Cat Café EU & US domestic

Damn I was waiting for a friend to do the order together this week and I don't see Oxandrolone listed anymore :(

I was thinking of doing 20 weeks of test + 50mg oxandrole for the last 7 weeks or so, is there any SARM alternative you guys would suggest me?
I have one Oxandrolone 100x25mg left from a ghosted order that should suffice for that cycle.
you should be looking at a mimimum of a 4 week cycle imo.
BPC 250-500µg twice daily
TB around 2-4mg weekly.

So if i were you, i would buy 4*BPC and 2*TB
Will do that sir.

So TB is just one big shot a week ? Wouldn't it be better to dose it ED along with BPC ? These peptides work systematicly right - you can just do belly shots - no need to inject in the specific area ? Atleast thats what I found out from few vids I watched a while ago.
Will do that sir.

So TB is just one big shot a week ? Wouldn't it be better to dose it ED along with BPC ? These peptides work systematicly right - you can just do belly shots - no need to inject in the specific area ? Atleast thats what I found out from few vids I watched a while ago.

well, i always advocate to use daily pins on almost everything, so pinning daily gets my "good2go" :D
i just stated that for TB once weekly is sufficient since its half life is pretty long.
BPC half-life is very short, thats why twice daily.
TBH, i also read both are systematic but for BPC i always have the feeling that injection near the injury helps more than using it in the stomach subq
Will do that sir.

So TB is just one big shot a week ? Wouldn't it be better to dose it ED along with BPC ? These peptides work systematicly right - you can just do belly shots - no need to inject in the specific area ? Atleast thats what I found out from few vids I watched a while ago.
But listen they work only on a certain extent. I mean don't expect magic expecially is damage is chronic or too big. I would prefere to use them during recovery from an injury later than treat chronic issues.
well, i always advocate to use daily pins on almost everything, so pinning daily gets my "good2go" :D
i just stated that for TB once weekly is sufficient since its half life is pretty long.
BPC half-life is very short, thats why twice daily.
TBH, i also read both are systematic but for BPC i always have the feeling that injection near the injury helps more than using it in the stomach subq
yeh I will just pin daily along with BPC, why not, I am pinning anyways so might aswell combine it in one syringe.
But listen they work only on a certain extent. I mean don't expect magic expecially is damage is chronic or too big. I would prefere to use them during recovery from an injury later than treat chronic issues.
I understand that but will still give it a shot with one cycle and see what it does. If it doesn't help atleast I tried yo
Hi liska was there a reason for the anadrol not being sold anymore?
I ordered 1 bottle of anadrol and want to give a fair review cause that’s what this site is al about, as far as I understand.

I have been on it for 9 days at 50 mg, and haven’t gained any excess water weight which usually happens after 2 days, also no strength increase whatsoever, quite dissapointing.
Hi liska was there a reason for the anadrol not being sold anymore?
I ordered 1 bottle of anadrol and want to give a fair review cause that’s what this site is al about, as far as I understand.

I have been on it for 9 days at 50 mg, and haven’t gained any excess water weight which usually happens after 2 days, also no strength increase whatsoever, quite dissapointing.
I messed up and this happened:
and separating the spotty from the clean tablets is such a huge strain on my eyes and time that I surrendered and unlisted them (alongside some other orals this happened with) and shut down the entire tablet production for upgrades a while ago. Searching my thread for anadrol I found a couple of good reviews so in order to investigate this further, I will offer any active Meso customer promising to post feedback the aforementioned mix of clean & spotty Oxymetholone tablets for free with their order and I'll see about replacing yours with pharma Anadrol as soon as I can get my hands on it or anything else you want to switch it for, so just send me a mail.

I have had my second order from catcafe, great experience such as the first one, easy and fast on point talk!

Also what is up with the website it is not loading for me?! @Liska do you still offer 100 euro store credit for posting a test result here from a compound?


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I have had my second order from catcafe, great experience such as the first one, easy and fast on point talk!

Also what is up with the website it is not loading for me?! @Liska do you still offer 100 euro store credit for posting a test result here from a compound?
I have had my second cat picture from peter and it has been a great experience again!

edit: changed some stuff earlier today which broke the url with the www. prefix, without it's fine, will be fixed immediately.

Yes, I'll cover the cost of labtesting in store credit (some compounds are more expensive than others so this should be better than a flat amount), that's never going to change.
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I have had my second order from catcafe, great experience such as the first one, easy and fast on point talk!

Also what is up with the website it is not loading for me?! @Liska do you still offer 100 euro store credit for posting a test result here from a compound?
holy moly your cat is adorable
Hello @Liska
I am thinking about the Oxandrolone 100x25mg and the Primobolan E 200mg/ml for a cycle with Testosterone E.

I cant see them back in the catcafe store :( can you tell us about a date that you could think about them back in store ?
Maybe i can wait for the order or maybe i have to change the cycle protocol even if i really like this one
Many thanks !
Hello @Liska
I am thinking about the Oxandrolone 100x25mg and the Primobolan E 200mg/ml for a cycle with Testosterone E.

I cant see them back in the catcafe store :( can you tell us about a date that you could think about them back in store ?
Maybe i can wait for the order or maybe i have to change the cycle protocol even if i really like this one
Many thanks !
Liska's rule #1
Do NOT ask about oos products
Big Black Cat Café proudly presents a triad of returning cathletes!

Today marks the final day of the easter promotion, unfortunately no buns were shown so far:

As I want to make some products available at promo prices permanently, I'm contemplating expanding the cat picture promotion to make it accessible to more customers, which is why I've put an unreasonable amount of time into the new cathlete gallery on the website, where you can view all the submissions made over the years - clicking each picture expands it:
Excluded were:
1. those that requested their pictures to not be shown online/to this thread or even hinted at discomfort.
2. those that included details which may lead to doxxing apart from the cat itself (shoutouts to the black cat with a scantily clad lady in the reflection of the sunglasses).

Should you want your pet picture removed for any reason, contact me in any way please!

As a general note, I'm fully aware of the problems caused by certain products being out of stock for an extended duration and this will unfortunately happen to many other popular products in May, most likely Test E & C, Primo, NPP. This present/future state of a temporarily fragmented lineup is not without purpose, but that's as much as I want to say besides that my monthly bill at Janoshik is certainly not shrinking!