Cat Café EU & US domestic

Once time i ve mixed melanotan 2 with water, where must i store It??? For how much time can i store It?
I'm the fridge. As long as you want pretty much. Theoretically it starts losing some potency after a month, but I've used one that was mixed after 2 or 3 months and shit worked fine.
@Liska can i use a syringe needle for the humalin instead of pen needles?
Also i read humalin should be discarded after two weeks of being opened, but i will be use it very sparringly. Honestly does it go bad that quick?
I bought ur humalin when u had it in stock.
For products such as Insulin I would stick strictly to the package insert:
5. How to store Humalog KwikPen
Before the first use store your Humalog KwikPen in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C). Do not freeze.
Keep your Humalog KwikPen in use at room temperature (below 30°C) and discard after 28 days. Do not put it near heat or in the sun. Do not keep the KwikPen that you are using in the fridge. The KwikPen should not be stored with the needle attached.
@Liska, Trest Ace @ 100 mg/ml coming anytime soon?
In July definitely, alongside Test Ace 100mg/ml.

In other news, many products are close to being sold out, mostly for good - quick list with currently remaining stock:
T3 Tiromel (1)
Femara Letrozole (2)
Hilma Letrozole (1)
Klomen Clomid (5)
Hilma Tren Ace (1)
Deus Medical Turinabol (1)
Hilma Dianabol (2)
Human Labs Anavar (1)
PT-141 (2)
No more t3 after last tiromel sold?
I'm going to stock Deus Medical's thyroid meds going forward because their labtests have consistently been closer to label dosage than what I've seen from turkish pharma products. I have some research to do still on european thyroid medication brands and other aspects of production/formulation of importance but I'm on it.

With turkish pharma thyroid meds costing 1/3 - 1/2 the price of the equivalent UGL product and commanding a higher sales price in our business due to brand recognition/"pharma magic", I will admit that I believed until recently this was the product of choice to carry no questions asked, but @SkankHunt has shown that we (both sources and customers) need to apply the same scepticism we have towards UGL to pharma products, from certain countries/manufacturers at least.


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  • THYROMED 50_DM64669_Test Report #07055.png
    THYROMED 50_DM64669_Test Report #07055.png
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In July definitely, alongside Test Ace 100mg/ml.

In other news, many products are close to being sold out, mostly for good - quick list with currently remaining stock:
T3 Tiromel (1)
Femara Letrozole (2)
Hilma Letrozole (1)
Klomen Clomid (5)
Hilma Tren Ace (1)
Deus Medical Turinabol (1)
Hilma Dianabol (2)
Human Labs Anavar (1)
PT-141 (2)
I dont see any MSG LABZ on that pricelist :mad:
@Liska you should offer 5mg Cialis, it's one of the preferred dosage for ppl using it daily.

The price of UGL exemestane is outrageous, is Deus medical a joke or what? 25x25mg 30 euro? Lol you can buy pharmagrade for 40 USD (33 euro) and it's 30x25mg
Hello guys,

This is my french feedback about my first order with catcafe. First of all, Liska was super pro and quick. Indeed, i wrote to him the day after my last show (Olympia Spain) to tell him that i have nothing back and i really need stuff to continue my prep for Olympia Portugal to get this first place. And you now what ? The day after he send my order. Packaging was incredible and very pro. Products are g2g. However hate the Deus Medical Stanozolol Inj which is too thick and painfull.

Order item:

- Hilma Tren ace 3x
- Hilma Mast Prop 2x
- CatCafe Masteron 1x
- CatCafe Test Prop 2x
- Hilma Halotestin 1x
- Winstrol tabs catcafe 1x
- anavar 25mg catcafe 1x
- Deus proviron 1x
- Deus Winstrol suspension 1x
- Ephedrine 25 x 50mg

Thank you Liska and continue to do tests and so on. I think you will go far if you stay consistent like this.

See you next time
Will you have TB-500 in the near future?
It depends on how sales on MT2 & BPC-157 will go honestly - it would be the next peptide in line for sure.

@Sampei I have Deus Medicals 5mg Cialis product in stock, but I did also buy more Cialis raws which I might make different products from. Where's my 80mg Cialis black cats at?

As mentioned before, I care about properly dosed products as evidenced via labtests, not the magical belief in or premium resale price of pharma products, so until you show me a labtest of your pharma Exemestane testing as close to 25mg as Deus Medical's, please refrain from making snide comments.

AROMAMED 25_DM09106_Test Report #09128.png
It depends on how sales on MT2 & BPC-157 will go honestly - it would be the next peptide in line for sure.

@Sampei I have Deus Medicals 5mg Cialis product in stock, but I did also buy more Cialis raws which I might make different products from. Where's my 80mg Cialis black cats at?

As mentioned before, I care about properly dosed products as evidenced via labtests, not the magical belief in or premium resale price of pharma products, so until you show me a labtest of your pharma Exemestane testing as close to 25mg as Deus Medical's, please refrain from making snide comments.

View attachment 148977
Come on man we are talking Pharma exemestane from accord/Teva etc. Not some Turkish shit.

You should stop spinning the whole: pharma has proved to not be dosed properly bla bla bla. Yeah fake pharma from shit sources. just because you got ripped off on some shit pharma fame product, that doesn't mean shit. You pay for my testing I can send lots of pharma arimidex or exemestane to test.

You are trying to justify a price of Deus medical exemestane that can't be justified. It's an UGL lab selling stuff at a higher price of a pharma company.
Btw one test mean nothings, what about the next batch? I guess they have the same quality control of a pharma manufacturer right? 20 November 2020 ahahahah by now it could be anything.

That's the new trend? UGL is becoming the new pharma standard
Come on man we are talking Pharma exemestane from accord/Teva etc. Not some Turkish shit.

You should stop spinning the whole: pharma has proved to not be dosed properly bla bla bla. Yeah fake pharma from shit sources. just because you got ripped off on some shit pharma fame product, that doesn't mean shit. You pay for my testing I can send lots of pharma arimidex or exemestane to test.

You are trying to justify a price of Deus medical exemestane that can't be justified. It's an UGL lab selling stuff at a higher price of a pharma company.
Btw one test mean nothings, what about the next batch? I guess they have the same quality control of a pharma manufacturer right? 20 November 2020 ahahahah by now it could be anything.

That's the new trend? UGL is becoming the new pharma standard

You've been pressuring me to carry pharma AI for you for months now - I am not involved in your business nor am I dictacting you which products you ought to sell to your customers, and I wish for you to do likewise.

I can justify their retail price (which I'm bound to stick close to as an official reseller) by the product quality (primarily labtesting). I've talked to Robert of DM about their production of tablets at length and his knowledge and standards for product quality have gained my trust.

I'm not aware how much (or little) you know about production of orals, so if you can list specific methods pharma manufacturers are using that make their products superior, feel free to give a detailed response and I'll promise to give it all the attention.

As it is, we've seen original pharma products test well, we've seen them test badly, there's an entire subforum with hundreds of labtests for everyone to browse.

Yes, batch numbers are ultimately meaningless and can be manipulated by any company, pharma or UGL. I've discussed this with some respected Meso members in the past and it's very difficult to uniquely tie a batch to its product, and no company in our business has established a method to do it to my knowledge. It's a topic I want to discuss with the community in more detail in the future to find a better solution for.

Presently, all that can be done is blindtest continually, regardless of batch numbers (and regardless of UGL or pharma or "pharma grade"), so that nothing can slip past - I'd guess most labs' batches last a few months at least, so testing more frequently than that should catch them all.

The new standard should be more rigorous and frequent testing, which both sources and members are moving towards to publically and behind the scenes.
You've been pressuring me to carry pharma AI for you for months now - I am not involved in your business nor am I dictacting you which products you ought to sell to your customers, and I wish for you to do likewise.

I can justify their retail price (which I'm bound to stick close to as an official reseller) by the product quality (primarily labtesting). I've talked to Robert of DM about their production of tablets at length and his knowledge and standards for product quality have gained my trust.

I'm not aware how much (or little) you know about production of orals, so if you can list specific methods pharma manufacturers are using that make their products superior, feel free to give a detailed response and I'll promise to give it all the attention.

As it is, we've seen original pharma products test well, we've seen them test badly, there's an entire subforum with hundreds of labtests for everyone to browse.

Yes, batch numbers are ultimately meaningless and can be manipulated by any company, pharma or UGL. I've discussed this with some respected Meso members in the past and it's very difficult to uniquely tie a batch to its product, and no company in our business has established a method to do it to my knowledge. It's a topic I want to discuss with the community in more detail in the future to find a better solution for.

Presently, all that can be done is blindtest continually, regardless of batch numbers (and regardless of UGL or pharma or "pharma grade"), so that nothing can slip past - I'd guess most labs' batches last a few months at least, so testing more frequently than that should catch them all.

The new standard should be more rigorous and frequent testing, which both sources and members are moving towards to publically and behind the scenes.
I have been pressuring you to carry pharma grade AI? Are you kidding me? That's bullshit, I asked why you stopped carrying it and you answered me, the conversation ended there. You guys are selling UGL AI for the same or even more price of a pharma grade one and you are justifying it with a story that is ridicolous and btw I have no business.

Yeah show me the hundred of labtest of pharma AI that tested badly. There aren't. You are just spinning your story to justify something that has not justification.

Oh you talked to Robert and so now the words of a source from another source on how they do their job wonderfully it's proof that all is good.

You don't know how much that batch of aromasin will last, they could probably be at the next batch or even two more from that one or who knows.

So I can trust your products and what you are doing with it because well you are testing everything and it seems you really want to be on point with it... But don't fucking come here and tell me all these nonsense about Deus medical aromasin.

Even trying to compare a UGL to a pharma company is the most idiotic thing one could do, and if you know anything at all a pharma company has a quality control that is not even comparable to the best of UGL. so it's not about how they make their orals it's all about quality control. UGL can't even provide reliable batches lol

So yes the price of their aromasin is ridicolous and no you can't justify it for one labtest.
Dealed with @Liska many times know.
Had no issues . Every time fast communication and security and safe packaging.
Prices are a little bit higher but he had many lab tests so the costs are reasonable.
9/10 for me personally
@Sampei You've clearly made up your mind already and aren't open to differing perspectives or genuinely engaging my points, so this won't lead anywhere. Ultimately you can just buy from whoever (vendor or brand) fits your requirements best, which honestly isn't me.
@Sampei You've clearly made up your mind already and aren't open to differing perspectives or genuinely engaging my points, so this won't lead anywhere. Ultimately you can just buy from whoever (vendor or brand) fits your requirements best, which honestly isn't me.
Nice way to avoid it.

Still waiting for the pharma grade AI lab test showing bad results ;)

I'm willing to pay a premium for product properly tested like your orals/oils are. I call bullshit on the price of Deus medical that does not provide the same amount of lab test and you trying to defend it is quite funny. Of course you prefer selling Deus medical aromasin, instead of pharma aromasin, the profit on your end is much better. Don't try to sell the story of how Deus aromasin has tested perfectly instead pharma aromasin.

What you choose to sell is your problem, just don't try to spin the bullshit around, that UGL AI is better or on par of pharma products.

It's like trying to sell UGL test at the same price or higher of Bayer Testoviron. Anyone would find it a joke.
Oh no wait Robert as assured me their quality control is top notch.

Engaging your point? Your point is based on zero evidence. Just a few lab test of T3 from a shit source from a shit country. You are basing all your pharma Vs UGL arguments on that.
You've been pressuring me to carry pharma AI for you for months now - I am not involved in your business nor am I dictacting you which products you ought to sell to your customers, and I wish for you to do likewise.

I can justify their retail price (which I'm bound to stick close to as an official reseller) by the product quality (primarily labtesting). I've talked to Robert of DM about their production of tablets at length and his knowledge and standards for product quality have gained my trust.

I'm not aware how much (or little) you know about production of orals, so if you can list specific methods pharma manufacturers are using that make their products superior, feel free to give a detailed response and I'll promise to give it all the attention.

As it is, we've seen original pharma products test well, we've seen them test badly, there's an entire subforum with hundreds of labtests for everyone to browse.

Yes, batch numbers are ultimately meaningless and can be manipulated by any company, pharma or UGL. I've discussed this with some respected Meso members in the past and it's very difficult to uniquely tie a batch to its product, and no company in our business has established a method to do it to my knowledge. It's a topic I want to discuss with the community in more detail in the future to find a better solution for.

Presently, all that can be done is blindtest continually, regardless of batch numbers (and regardless of UGL or pharma or "pharma grade"), so that nothing can slip past - I'd guess most labs' batches last a few months at least, so testing more frequently than that should catch them all.

The new standard should be more rigorous and frequent testing, which both sources and members are moving towards to publically and behind the scenes.

I am not sure if @SkankHunt Tiromels were authentic, (Probably were due to how cheap they go for at the pharmacies). But, I have a box of Tiromels from a friend who works for a Turkish Pharmaceuticals warehouse, so I have no doubt of them being counterfeits. Maybe we can send 2 tabs or hell the whole box sealed to Jano for analytical testing and this would put all our doubts on Meso to rest. We will then know if what @SkankHunt had was a counterfeit or a manufacturer error on the production of them.

I know several years ago I seen Tiromels tested on here that were spot on...

I have been pressuring you to carry pharma grade AI? Are you kidding me? That's bullshit, I asked why you stopped carrying it and you answered me, the conversation ended there. You guys are selling UGL AI for the same or even more price of a pharma grade one and you are justifying it with a story that is ridicolous and btw I have no business.

Yeah show me the hundred of labtest of pharma AI that tested badly. There aren't. You are just spinning your story to justify something that has not justification.

Oh you talked to Robert and so now the words of a source from another source on how they do their job wonderfully it's proof that all is good.

You don't know how much that batch of aromasin will last, they could probably be at the next batch or even two more from that one or who knows.

So I can trust your products and what you are doing with it because well you are testing everything and it seems you really want to be on point with it... But don't fucking come here and tell me all these nonsense about Deus medical aromasin.

Even trying to compare a UGL to a pharma company is the most idiotic thing one could do, and if you know anything at all a pharma company has a quality control that is not even comparable to the best of UGL. so it's not about how they make their orals it's all about quality control. UGL can't even provide reliable batches lol

So yes the price of their aromasin is ridicolous and no you can't justify it for one labtest.

@Sampei I also have a box of Pfizer Aromasins I picked up from him too. So again, I have 0 doubt of them being remotely counterfeit. If you want me to send the whole box out to get tested I have 0 problems, as long as you help me with contributions for testing.

And I agree, I am not choosing a UGL for my AI over pharma. Especially knowing where I get mine from lol.
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I am not sure if @SkankHunt Tiromels were authentic, (Probably were due to how cheap they go for at the pharmacies). I have a box of Tiromels from a friend who works for a Turkish Pharmaceuticals warehouse, so I have no doubt being remotely concerned about them being counterfeits. Maybe we can send 2 tabs or hell the whole box sealed to Jano for analytical testing and this would put all our doubts on Meso to rest. We will then know if what Skankhunt had was a counterfeit or a manufacturer error on making them.

I know several years ago I seen Tiromels tested here spot on...

@Sampei I also have a box of Pfizer Aromasins I picked up from him too. So again, I have 0 doubt of them being remotely counterfeit. If you want me to send the whole box out to get tested I have 0 problems, as long as you help me with contributions for testing.

And I agree, I am not choosing a UGL for my AI over pharma. Especially knowing where I get mine from lol.
Just for reference how much you paid for the aromasin box?

Yeah we can talk on sending it and share the price of testing, maybe Liska will share the burden too so he can prove his arguments ahahah