Cat Café EU & US domestic

ridiculous to say…?
Look here on meso or other forums , you will find a lot of people saying the same
Regarding dbol and especially fina.

This is a very common held opinion under people who actually used both … and no there wasn’t a ten year time frame in between.
Raw quality has deteriorated… and ofcourse the chemistry isnt the same, but these standard hlpc test don’t tell the full story
ridiculous to say…?
Look here on meso or other forums , you will find a lot of people saying the same
Regarding dbol and especially fina.

This is a very common held opinion under people who actually used both … and no there wasn’t a ten year time frame in between.
Raw quality has deteriorated… and ofcourse the chemistry isnt the same, but these standard hlpc test don’t tell the full story
You also find a lot of people saying that the earth is flat or that they remember everything was cheaper 30 years ago in excommie block, when there's objective evidence against both.

People's subjective feelings suck as indicators. Especially over decades.
Yeah okay. Don't claim they matter more than hard data though.

Not to be a cunt, but gee, I wonder why would people complain en masse that their highly addictive drugs that build tolerance insanely fast stopped working.
With the generic medication its the lower quality of excipients that make the drugs much less effective then their counterpart.

With steroids that shouldn’t be an issue
But experience tells something else.
Why would i really give a shit about the data if multiple people in my environment experience and say the same thing?
Even had talks about this with ifbb jury member on this topic
Personal experience trumps everything else in this game
Why would i really give a shit about the data if multiple people in my environment experience and say the same thing?
Even had talks about this with ifbb jury member on this topic
Personal experience trumps everything else in this game
"why would i give a shit about the data"

oh no, he's juiced himself stupid
ridiculous to say…?
Look here on meso or other forums , you will find a lot of people saying the same
Regarding dbol and especially fina.

This is a very common held opinion under people who actually used both … and no there wasn’t a ten year time frame in between.
Raw quality has deteriorated… and ofcourse the chemistry isnt the same, but these standard hlpc test don’t tell the full story
Please tell the full story then, I'm all (cat) ears and ready to pounce on any scientific evidence you must have for this debate to be productive, because we cannot dive into your memory pool to verify and validate your personal experiences.
I didn’t say that again.
The chemistry isn’t necessary the same and again, you never used fina
You’re so delusional and try to argue todays Tren has estradiol in it?

Studies > Anecdotal evidence this is an undeniable fact

Also why would I use finaplix when I can use catplix and get better gains? You make no sense my friend. Point me to a source that sells these „originals“ and ill happily pay any price.
You’re so delusional and try to argue todays Tren has estradiol in it?

Studies > Anecdotal evidence this is an undeniable fact

Also why would I use finaplix when I can use catplix and get better gains? You make no sense my friend. Point me to a source that sells these „originals“ and ill happily pay any price.
He means the latest Tren Ace pellets contain estradiol, which is correct:
He means the latest Tren Ace pellets contain estradiol, which is correct:
Didn't know that, but wouldn't make a difference when it comes to chemically comparing the trenbolone.
Why the hell are people hostile against my anecdotals and personal experience?

Again you can find countless stories on the web about naposims (dbol) and bd’s danabol (not the good copies of 24hrp) where people used max 20 mg that 60 mg of ugl dbol doesnt even begin to compare, was less sides aswell.

Im not here to convince anyone, im not selling shit
Im here to give my opinion and that of many others in my environment.
Why the hell are people hostile against my anecdotals and personal experience?

Again you can find countless stories on the web about naposims (dbol) and bd’s danabol (not the good copies of 24hrp) where people used max 20 mg that 60 mg of ugl dbol doesnt even begin to compare, was less sides aswell.

Im not here to convince anyone.
Im here to give my opinion and of that of many others in my environment.
Its just that nobody remotely intelligent trusts anecdotal evidence more than science and in this case common sense.
You’re so delusional and try to argue todays Tren has estradiol in it?

Studies > Anecdotal evidence this is an undeniable fact

Also why would I use finaplix when I can use catplix and get better gains? You make no sense my friend. Point me to a source that sells these „originals“ and ill happily pay any price.
Finaplix is extremely/impossible hard to get your hands on these days
And yes i was talking about the pellets not about normal raws toughguy
Why the hell are people hostile against my anecdotals and personal experience?
One day a boomer stumbles into the cat café, startling the catnapping residents by immediately shouting about how potent the Finaplix was back in his day, how grandiose the Naposim, how splendous the Laurabolin!

Ignoring the hissing now filling the air, he pulls out a small dusty tome from his Golds Gym fanny pack and starts reading aloud all the anecdotes of his old pals (some still alive!) praising the good gear of yesterday - but instead of applause and presents of Meowijuana 100% organic catnip he earns only scratches?!

Bewildered by such unfounded hostility, the boomer exits the cat café, vowing never to return!
Finaplix is extremely/impossible hard to get your hands on these days
And yes i was talking about the pellets not about normal raws toughguy
Yeah my bad I didn’t think you were talking about the pellets.

All I know about the old stuff is that most of the 90 bbs used 2-3 Parabolan ampules per week.
One day a boomer stumbles into the cat café, startling the catnapping residents by immediately shouting about how potent the Finaplix was back in his day, how grandiose the Naposim, how splendous the Laurabolin!

Ignoring the hissing now filling the air, he pulls out a small dusty tome from his Golds Gym fanny pack and starts reading aloud all the anecdotes of his old pals (some still alive!) praising the good gear of yesterday - but instead of applause and presents of Meowijuana 100% organic catnip he earns only scratches?!

Bewildered by such unfounded hostility, the boomer exits the cat café, vowing never to return!

Amazing I’ve had different results along the years. Couldn’t be the diet, sleep, intensity of the workouts, alignment of the stars, injecting the tren in my asshole or a million other things. It was for sure that the gear, synthetics etc were different. Lmfao. Wow
Yeah my bad I didn’t think you were talking about the pellets.

All I know about the old stuff is that most of the 90 bbs used 2-3 Parabolan ampules per week.
I’ve very successfully ran tren ace at 300mg/week. In all actuality, I’ve had more success doing lower dose cycles than I have my couple big dads.

When I hear of guys running tons of tren I cringe. There is a point of diminishing return in this line of drug use.