Cat Café EU & US domestic

I was getting lumps as well, but I'm sure it was just sub q leaks. Reason I am so sure is that I have switched to longer needles and now no longer get lumps.
Its not a little bit bro… even 50/50 (with less then 1ml test e)with 60 mg/ml Ment the pip stays for a week and leaves lumps.
If you search this thread you'll find lots of reports of zero PIP but quite a few regarding PIP as well - mind you that people experiencing issues are far more likely to post than people not experiencing any problems.
I've already stated that I've researched potential causes and fixes in depth, annoyed Janoshik about it as much as I dared and have prepared some tests to further investigate that I'm not sure anyone else has yet bothered with, which will result in this issue no longer existing in any future batch.

Even amongst those experiencing said problems, noone has taken to spamming my thread with a vengeance last seen in dear departed Cherokee but I'm sure you're here to stay from now on and cannot wait to read more of the same!
Why do you even bother to sell test e in future and lose time and money just to find a cause and maybe a solution when you simply can sell test d instead. Is the same thing only have 7% less hormone active than test e. That 7% you can overdose and compensate that "loss"
Can be brew at 350 mg/ml also and it's a safe bet then losing like 5-6k on test e that can't even be used or losing time and money on a question why it has the pip

Your business, your money but I suggest to safe some money for a retirement because you can't do this for very long. I don't know any active sellers from when I started using steroids that still sells today and that 12 years this year. Even they got caught or they stop and open legit business
At one point I have read that you didn't take any profit from one year activity and I was like wtf is doing this guy. I don't know but I would think about this for a minute
If you search this thread you'll find lots of reports of zero PIP but quite a few regarding PIP as well - mind you that people experiencing issues are far more likely to post than people not experiencing any problems.
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I've already stated that I've researched potential causes and fixes in depth, annoyed Janoshik about it as much as I dared and have prepared some tests to further investigate that I'm not sure anyone else has yet bothered with, which will result in this issue no longer existing in any future batch.

Even amongst those experiencing said problems, noone has taken to spamming my thread with a vengeance last seen in dear departed Cherokee but I'm sure you're here to stay from now on and cannot wait to read more of the same!
Allright first off your the one who wanted to make our private convos public in this thread…i respectfully pm ed you on the pip cause I didn’t want to make that public. Now with this anadrol issue i only made a short statement on it in the public thread and continued out of respect in private conversations.

I wanted to deal with this privately but now I think it’s good this is in the open, your attitude is completely shit to unhappy customers.

You also embarrassed yourself with blatantly contradicting yourself.

You probably forgot you offered me a reimbursement back on page 205 in the public thread but in our private mesages youre saying you want to wait on the other anadrol customers, which is disingenuous.

And then you came to the public thread accusing me of being contradictory, when the only one who is blatantly so is you
“I would not give into your requests for free products right away”.page 209

I mean that sounds pretty insincere huh when your the one who offered me that on page 205… i never made that request
I'll see about replacing yours with pharma Anadrol as soon as I can get my hands on it or anything else you want to switch it for, so just send me a mail(205)
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Why do you even bother to sell test e in future and lose time and money just to find a cause and maybe a solution when you simply can sell test d instead. Is the same thing only have 7% less hormone active than test e. That 7% you can overdose and compensate that "loss"
Can be brew at 350 mg/ml also and it's a safe bet then losing like 5-6k on test e that can't even be used or losing time and money on a question why it has the pip

Your business, your money but I suggest to safe some money for a retirement because you can't do this for very long. I don't know any active sellers from when I started using steroids that still sells today and that 12 years this year. Even they got caught or they stop and open legit business
At one point I have read that you didn't take any profit from one year activity and I was like wtf is doing this guy. I don't know but I would think about this for a minute
I had considered the somewhat underrated decanoate ester not only for Testosterone but also DHB due to its favourable properties as a standalone and in mixes, but with the help of really smart friends found an even better solution (literally). Do consider that bodybuilders mostly buy what they know when it comes to esters, which I believe has stifled custom synthesis of potentially useful ones that have been absent from pharmaceutical AAS either past or present.

Well, regarding the second paragraph, it's not something I make a secret of nor do I want to go into further detail, but I've no need for retirement funds because I haven't much time left, so putting 100% into this is my best shot to to see my vision come true.

Posting a premium cathlete as a reward for all that had to suffer through the paid per post propaganda:
I must honestly say that my experience with catcafe test e 350 has been quite the opposite, I have absolutely no pip after I inject, I shoot 0.5ml along with 1ml nandrolone 2x/wk, I also find that it draws and shoots better than most other aas ive used over the years, just my honest opinion obviously everyone reacts differently
I had considered the somewhat underrated decanoate ester not only for Testosterone but also DHB due to its favourable properties as a standalone and in mixes, but with the help of really smart friends found an even better solution (literally). Do consider that bodybuilders mostly buy what they know when it comes to esters, which I believe has stifled custom synthesis of potentially useful ones that have been absent from pharmaceutical AAS either past or present.

Well, regarding the second paragraph, it's not something I make a secret of nor do I want to go into further detail, but I've no need for retirement funds because I haven't much time left, so putting 100% into this is my best shot to to see my vision come true.

Posting a premium cathlete as a reward for all that had to suffer through the paid per post propaganda:
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If you are like Walter White and have terminal cancer or something that you know you will not get alive or live much longer what a legend to become a steroid seller and trying to do something like real steroid harm reduction and not fuck prostitute like I would do.
Take care however much you have left from this story called life if that's the case.
Hello is it possible to reduce min order amount to 350€ for banktransfer? 500€ is hardcore
For OPSEC reasons related to cost & capacity not at the moment, and I'm not confident enough to give an estimate if/when I'll be able to improve this option.
the best source on this site!! Best service and incredibly fast delivery. Do you have any plans to expand your inventory with semaglutide/liraglutide?

We are really missing a UGL variant of this product in the EU.
the best source on this site!! Best service and incredibly fast delivery. Do you have any plans to expand your inventory with semaglutide/liraglutide?

We are really missing a UGL variant of this product in the EU.
I can't remember whether I mentioned using the third Ozempic pen from the box I purchased and posted about as a reference sample to compare my own Semaglutide production quality against, but I definitely cannot answer questions regarding future products.

Taking 'curls for the girls' to the literal limit, this bichon gets all the bitches:
Sure punk tell that to many others saying the same thing, been at this game a whole lot longer then you go sit in the corner
The funny thing is that you purchased all that stuff knowing everything in advance, you were well aware of the Test E pip lately and even with that you went for the highest concentration Test E liska had, instead of going for a 250mg/ml or even Test C. Same for the Oxymetholone(Anadrol), you talked a lot about the old AAS origiall commercial names like Finaplix, Anadrol, blabla, and how all the UGL were shit to you.

I think it is quite obvious you were just trying to blackmail Liska afte checking her customer service and purchased that stuff just trying to get more free stuff while holding the original gear you purchased.
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The funny thing is that you purchased all that stuff knowing everything in advance, you were well aware of the Test E pip lately and even with that you went for the highest concentration Test E liska had, instead of going for a 250mg/ml or even Test C. Same for the Oxymetholone(Anadrol), you talked a lot about the old AAS origiall commercial names like Finaplix, Anadrol, blabla, and how all the UGL were shit to you.

I think it is quite obvious you were just trying to blackmail Liska afte checking her customer service and purchased that stuff just trying to get more free stuff while holding the original gear you purchased.
exactly!! even if its good raws 350 can potentially be slightly pippy for some people.. i mean srsly if u buy a HIGH CONCENTRATION brew u better know what to do with it (dilute.. etc..) except for maybe EQ which never ever gave me pip even at 500mg/ml or more. ppl want to save a few euros by buying the high concentration mix but they couldve made all that extra money if they used the time they bitch about PIP working a fckin job smh..
The funny thing is that you purchased all that stuff knowing everything in advance, you were well aware of the Test E pip lately and even with that you went for the highest concentration Test E liska had, instead of going for a 250mg/ml or even Test C. Same for the Oxymetholone(Anadrol), you talked a lot about the old AAS origiall commercial names like Finaplix, Anadrol, blabla, and how all the UGL were shit to you.

I think it is quite obvious you were just trying to blackmail Liska afte checking her customer service and purchased that stuff just trying to get more free stuff while holding the original gear you purchased.
Hahahah are you fucking serious
Again go back in the thread you joker, or check the private messages liska posted here.
He offered to reimburse the anadrol on page 205, i didnt ask for that at first hand, only after he couldnt get the anapolon i wanted to pay for(check private messages he made public here).
That’s why it pissed me off liska said i initially asked for free gear, which didnt happen.
Check the private messages a few pages back, if you dont want to come across as ignorant.
Yeah man sure totally huh getting 25 euros of free anadrol hahahah.
Blackmailing sure worth it hahahha

Again has anyone here used the anadrol thats is no longer on the menu btw?
I have… 11 days…. And nothing
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Sure punk tell that to many others saying the same thing, been at this game a whole lot longer then you go sit in the corner
His test E is painless. Iv been running it for the past year"ish" and for 3 months+ i even ran it mixed with DHB. Iv never felt anything as painful in my life as DHB but when i diluted it with 50/50 test 350 and DHB 125 the pain completely went away. I honestly cant see how you can call his test E painful mate.