Cat Café EU & US domestic

when do the oral expire? example: i want to buy raloxifene from catcafe because i can't know if during the cycles over the years gino can develop, if i buy raloxifene today (2022) and gyno development in 2030 will it still be good?
when do the oral expire? example: i want to buy raloxifene from catcafe because i can't know if during the cycles over the years gino can develop, if i buy raloxifene today (2022) and gyno development in 2030 will it still be good?
Bruh we all gotta replace our drug cabinets at some point
when do the oral expire? example: i want to buy raloxifene from catcafe because i can't know if during the cycles over the years gino can develop, if i buy raloxifene today (2022) and gyno development in 2030 will it still be good?
~24 months in the conditions described in this study for pharmaceutical Raloxifene. I don't know what the rate of deteration is for its potency afterwards but send me a message in 2030 and I'll replace it for free.
Lisca gentilmente sai consigliarmi su quale dosaggio correre sul tuo trestolone enantato? Mai fatto uso di questo composto
Consiglierei di usare prima Trestolone Acetate per capire quale dosaggio funziona meglio per te poiché puoi aumentarlo o diminuirlo rapidamente se necessario. Se hai già Trest E e sei determinato a iniziare con esso, consiglierei 25 mg di eod per iniziare poiché può essere più che sufficiente per alcuni e non iniziare senza avere l'IA a portata di mano. @Carrasco89 ha pubblicato alcune volte i suoi dosaggi di Trest E in questo thread!
Here's a preview of the HGH batch next up after the current one sells out. Samples were express shipped all the way, cutting time in transport to Jano down to just ~6 days total. I can't overstate how crucial @janoshik's willingness to always go the extra mile is (with an insane 1 day T/A as well) in the quest to continually improve product quality, really feels like we're in a golden age presently.View attachment 164582

Hey Liska! When will your BBCatropin be up on your page. What is the difference between BBC and current Catropin? (size?)
And is primobolan not ment to be on your bulk list? (due to it being a pricy product i can imagine)
Hey Liska! When will your BBCatropin be up on your page. What is the difference between BBC and current Catropin? (size?)
And is primobolan not ment to be on your bulk list? (due to it being a pricy product i can imagine)
BBC will succeed the present batch, which should sell out sometime this month. There's no difference in product/manufacturer, just all vials testing >95% now instead of 1/3. The bulk list isn't determined by product price (as you can tell from the inclusion of Trestolone) but current stock numbers and product popularity, so for each product listed I'm trying to improve one of those two variables to my liking.
I haven't been keeping track of catcafe the last few weeks, but today i noticed Ozzy and Flecky basically got there own Hall of Fame page on the catcafe. Made our day. Thanks LiskaIMG_20220504_130136.jpg

I’m new here. Is the uk version that sells tadalafil pharma grade the same as this Eu source? (Are you the same seller for uk and Eu site?)

Also, I can’t find mk677(ibutamoren) on either the uk or Eu site. Is that due to come in?
Ordered domestic and European, fast service and everything arrived fine. Really rate the service.

The stealth and packaging is another level and the extended effort to ensure safety is the best I've ever seen.

Can't recommend the service enough.
I would like to know who ordered ( proof of order) and used liska ‘s anadrol.

I have tried it over 10 days and no extra glycogen weight . strength or anything positive to post on it.