Cat Café EU & US domestic

What is your best selling product?

And I remember I once said Ill wait with ordering until MK-677 is back, this wasn’t true :,) . Can you give an estimation on its arrival?
Unsurprisingly it's Test Enanthate, somewhat evenly split between both concentrations.

As for new orals, I've talked about this here: Cat Café EU domesticated

@Jin23 There's over a hundred vials left so I don't expect it to sell out in April or May.
There's over a hundred vials left so I don't expect it to sell out in April or May.
If I order "soon" I plan to stock some vials just to try the compound on Cypionate ester, I hate extremely long esters.

Following the previous posts regarding Boldenone esters, I share exactly their thoughts letter by letter.

Why would anyone priorize Undecanoate ester over the Cypionate one? Only options are the higher concentration for high dose users and that the original brand name Equipoise is Bold U and makes a difference on decisions, you know, Equipoise is Equipoise, good OLD shit!

Bold Cyp is literally the best choice regarding frequency of pinning and half-life in case things go downhill , since Bold Ace could be a nightmare to pin daily for a lot of months in long blasts.
If I order "soon" I plan to stock some vials just to try the compound on Cypionate ester, I hate extremely long esters.

Following the previous posts regarding Boldenone esters, I share exactly their thoughts letter by letter.

Why would anyone priorize Undecanoate ester over the Cypionate one? Only options are the higher concentration for high dose users and that the original brand name Equipoise is Bold U and makes a difference on decisions, you know, Equipoise is Equipoise, good OLD shit!

Bold Cyp is literally the best choice regarding frequency of pinning and half-life in case things go downhill , since Bold Ace could be a nightmare to pin daily for a lot of months in long blasts.

I think a few of us should log our runs of bold c, just to promote the compound a bit. I haven't tried it yet, but will order some this week from liska. I'll be pissed if I end up liking it, knowing, that soon it won't be available no more ...
I think a few of us should log our runs of bold c, just to promote the compound a bit. I haven't tried it yet, but will order some this week from liska. I'll be pissed if I end up liking it, knowing, that soon it won't be available no more ...
I have not tried Bold, but at some point I will but deffo not using Bold U, I like short-medium esters especially when using for the first time. Something that can leave my system in 2.5-3 weeks in worst case.
So only option is Bold C.
I have not tried Bold, but at some point I will but deffo not using Bold U, I like short-medium esters especially when using for the first time. Something that can leave my system in 2.5-3 weeks in worst case.
So only option is Bold C.

Yep. I also haven't tried bold u and also for the same reasons.
my order took exactly 9 days from the moment of payment in bitcoin to arrive, this is my second purchase and on this occasion Liska was very kind, I had the pleasure of trying ephedrine but I didn't want to buy it directly as I had done ugly past experiences with similar products, so he gave me 3 capsules as a gift.

perhaps the only thing I can say but I state that I am not an advanced is that this hcg is not very comfortable since being 5,000 ui not being able to insert 5ml of water inside will make the dosage of 250u.i 3x week slightly annoying.
But my thought was nothing negative.
perhaps the only thing I can say but I state that I am not an advanced is that this hcg is not very comfortable since being 5,000 ui not being able to insert 5ml of water inside will make the dosage of 250u.i 3x week slightly annoying.
But my thought was nothing negative.

I was just explaining this to liska over email lol, I'll just copy paste here:

"I pin hcg everyday - 125 iu to be precise - and I want that to be at least 0.1ml so it's not to un accurate for dosing. I put 2ml in the vial, then draw 0.5ml in 4 insulin syringes and draw an additional 0.5ml bac with every half full syringe from the bac vial. I then freeze 3 syringes, as hcg deteriorates very quickly, and back load 10 insulin syringes with the one full syringe. I've found this to be best practice in regards to hcg, as if you just leave reconstitued hgc in the fridge, in two weeks time, you basically loose 50 - 70% of it's potency, but you don't loose nearly as much when freezing it."

You might even consider having only a weeks worth of hcg in the fridge, so that means only 7 syringes ...
I was just explaining this to liska over email lol, I'll just copy paste here:

"I pin hcg everyday - 125 iu to be precise - and I want that to be at least 0.1ml so it's not to un accurate for dosing. I put 2ml in the vial, then draw 0.5ml in 4 insulin syringes and draw an additional 0.5ml bac with every half full syringe from the bac vial. I then freeze 3 syringes, as hcg deteriorates very quickly, and back load 10 insulin syringes with the one full syringe. I've found this to be best practice in regards to hcg, as if you just leave reconstitued hgc in the fridge, in two weeks time, you basically loose 50 - 70% of it's potency, but you don't loose nearly as much when freezing it."

You might even consider having only a weeks worth of hcg in the fridge, so that means only 7 syringes ...
Please be more careful when making such statements without clarifying what, if any, scientific evidence they are based on. This is a topic that requires a dedicated thread in the relevant subforum to be resolved adequately.
sorry if it passed as a statement from the one who knows everything, I use google translator I don't know how to write well in English, in reality it was more a question

Oh, ok, no problem brother. I had a feeling it might have been a translation error.
Please be more careful when making such statements without clarifying what, if any, scientific evidence they are based on. This is a topic that requires a dedicated thread in the relevant subforum to be resolved adequately.

For sure. But just as a point of discussion, has it been proven otherwise, that HCG lasts for a month without deteriorating when reconstituted? HCG is usually meant to be injected right after reconstitution, and the fact that it lasts for a month reconstituted in the fridge is, as far as I know, nothing more then well affirmed bro lore. Now, correct me if I'm wrong off course, but I'll believe that hcg deteriorates as I mentioned, until it's proven otherwise. You can believe that it starts deteriorating after a month, that's your choice, but unless it has been proven that it lasts for that long by actual studies, well, then, both our believes are scientifically unproven and one can chose to believe what ever he wants to. My anecdotal experience corroborates my beliefs, so I'll stick to that.

And also, one last thing, hcg should not work the same on every cycle, it's pretty arrogant to think hcg will have the same effect on your testis if you are pinning TRT levels of test (as has been done on studies with hcg) or on 500mg's of test or on test + a 200mg's of tren or npp. Off course androgens have a direct impact on the gonads and they will have an impact on hcg usage. Why am I saying this? It's very important to understand this when judging on how hcg works for you personally. If you are using 19nor's, which are basically chemical castration, then no, your balls aren't working at all, or really really sub optimally, and no amount of hcg will have an impact on you, so it will be really hard to judge the effectiveness of hcg. And somebody else might try hcg on a 200mg's test + 100mg's primo cycle, and say it's working fine, then the same person might up the dosages to 400 test / 200 primo, and say the hcg isn't doing anything. It's a moot and tricky subject is what I'm trying to get at. Also, the fact that androgens by them self's have an impact on testicles by them self's; for instance, large dosages of testosterone can by them self's up intratesticular testosterone and also, some people will have more natural neurosteroid production on cycle, without hcg, and others will have less, which also makes it harder to judge hcg's effectiveness. As I said, it's a tricky topic. And the only way to test for yourself is by doing a progesterone, DHEA test on low aas dosages and the same hcg dosage in a time frame of 2 to 4 weeks. If somebody really believes hcg lasts for a month, then do a progesterone/DHEA test 4 weeks later, after reconstituting the hcg vial. But be sure to do a test without HCG first, so you know what your baseline is.

Ok, that's it from my part.
You can believe that it starts deteriorating after a month, that's your choice, but unless it has been proven that it lasts for that long by actual studies, well, then, both our believes are scientifically unproven and one can chose to believe what ever he wants to.
I'm not sure who this is regarding but please understand that placing down your soapbox in front of the cat café instead of posting a dedicated thread like I just asked you is not exactly ideal for productive discussion.
I'm not sure who this is regarding but please understand that placing down your soapbox in front of the cat café instead of posting a dedicated thread like I just asked you is not exactly ideal for productive discussion.

My soap box? I'm not sure, but you must have read my post in a demeaning tone, I assure you it was not meant to be, so no need to demean my writing by calling it a "soap box" brother. I took the time of my day to write it in a coherent, understandable manner with respects to keeping it real and clean in your topic.
My soap box? I'm not sure, but you must have read my post in a demeaning tone, I assure you it was not meant to be, so no need to demean my writing by calling it a "soap box" brother. I took the time of my day to write it in a coherent, understandable manner with respects to keeping it real and clean in your topic.
A soap box as a place to speak from to have your opinion heard rather than best reach those that may have valuable information on this topic that I do find worthy of being seen by more Meso eyes than you'll find in the depths of a cat café. I view Meso as a library and in order to find the book you're interested in, you have to put your thread in the right place with a searchable title.
A soap box as a place to speak from to have your opinion heard rather than best reach those that may have valuable information on this topic that I do find worthy of being seen by more Meso eyes than you'll find in the depths of a cat café. I view Meso as a library and in order to find the book you're interested in, you have to put your thread in the right place with a searchable title.

Ok, fair enough <3
There's a lot of product being unlisted and relisted currently as it's caught up in orders that end up getting abandoned. Never getting abandoned is this trio of beloved cathletes:
View attachment 163029
my order took exactly 9 days from the moment of payment in bitcoin to arrive, this is my second purchase and on this occasion Liska was very kind, I had the pleasure of trying ephedrine but I didn't want to buy it directly as I had done ugly past experiences with similar products, so he gave me 3 capsules as a gift.

perhaps the only thing I can say but I state that I am not an advanced is that this hcg is not very comfortable since being 5,000 ui not being able to insert 5ml of water inside will make the dosage of 250u.i 3x week slightly annoying.
But my thought was nothing negative.
Put 2ml of Bac water in and 0.1ml will equal 250iu, I’m prescribed HCG in the uk and that’s the directions I get given.