Cat Café EU & US domestic

you've played devils advocate with a wall of nonsense. i'm sorry that this is rude but if you can present any science, showing a drug that is chemically identical, is delivered in the exact same way as 40 years ago, some how is magically doing anything differently, i will apologise.

this isn't like buying a car or a house. testosterone isn't suddenly "built differently". if YOU are not responding as you did years ago, then that's a product of your own wear and tear, or, hopefully cos 100mg of tren when you were 50lbs lighter doesn't hit the same now you're heavier.

if you're basing this nonsense on the horseshit people throw around about their doses, then the fact they're now running 1g of tren is nothing to do with tren not hitting the same as it did years ago, its just them justifying a gram of tren.
My man chose to speak facts. It’s ridiculous and absolute nonsense to say a chemically identical product from 20 years ago is stronger than what we have now.
As someone not particularly well versed in pharmacology, that wall of text confused the hell out of me.

Thanks for confirming it was, in fact, nonsense.
Will play Devil’s advocate on this statement.
Not all raw materials are created equal.
Fact is everything changed when it comes to quality of gear.
The BD dbol and anadrol that is offered as real isnt the same as the ones 12 years ago. Old dbol doesnt compare with the stuff on the market now.
Ive tried anadrol raws from multiple suppliers, even hg anapolon from (turkish pharma) also noticibly different then the ones 15 years ago.

Tren a ?
Finaplix was much much stronger then the chinese tren a raws we have now, but Yeah it’s the same stuff cause it tested 98% right ?

Negma s tren hex was ridiculous stuff just one ampule a week (78mg) totally changed vascularity , strength and muscle recomposition.

hg deca ? 250 mg enough to see massive change.

Nothing against liska btw, in my opinion he is doing a very good job trying to get the best quality raws , and i am also a customer.

But this whole idea that if it tests the same it’s the same as the hg stuff just isn’t true… countless anecdotes from experienced bb s and personal experience refute this idea
Anyone who got their hands on one of the early 1973 batches of Finaplix will confirm that by 1977 the stuff was 'all hat no cattle' as we say in Texas, and synthetic HGH = pathetic HGH compared to a quality cadaver sourced product from a USP morgue (short for more gains).

@janoshik Can you think of any way to test for these rumoured potential differences between USP and 'UGL' AAS that can add legitimacy to the legends that have divided the community for decades? If there's room for improvement hidden somewhere, I don't want to regret not checking properly.
Anyone who got their hands on one of the early 1973 batches of Finaplix will confirm that by 1977 the stuff was 'all hat no cattle' as we say in Texas, and synthetic HGH = pathetic HGH compared to a quality cadaver sourced product from a USP morgue (short for more gains).

@janoshik Can you think of any way to test for these rumoured potential differences between USP and 'UGL' AAS that can add legitimacy to the legends that have divided the community for decades? If there's room for improvement hidden somewhere, I don't want to regret not checking properly.
When I did my first cycle just 500 mg test made me blow the fuck up, ten years later I shrunk on that much, gotta be the gear being shitty nowadays!

When I bought 250 mg DNP a decade ago from Dhacks I shed fat like crazy, now at 250 mg I barely break a sweat!

And last but not the least the grass was greener too when I was younger!

15 years ago I could drink 20 beers and still function no problem, now I'd fucking die. That's about how personal anecdotes from that long ago hold up in my book. No offense.

PS: While 99% of nostalgia posting like that is BS, for some compounds, namely trenbologna there MIGHT be some substance to such claims. Doesn't have to be, but might. I think somebody very smart once talked about his vague belief of it being possible 1 amp of pharma grade test for 15$, am I getting ripped off?
When I did my first cycle just 500 mg test made me blow the fuck up, ten years later I shrunk on that much, gotta be the gear being shitty nowadays!

When I bought 250 mg DNP a decade ago from Dhacks I shed fat like crazy, now at 250 mg I barely break a sweat!

And last but not the least the grass was greener too when I was younger!

15 years ago I could drink 20 beers and still function no problem, now I'd fucking die. That's about how personal anecdotes from that long ago hold up in my book. No offense.

PS: While 99% of nostalgia posting like that is BS, for some compounds, namely trenbologna there MIGHT be some substance to such claims. Doesn't have to be, but might. I think somebody very smart once talked about his vague belief of it being possible 1 amp of pharma grade test for 15$, am I getting ripped off?
what testing method do you use when people send you samples and what is your reference sample based on?

as far as i remember, you can still test racemic drugs via HPLC. so that would be a very interesting thing to see. i would be utterly astonished if "old school tren", especially dirt cheap cattle implants had any efforts spent on trying to split things up and i can't find anything on the use of mechanical or enzyme separation of it, which you'd assume would have been a patent given how widespread the use was.

do you have any sources for the actions of the tren enantiomers?
When I did my first cycle just 500 mg test made me blow the fuck up, ten years later I shrunk on that much, gotta be the gear being shitty nowadays!

When I bought 250 mg DNP a decade ago from Dhacks I shed fat like crazy, now at 250 mg I barely break a sweat!

And last but not the least the grass was greener too when I was younger!

15 years ago I could drink 20 beers and still function no problem, now I'd fucking die. That's about how personal anecdotes from that long ago hold up in my book. No offense.

PS: While 99% of nostalgia posting like that is BS, for some compounds, namely trenbologna there MIGHT be some substance to such claims. Doesn't have to be, but might. I think somebody very smart once talked about his vague belief of it being possible 1 amp of pharma grade test for 15$, am I getting ripped off?
So even if todays Tren is made of a 50% + 50% mix, the guy claimed that 78mg of the old stuff would induce very clear changes, now for todays standard if you double that dose you would still have the same amount of the active module in the end. 156mg of tren a week it is.

Another thing, how would one manufacture tren with the right spatial rotation?

kind regards
you've played devils advocate with a wall of nonsense. i'm sorry that this is rude but if you can present any science, showing a drug that is chemically identical, is delivered in the exact same way as 40 years ago, some how is magically doing anything differently, i will apologise.

this isn't like buying a car or a house. testosterone isn't suddenly "built differently". if YOU are not responding as you did years ago, then that's a product of your own wear and tear, or, hopefully cos 100mg of tren when you were 50lbs lighter doesn't hit the same now you're heavier.

if you're basing this nonsense on the horseshit people throw around about their doses, then the fact they're now running 1g of tren is nothing to do with tren not hitting the same as it did years ago, its just them justifying a gram of tren.
Complete crap.
Fact is experience and anecdotals matter.

Everyone that’s actually brewed tren from pellets can testify this.

Same with pharmacy drugs. I worked at insurance where countless people complained why their new covered oxazepam didn’t work. Government healthcare switches to cheaper generic brands of drugs with different saw sources that barely even work in a lot of instances, eventhough it tested for the right substance and amount.

Have you ever used fina?
I know for sure you would talk differently.

Same with real negma parabolan
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So even if todays Tren is made of a 50% + 50% mix, the guy claimed that 78mg of the old stuff would induce very clear changes, now for todays standard if you double that dose you would still have the same amount of the active module in the end. 156mg of tren a week it is.

Another thing, how would one manufacture tren with the right spatial rotation?

kind regards
Shame the new pellets have estriadol inside, it’s a night and day difference.

Good ones were still available not very long ago, just a bit more effort in the homebrew then a normal one.

There ofcourse must be difference in the amount of active substance.
Chemistry = chemistry
Just some standard tests are not gving the full story
Complete crap.
Fact is experience and anecdotals matter.

Everyone that’s actually brewed tren from pellets can testify this.

Same with pharmacy drugs. I worked at insurance where countless people complained why their new covered oxazepam didn’t work. Government healthcare switches to cheaper generic brands of drugs with different saw sources that barely even work in a lot of instances, eventhough it tested for the right substance and amount.

Have you ever used fina?
I know for sure you would talk differently.

Same with real negma parabolan
Maybe they're saying their oxazepam doesn't work cause they're benzo addicts and want double the pills
what testing method do you use when people send you samples and what is your reference sample based on?

as far as i remember, you can still test racemic drugs via HPLC. so that would be a very interesting thing to see. i would be utterly astonished if "old school tren", especially dirt cheap cattle implants had any efforts spent on trying to split things up and i can't find anything on the use of mechanical or enzyme separation of it, which you'd assume would have been a patent given how widespread the use was.

do you have any sources for the actions of the tren enantiomers?
HPLC and I just buy or make references.

You'd need a special chiral column and those are expensive, short lasting and major pain in the ass generally.

For chiral specific compounds separation (not sure what you mean mechanic or enzymatic, not aware of such separation processed) is not really used on industrial level, it's mostly just synthetized that way from scratch, scratch being something optically pure, when possible AFAIK. I'm not a chem engineer though, so take me with a grain of salt.

I think I saw some articles about tren enantiomer activity, but have no sources on hand and too busy to look.
So even if todays Tren is made of a 50% + 50% mix, the guy claimed that 78mg of the old stuff would induce very clear changes, now for todays standard if you double that dose you would still have the same amount of the active module in the end. 156mg of tren a week it is.

Another thing, how would one manufacture tren with the right spatial rotation?

kind regards
Yep, even if todays tren is racemic and old finas were enantiomerically pure it'd be like that.

I'm not in chemical engineering so I can't help about the synthesis. Might be worth checking out some old patents I guess.
Shame the new pellets have estriadol , it’s a insidenight and day difference.

Good ones were still available not very long ago, just a bit more effort in the homebrew then a normal one.

There ofcourse must be difference in the amount of active substance.
Chemistry = chemistry
Just some standard tests are not gving the full story
Im sure Liskas Tren has no estradiol inside thats just ridiculous. On that note I will order some Tren next week and try it out.

Tren Acetate beats Tren Hex in any aspect from what I understand. Why would such an incredibly long ester be beneficial? How much acetate would one need to inject weekly to get to the same hormone concentration 78mg of Tren Hex would produce? Assuming the Acetate has a mix of 50-50 enantiomers.
Fact is experience and anecdotals matter.
Yeah okay. Don't claim they matter more than hard data though.

Same with pharmacy drugs. I worked at insurance where countless people complained why their new covered oxazepam didn’t work. Government healthcare switches to cheaper generic brands of drugs with different saw sources that barely even work in a lot of instances, eventhough it tested for the right substance and amount.
Not to be a cunt, but gee, I wonder why would people complain en masse that their highly addictive drugs that build tolerance insanely fast stopped working.
Yep, even if todays tren is racemic and old finas were enantiomerically pure it'd be like that.

I'm not in chemical engineering so I can't help about the synthesis. Might be worth checking out some old patents I guess.
Is there like an archive for old patents? If so I'd happily dig in.
Tren Acetate beats Tren Hex in any aspect from what I understand. Why would such an incredibly long ester be beneficial? How much acetate would one need to inject weekly to get to the same hormone concentration 78mg of Tren Hex would produce? Assuming the Acetate has a mix of 50-50 enantiomers.
Tren Hex and acetate on market are the same, sans ester AFAIK.


100 mg of pure trenbolone is roughly equivalent to 115.55 mg of tren acetate or 151.85 tren hex or 141.49 mg tren e.

Is there like an archive for old patents? If so I'd happily dig in.
Google has one! Google Patents
HPLC and I just buy or make references.

You'd need a special chiral column and those are expensive, short lasting and major pain in the ass generally.

For chiral specific compounds separation (not sure what you mean mechanic or enzymatic, not aware of such separation processed) is not really used on industrial level, it's mostly just synthetized that way from scratch, scratch being something optically pure, when possible AFAIK. I'm not a chem engineer though, so take me with a grain of salt.

I think I saw some articles about tren enantiomer activity, but have no sources on hand and too busy to look.

you've shown tests you've done before on MENT, showing some of the other potential stuff that was in it. Do any of the tren samples you've seen recently flag as containing 17a-tren or trendione? 17b and 17a are isomers but as far as i was aware, both are biologically active, as is trendione.

sorry to bombard, this is a super interesting topic.
you've shown tests you've done before on MENT, showing some of the other potential stuff that was in it. Do any of the tren samples you've seen recently flag as containing 17a-tren or trendione? 17b and 17a are isomers but as far as i was aware, both are biologically active, as is trendione.

sorry to bombard, this is a super interesting topic.
Trendione is not included in common AAS test so can't tell, but I think I'd notice on the other tests that I run on the regular.
My man chose to speak facts. It’s ridiculous and absolute nonsense to say a chemically identical product from 20 years ago is stronger than what we have now.
I didn’t say that again.
The chemistry isn’t necessary the same and again, you never used fina