Cat Café EU & US domestic


I’ve been almost a regular customer since the site opened.
I would like to share my opinion.
Let's start with the delivery.
I received my packages in 3-5 working days in an EU country.
Always intact, with great safe packaging I've never seen before.
Liska : Always correct, accurate, precise. Terribly helpful, kind man. He is always there on the TOP.
Test-p: With insulin needle, injected into the shoulder 0pip, very pleasant, soft oil. And a completely correct dose.
tren-a: Its quality is also impeccable. I have made tremendous progress with it. It goes through a thin needle easily.
Ment - ena : prodotto pazzesco! Ho usato 2-300 mg a settimana e risultati semplicemente inconcepibili. Aumento di peso veloce, muscoli puliti, allenamenti molto duri.. Ma avevo bisogno di 0,5 arimidex/giorno.. masteron: Dose corretta, solitamente un ottimo prodotto. portato ciò che ci si aspettava da lui. Liska HGH: Lo adoro! mi ha aiutato molto nel mio recupero. Ho dormito molto meglio da lui, ero riposato durante il giorno. Sono riuscito a rimanere all'asciutto. i miei muscoli sono spuntati durante il giorno. Rotondità, tenuta. Pelle più bella... e potrei elencarla. Ho usato 5 unità al giorno. 2,5 la mattina a stomaco vuoto 2,5 la sera prima di coricarsi.

Grazie di tutto! molto comprerò anche in futuro e lo consiglio vivamente a tutti.
Scusa l'intrusione. Leggevo che hai iniettato testo con ago di insulina, giusto? Non dovrebbe essere intramuscolare l' iniezione?
I'm sorry to say that quite a few of you must wait for quite a while still, I'm working on some overarching projects that are necessary for the cat café not to collapse under the ever increasing amount of orders, which are currently devouring all of my time, and the easy solution of increasing the minimum order amount by a lot would be ridiculous.

Anyways, I'm proud to welcome back a famous cathlete previously featured on the cover of 'feline vogue' magazine and two more lovely cathletes from a coach that's basically hoarding them!
I'm sorry to say that quite a few of you must wait for quite a while still, I'm working on some overarching projects that are necessary for the cat café not to collapse under the ever increasing amount of orders, which are currently devouring all of my time, and the easy solution of increasing the minimum order amount by a lot would be ridiculous.

Anyways, I'm proud to welcome back a famous cathlete previously featured on the cover of 'feline vogue' magazine and two more lovely cathletes from a coach that's basically hoarding them!
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Much love my friend, im proud of you, you come such a long way on this adventure! TREAT YOURSELF A LITTLE <3


I can also confirm that Liskas clenuterol is fire! 10/10 on quality, communication, shipping time and stealth for the catcafe :D
Received my order from Liska today

I'm happy with the fast delivery from Liska

I also placed an order with dragon Ordnance last night, I hope he delivers as fast

I'm looking forward to trying Liska' lab certified quality


Edit to add I've also got some BPC-157 and TB500 from Liska but that's in the fridge now
1. The new website is finished and should be showing up sometime within the next 12 hours based on your location/DNS propagation. It's already viewable from Spain so moving your VPN there will give you an early look! It has a dedicated mobile version as well now for those that have understandably avoided browsing it via mobile phone until now.

2. As the amount of orders breaking not just one but 3-4 store rules at once have drastically increased, I've added a FAQ including more detailed rules and order guidelines and will be a lot quicker to ban those choosing to waste my time (and thereby that of other waiting customers) by not spending 2-3 minutes reading.

3. Easter holidays are coming up which means postal services will be out of service from Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th. While I hate this, it does free up inventory management time to have an easter promotion, so please look forward to this coming soon. While it won't be exclusively for bunny owners, there will be an added bonus for them buns.

4. As my cathlete library has grown into the hundreds I was considering adding a gallery for them to the website but want to hear some opinions whether this would be considered doxxing or otherwise uncomfortable by those having submitted pictures so far.
View attachment 163450
1. The new website is finished and should be showing up sometime within the next 12 hours based on your location/DNS propagation. It's already viewable from Spain so moving your VPN there will give you an early look! It has a dedicated mobile version as well now for those that have understandably avoided browsing it via mobile phone until now.

2. As the amount of orders breaking not just one but 3-4 store rules at once have drastically increased, I've added a FAQ including more detailed rules and order guidelines and will be a lot quicker to ban those choosing to waste my time (and thereby that of other waiting customers) by not spending 2-3 minutes reading.

3. Easter holidays are coming up which means postal services will be out of service from Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th. While I hate this, it does free up inventory management time to have an easter promotion, so please look forward to this coming soon. While it won't be exclusively for bunny owners, there will be an added bonus for them buns.

4. As my cathlete library has grown into the hundreds I was considering adding a gallery for them to the website but want to hear some opinions whether this would be considered doxxing or otherwise uncomfortable by those having submitted pictures so far.
A gallery of cathletes sounds awesome honestly, I'm surprised it's not a thing yet.
View attachment 163450
1. The new website is finished and should be showing up sometime within the next 12 hours based on your location/DNS propagation. It's already viewable from Spain so moving your VPN there will give you an early look! It has a dedicated mobile version as well now for those that have understandably avoided browsing it via mobile phone until now.

2. As the amount of orders breaking not just one but 3-4 store rules at once have drastically increased, I've added a FAQ including more detailed rules and order guidelines and will be a lot quicker to ban those choosing to waste my time (and thereby that of other waiting customers) by not spending 2-3 minutes reading.

3. Easter holidays are coming up which means postal services will be out of service from Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th. While I hate this, it does free up inventory management time to have an easter promotion, so please look forward to this coming soon. While it won't be exclusively for bunny owners, there will be an added bonus for them buns.

4. As my cathlete library has grown into the hundreds I was considering adding a gallery for them to the website but want to hear some opinions whether this would be considered doxxing or otherwise uncomfortable by those having submitted pictures so far.
The website already works. It looks amazing the mobile version
View attachment 163450
1. The new website is finished and should be showing up sometime within the next 12 hours based on your location/DNS propagation. It's already viewable from Spain so moving your VPN there will give you an early look! It has a dedicated mobile version as well now for those that have understandably avoided browsing it via mobile phone until now.

2. As the amount of orders breaking not just one but 3-4 store rules at once have drastically increased, I've added a FAQ including more detailed rules and order guidelines and will be a lot quicker to ban those choosing to waste my time (and thereby that of other waiting customers) by not spending 2-3 minutes reading.

3. Easter holidays are coming up which means postal services will be out of service from Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th. While I hate this, it does free up inventory management time to have an easter promotion, so please look forward to this coming soon. While it won't be exclusively for bunny owners, there will be an added bonus for them buns.

4. As my cathlete library has grown into the hundreds I was considering adding a gallery for them to the website but want to hear some opinions whether this would be considered doxxing or otherwise uncomfortable by those having submitted pictures so far.
Hey @Liska , sorry to point this out but this might help your sales. Your information/description of the Ozempic is not correct, it has more amount in mg that you stated. Your original description:

"3ml x 1mg

1mg/ml 3ml Ozempic (Semaglutide) pen by Novo Nordisk from a german pharmacy. Includes needles."

It includes 4mg in total, not 3mg, 4mg/3ml (1.34mg/ml)

@Liska The livson HCG states it’s tests to 90% does that mean it was 10% underdosed, sorry for the stupid question I’m just trying to calculate how much extra I’d need to inject to match the pharma grade gonassi I’m shortly going to run out of as I’ve left my TRT provider and doing it all myself now I’m dialed in.

Thinking of using your Test cyp also, the Perrigo test cyp I currently use sub q is cotton seed oil and pip free, what carrier oil do you use?
New website looks great.

Cathlete gallery is a good idea.

Though I was already careful to not include any identifying info and scrubbed the exif data, I can't assume others were too.
New website looks great.

Cathlete gallery is a good idea.

Though I was already careful to not include any identifying info and scrubbed the exif data, I can't assume others were too.
I check each picture that gets submitted to me for this as well and would be more strict about removing certain background details via photoshop, especially those found in reflections. I'll put this on the easter holiday task list!
@Sustanation79 Do you have testing of the Gonassi HCG to compare to? Otherwise all you can do is adjust via bloodwork. Carrier oil is MCT.
Unfortunately not buddy, the gonassi is prescribed by a uk Dr so I’m assuming it’s pretty much there dosage wise, just can’t rationalise paying a £100 a month subscription even when I’m fully stocked up with my TRT meds, all my bloods show is Lutinizing hormone and folical stimulating hormone at less than 0.1 so I’m unsure how I’d be able to dial the HCG in dose wise without a lab test.

Ps new website looks great.
Unfortunately not buddy, the gonassi is prescribed by a uk Dr so I’m assuming it’s pretty much there dosage wise, just can’t rationalise paying a £100 a month subscription even when I’m fully stocked up with my TRT meds, all my bloods show is Lutinizing hormone and folical stimulating hormone at less than 0.1 so I’m unsure how I’d be able to dial the HCG in dose wise without a lab test.

Ps new website looks great.
Basically, you want to inject then take bloods 22 hours later, this will show your maximum concentration of HCG, from this you can compare to Gonassi HCG if you still have it.

Still, if 10% underdosed, you need to increase dose theoretically by 11%(call it 10, realistically lol).
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Recently had the pleasure to order from Liska for the first time.

Everthing went great! Top notch customer service!

Shipping domestically took exactly 24h. The gear looks great, althrough i havent tried anything yet. Will be my first ever cycle so i just went with some Primo and test E.

Will update with the PIP after my first shot.