Cat Café EU & US domestic


Just fyi there are 10k IU Vials which after reconstitution can be stored safely in the fridge for up to 80 days. Potency loss is a myth.
It is not about the potency loss, it is about sterility, BAC water is sterilized water with 0.9% Benzyl Alcohol that prevents bacteria growth inside the vial even after repeated use .
Hi, since this thread is very active, to say the least, where can I find a timeline of all of the shop's closure dates? (if it exists, that is).
I tried to place an order and for two times in a row the shop was closed
Hi, since this thread is very active, to say the least, where can I find a timeline of all of the shop's closure dates? (if it exists, that is).
I tried to place an order and for two times in a row the shop was closed
It's been closed for a total of four days in the last 400+ days but as this barely makes a difference in the amount of orders I receive on these days, you might as well ignore it for being so well mannered to begin with and mail me whenever.
Noted, but for now, I'll still have to wait to return to my PC, which will probably happen after the shop's reopening either way.
It's been closed for a total of four days in the last 400+ days
Guess I've been really, really unlucky then.
It's been closed for a total of four days in the last 400+ days but as this barely makes a difference in the amount of orders I receive on these days, you might as well ignore it for being so well mannered to begin with and mail me whenever.
This only means bussiness is going well and i´m glad, 10/10 in everything and having every batch tested is just fantastic and very reassuring, time to expand, ohh yeahhh haha
Just placed an order. Something I found only in liska is that he treats you like an old time customer even if it's just your second order.
My cathlete is most satisfied


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This review is of an order made some weeks ago, but unfortunately I had not the time nor the energy to do it.

Communication is flawless, nothing new from this source, you all already know it, a matter of minutes to expect a reply back.

Shipment took 5 working days.

Stealth was fucking great for those who live in countries with harsh customs but not that necessary where I live.

Until the moment I have only used the rHGH and it is fucking great, probably even surpassed my expectations.

CON: Kraken's hidden profit on the exchange market price costed me a vial of Bac water, so fucked my Saturday's drink shot.

tod ne.jpg
hgh1 ne.jpg

The athlete does not look good here, but he is fit as fuck:
p2 - c.png

p1 - c.png

And my beloved boxer, who passed away a year ago, but would be proud to try Liska's gear to keep his infinite bulking phase:

k - c.png
tog - c.png
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This review is of an order made some weeks ago, but unfortunately I had not the time nor the energy to do it.

Communication is flawless, nothing new from this source, you all already know it, a matter of minutes to expect a reply back.

Shipment took 5 working days.

Stealth was fucking great for those who live in countries with harsh customs but not that necessary where I live.

Until the moment I have only used the rHGH and it is fucking great, probably even surpassed my expectations.

CON: Kraken's hidden profit on the exchange market price costed me a vial of Bac water, so fucked my Saturday's drink shot.

View attachment 163150
View attachment 163151

The athlete does not look good here, but he is fit as fuck:
View attachment 163153

View attachment 163154

And my beloved boxer, who passed away a year ago, but would be proud to try Liska's gear to keep his infinite bulking phase:

View attachment 163155
View attachment 163156
Lovely boxer, he looks so proud in the first pic
Just placed an order. Something I found only in liska is that he treats you like an old time customer even if it's just your second order.
My cathlete is most satisfied
I try to treat every customer the same (exceptions may be made for some pets), which is great for new customers just getting their paws wet and probably a bit irritating for those ordering bigger amounts regularly but I consider favouritism a slippery slope.

@Alphalfa That boxer pic is so perfect it should be on wikipedia

@Giorgio I've received a question what breed your cat is, please provide details!
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Where is the benefit of using bac water over Standard nacl?
I also ask my self the same thing, ironacally enough i work in a hospital, i have worked in several actually and i have never seen Bac water, always regular sterile water and regular saline 0.9% which already has antibacterial properties on it´s own since it is used to clean up wounds in the ER and OR.
I have currently in my fridge a vial of HCG from SP that i reconstituted more than 3 months ago with regular saline, i even have it in a syringe not in a vial, just to test it out i made a pregnancy test with very little and it went positive inmediately, seen this i went and injected my self with 200 IUs and fine no issues at all, i kinda get moody on HCG and tend to hold some water this is why i rarely use it but since then i have been using that same HCG i tested and i have had no issues at all, using it once per week and already seeing more semen volume and testicular size, i have reconstituted HGH sevaral times using regular saline and again no issues at all, i simply do it with bac water because as on HCG i can not test if HGH loses potency or not ans i don´t wanna risk it but that is it, if you are out of bac water simply do it with regular saline