
@Mechanic That box needs a cat in it!

These are fantastic news, why would it be over tho, the era of getting untested peptides i mean, i also think like this, at this point continue to buy untested gear is just dumb as hell.
Also @Liska if cutting any of the cat cafe´s pills in half, is the active ingredient evenly distributed all over the pill??
I may have worded it confusingly, I meant that customers will have access to a range of properly labtested peptides in the foreseeable future.

As for splitting tablets, fairly evenly; I remember @janoshik mentioning that a small amount of tablet would/could get lost from the process of breaking itself, here's all the tests I did on this if I remember correctly, will repeat it someday:
@Mechanic That box needs a cat in it!

I may have worded it confusingly, I meant that customers will have access to a range of properly labtested peptides in the foreseeable future.

As for splitting tablets, fairly evenly; I remember @janoshik mentioning that a small amount of tablet would/could get lost from the process of breaking itself, here's all the tests I did on this if I remember correctly, will repeat it someday:
View attachment 162705View attachment 162706
I Know! Sadly he wasn't up for the tomfoolery at that point and would rather stare at birds through the window.
@Mechanic That box needs a cat in it!

I may have worded it confusingly, I meant that customers will have access to a range of properly labtested peptides in the foreseeable future.

As for splitting tablets, fairly evenly; I remember @janoshik mentioning that a small amount of tablet would/could get lost from the process of breaking itself, here's all the tests I did on this if I remember correctly, will repeat it someday:
View attachment 162705View attachment 162706
Good news, thanks a lot brother
dude. if its tested as winstrol at the advertised dose, then any "underwhelmed" response is the fault of the user and nocebo. Liskas products are all bang on, has anyone proven a fault yet? and even when they're the tiniest bit off, its publically announced. cat cafe at this point could offer a warranty for their products.
I never said anyone was underwhelmed from this labs winny brother, sorry if that was typed in a confusing manner. i said pcoms winny as in pharmacom, so I asked about another lab. But absolutely agree, if it’s tested it tested and most likely user error. Most people can’t get peeled so may be underwhelmed with winny anyways
Hi @Liska

I tried to place an order with you but I didn’t receive a response

I followed the instructions on your website and emailed you from protonmail
Found you, turns out my response got stuck in drafts instead of being sent for some reason. Anyone not receiving a response within a few hours can assume something went wrong (unless it's in the hours between midnight and sunrise).

All orders paid by Friday morning will be sent before the weekend, all orders not paid by afternoon will be sent on Monday.
Will play Devil’s advocate on this statement.
Not all raw materials are created equal.
Fact is everything changed when it comes to quality of gear.
The BD dbol and anadrol that is offered as real isnt the same as the ones 12 years ago. Old dbol doesnt compare with the stuff on the market now.
Ive tried anadrol raws from multiple suppliers, even hg anapolon from (turkish pharma) also noticibly different then the ones 15 years ago.

Tren a ?
Finaplix was much much stronger then the chinese tren a raws we have now, but Yeah it’s the same stuff cause it tested 98% right ?

Negma s tren hex was ridiculous stuff just one ampule a week (78mg) totally changed vascularity , strength and muscle recomposition.

hg deca ? 250 mg enough to see massive change.

Nothing against liska btw, in my opinion he is doing a very good job trying to get the best quality raws , and i am also a customer.

But this whole idea that if it tests the same it’s the same as the hg stuff just isn’t true… countless anecdotes from experienced bb s and personal experience refute this idea

you've played devils advocate with a wall of nonsense. i'm sorry that this is rude but if you can present any science, showing a drug that is chemically identical, is delivered in the exact same way as 40 years ago, some how is magically doing anything differently, i will apologise.

this isn't like buying a car or a house. testosterone isn't suddenly "built differently". if YOU are not responding as you did years ago, then that's a product of your own wear and tear, or, hopefully cos 100mg of tren when you were 50lbs lighter doesn't hit the same now you're heavier.

if you're basing this nonsense on the horseshit people throw around about their doses, then the fact they're now running 1g of tren is nothing to do with tren not hitting the same as it did years ago, its just them justifying a gram of tren.