Cat Café EU & US domestic

You want the vets opinion on if it’s okay to send out untested gear? You’re an educated guy and I’m sure you know my answer.

There is a lot that makes this a terrible idea. For starters, it’s as if we took one step forward and two steps backwards. This place has worked hard to be a harm reduction board and @Liska you've contributed a lot to that this past year or so. I understand that the gear will eventually get tested but it will do so after it’s already in a lot of members bodies. If/when it comes back underdosed or test to be something entirely different than what it was thought to be you guys are getting the pitchforks. Everything you worked towards with all your testing is gone like a fart in the wind. You know the saying around here… you are only as good as your last test.

If the door is cracked open for untested gear being sent that door would eventually be wide open.

There’s no doubt this would be an issue. Sure, members may agree to accept untested gear but they would be doing so thinking that the product will hit its mark or be close to it. When the testing shows that’s not the case there will be a shit storm. It’s asking for trouble.

Also, your U.S domestic guy is probably Meso’s newest source. He coasted right in under your coattail. He simply hasn’t done enough or been around long enough that the question should even be asked.

Anywho, I could go on but you get the idea. I don’t believe you’ll get a different reply from any vet here.
Thank you for the honest response and its one I respect very much, hints i tried to basically say this same thing in a post above.

I like the door cracked open analogy too, because that is exactly what it is.

I am the new guy, here. I am only as good as my last tested batch and I understand that.


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With MSG signing this via liking it, I'll consider this matter decided then, and won't even argue any further. I'm glad I have a council of vets to fall back on when I need input from outside my own circle/bubble, I genuinely appreciate it.

i'm no authority, just a long term loud mouth, but i do agree. You have a good thing going for yourself the way you've been doing things. All it takes is one mistake to shake confidence. Better to be safe and wait for the results.
With MSG signing this via liking it, I'll consider this matter decided then, and won't even argue any further. I'm glad I have a council of vets to fall back on when I need input from outside my own circle/bubble, I genuinely appreciate it.

Thank you for respecting the goal that some have for this place. You’ve always had the same vision and I for one appreciate that.

As MSG stated, I’m no one. Just a member who has put in a lot of time and energy over the years trying to carrying on a vision that the guys before me had.
Apologies if this is a dumb question or if it's been asked many times... Trying to find how to search within a thread on mobile but I can't find the function.

The 50mg Ephedrine pills. Would they be dosed evenly enough to just use a pill splitter and get 2 * 25mg doses. Or would I be better off dissolving in water and dosing volumetrically? Thanks
Apologies if this is a dumb question or if it's been asked many times... Trying to find how to search within a thread on mobile but I can't find the function.

The 50mg Ephedrine pills. Would they be dosed evenly enough to just use a pill splitter and get 2 * 25mg doses. Or would I be better off dissolving in water and dosing volumetrically? Thanks
Since this is a veterinary pharmaceutical product, I actually looked into the allowed deviation for this. on page 92 said:
2. Identification and assay of active substance(s)
Identification and assay of the active substance(s) shall be carried out either in a representative sample from the
production batch or in a number of dosage units analysed individually.

Unless there is appropriate justification, the maximum acceptable deviation in the active substance content of the finished product shall not exceed ± 5 % at the time of manufacture.
As the Enurace 50 tablets do have a groove for splitting into halves, I will assume the API is distributed evenly in the tablet, so you can do so without worry. While Janoshik doesn't test Ephedrine, I'm confident any EU pharma company handling this substance will take particular precaution that products are accurately dosed, lest a percentage of the raws is syphoned off to be used for production of something more profitable.
Good evening all,

If samples that were sent off more than 15 days ago do not update soon, I will be sending another round off beginning of this week. I have never had any delay issues with any of the big shippers besides usps...

All the best,

Since this is a veterinary pharmaceutical product, I actually looked into the allowed deviation for this.

As the Enurace 50 tablets do have a groove for splitting into halves, I will assume the API is distributed evenly in the tablet, so you can do so without worry. While Janoshik doesn't test Ephedrine, I'm confident any EU pharma company handling this substance will take particular precaution that products are accurately dosed, lest a percentage of the raws is syphoned off to be used for production of something more profitable.
Thanks for the reply Liska. Really impressed with the amount of engagement here
@Liska IIRC you had some products like some tablets with some black spots and some vials that was scratched or something? Do you plan on selling these - I guess many customers dont mind as long as its dosed properly.

@Canadia t400? Is this an upcoming eu/us products? Sounds interesting!
@Liska IIRC you had some products like some tablets with some black spots and some vials that was scratched or something? Do you plan on selling these - I guess many customers dont mind as long as its dosed properly.

@Canadia t400? Is this an upcoming eu/us products? Sounds interesting!
It's still planned, I just haven't found the time to organize this for sale.

Speaking of time management, in order to free up some desperately needed time, I'm temporarily suspending orders to the UK countries that left the EU via Brexit (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales), as preparing those orders can take over an hour each due to the customs declaration requiring appropiate customs tariff numbers for each stealthed product as well as weight, retail price etc. While there has never been a seizure and I've been doubting whether UK inbound customs actually exists, I'm not comfortable testing that theory.
@Liska IIRC you had some products like some tablets with some black spots and some vials that was scratched or something? Do you plan on selling these - I guess many customers dont mind as long as its dosed properly.

@Canadia t400? Is this an upcoming eu/us products? Sounds interesting!
Good day sir,

T-400 will be produced on both sides eventually, but I have a big batch ready now. I have found a method of compounding it that makes it very very smooth and tolerable.


It's still planned, I just haven't found the time to organize this for sale.

Speaking of time management, in order to free up some desperately needed time, I'm temporarily suspending orders to the UK countries that left the EU via Brexit (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales), as preparing those orders can take over an hour each due to the customs declaration requiring appropiate customs tariff numbers for each stealthed product as well as weight, retail price etc. While there has never been a seizure and I've been doubting whether UK inbound customs actually exists, I'm not comfortable testing that theory.
Sure - I know you are busy with everything, including all the product. Just wanted to be sure you still planned to sell them and not just discard them due to the new batches you are working on.
Good day sir,

T-400 will be produced on both sides eventually, but I have a big batch ready now. I have found a method of compounding it that makes it very very smooth and tolerable.


Would be lovely with a smooth t400! Im not sure if you would tell, but is it a mix or one ester product?
Sure - I know you are busy with everything, including all the product. Just wanted to be sure you still planned to sell them and not just discard them due to the new batches you are working on.

Would be lovely with a smooth t400! Im not sure if you would tell, but is it a mix or one ester product?
Good day sir,

There is nothing to hide here as you will see it on test reports.

2 versions, both seemingly the same as far as pip.

Most popular version, 200mg test e, 200mg test c /mL

Version 2, 300mg test e, 100mg test c /mL

Thank you kindly,

It's still planned, I just haven't found the time to organize this for sale.

Speaking of time management, in order to free up some desperately needed time, I'm temporarily suspending orders to the UK countries that left the EU via Brexit (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales), as preparing those orders can take over an hour each due to the customs declaration requiring appropiate customs tariff numbers for each stealthed product as well as weight, retail price etc. While there has never been a seizure and I've been doubting whether UK inbound customs actually exists, I'm not comfortable testing that theory.

Is there any time limit on this suspension? This is not the news I wanted to hear
Good day sir,

There is nothing to hide here as you will see it on test reports.

2 versions, both seemingly the same as far as pip.

Most popular version, 200mg test e, 200mg test c /mL

Version 2, 300mg test e, 100mg test c /mL

Thank you kindly,

That looks great! Im from EU tho, but if they get stocked here, I would order some, as I like high concentrations for test especially, such as they previous 350mg test E, which was good too.
@Liska IIRC you had some products like some tablets with some black spots and some vials that was scratched or something? Do you plan on selling these - I guess many customers dont mind as long as its dosed properly.

@Canadia t400? Is this an upcoming eu/us products? Sounds interesting!
The t400 I received and will assume is the same as anyone else would receive is excellent.