Cat Café EU & US domestic

Good day sir,

There is nothing to hide here as you will see it on test reports.

2 versions, both seemingly the same as far as pip.

Most popular version, 200mg test e, 200mg test c /mL

Version 2, 300mg test e, 100mg test c /mL

Thank you kindly,

If given flexibility with regard to carrier and esters used do you believe you could produce t500 just as good? Meaning, no super solvents and low PIP. Also a mix of short and long would be great. Even just 30mgs prop added to the t400 would rock ( I often add a little prop to my test shots I like having the kick that prop gives when I pin.)
As the weeks pass and we stare at the unmoving tracking of samples from USA to Janoshik day after day, I'd like to ask US members for their opinion on us offering US domestic product for sale during the wait for the test result. We'll never not test every batch but the collective amount of information and experience we have does minimize the chance of a batch being off beyond the margin of error, and we could offer reimbursements (store credit, replacement product etc.) in case a batch does test way off.

While we will take all opinions into account, I'm specifically interested in input by experienced Meso vets with high standards like @B Ware @MadBret @Iron_Yuppie @MisterSuperGod - if any of you guys could spare the time to comment I'd be extremely thankful!
I clearly back the idea with the caveat that the customer assumes testing could come back and not meet expectations. I am in no way implying you or @CCUSA are going to pull a fast one, I am simply saying the option should be available to impatient customers who have confidence in your shop (as I do) while also there should be some protection for you since unexpected things can and do happen. Thats life, if the t400 comes back as monkey piss from jano I would not hold it against you in any way since I knowingly bought the stock before testing came back.

I appreciate the position others are taking and understand that it sounds bad, like a step backwards, but telling people to wait possibly weeks is just going to kill you in the long run. You will lose a lot of business to the less legitimate sources simply because they have stock ready to go with no testing whatsoever and that is not right in my opinion. I am super happy to support you and would hope things go well for you because you do things proper.
I appreciate the position others are taking and understand that it sounds bad, like a step backwards, but telling people to wait possibly weeks is just going to kill you in the long run. You will lose a lot of business to the less legitimate sources simply because they have stock ready to go with no testing whatsoever and that is not right in my opinion. I am super happy to support you and would hope things go well for you because you do things proper.
There's a pandora's box contained in this paragraph that I will show off later this month, so please keep this discussion in mind until then.
I clearly back the idea with the caveat that the customer assumes testing could come back and not meet expectations. I am in no way implying you or @CCUSA are going to pull a fast one, I am simply saying the option should be available to impatient customers who have confidence in your shop (as I do) while also there should be some protection for you since unexpected things can and do happen. Thats life, if the t400 comes back as monkey piss from jano I would not hold it against you in any way since I knowingly bought the stock before testing came back.

I appreciate the position others are taking and understand that it sounds bad, like a step backwards, but telling people to wait possibly weeks is just going to kill you in the long run. You will lose a lot of business to the less legitimate sources simply because they have stock ready to go with no testing whatsoever and that is not right in my opinion. I am super happy to support you and would hope things go well for you because you do things proper.
Some random dude who signed up last month answering a question that nobody asked him….

Don’t do the right thing because you will lose business to people who don’t do the right thing…

Interesting perspective.
Little snapshot in the gym. People have always said to me I will never be able to build legs because my genetics are shit. Hm, Interesting.


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Little snapshot in the gym. People have always said to me I will never be able to build legs because my genetics are shit. Hm, Interesting.

I saw you use 6iu of gh! How viralizing is such a huge amount? I thought girls stayed at the 2iu mark mostly ...
Some random dude who signed up last month answering a question that nobody asked him….

Don’t do the right thing because you will lose business to people who don’t do the right thing…

Interesting perspective.
Wow !!! @DomV … you signed up a week ago, yet comment on when he signed up.

Also he is the one who brought up the entire conversation to begin with you dumb fuck. Another fine product of the human race you are.
Really? I always thought that elevated igf1 levels do in fact contribute ... or at least unwanted jaw growth or something ...
Nahh... hgh and insulin are probably the safest things for females. Androgens like anavar (even at low doses) will cause virilization
HGH is in no way androgenic. Not at all. Jaw growth is a thing but thats not giving you the same optic sides like a good dose of highly androgenic steroids.

6IU however is still a lot, even for most men. Take that amount for a couple years straight and it will be very noticable to tell.
I saw you use 6iu of gh! How viralizing is such a huge amount? I thought girls stayed at the 2iu mark mostly ...
Hope I turn into helene fischer after my bb carrier. Most famous people (non bb) taking like 4-8ui a day for staying fresh.

Hgh isn't viralizing at all :)
HGH is in no way androgenic. Not at all. Jaw growth is a thing but thats not giving you the same optic sides like a good dose of highly androgenic steroids.

6IU however is still a lot, even for most men. Take that amount for a couple years straight and it will be very noticable to tell.
6uis aren't much. Most men are taking like 10ui for seeing results ofc most combine it with insulin then. Like I said before most famous people (non bb) are taking hgh for staying "fresh/young/.. Whatever" and yes you stay fresh with hgh, benefits I like, have a good skin and sleeping very well.
Hope I turn into helene fischer after my bb carrier. Most famous people (non bb) taking like 4-8ui a day for staying fresh.

Hgh isn't viralizing at all :)

Ok, I see. Do you know maybe why it's recommended for women to stay at the 2iu mark maybe?
Ok, I see. Do you know maybe why it's recommended for women to stay at the 2iu mark maybe?
Who recommended that? Lol. Most ppl are afraid of hgh but taking high doses of cow piss (including women)

You normally start with 2/3ui and upper it if you want it / can take it / afford it whatever.
Men start with 4ui and go up til 10ui.
With gh is take as much as you can afford. That's what bodybuilders doing. Generally is used at low dose(2-3 i.u) because is expensive. Paying around 240$ every month for 6 i.u/day is not affordable for most people
Rule of thumb more is better and that goes with anabolics until sides are too much and became counterproductive