Cat Café EU & US domestic

Experience report: one week of HGH American Forest Catropin at 2IU ED (first course with hgh)

1.) I'm still alive.. no pip

2.) The vial is finishing up fast... but that is the life on hgh I guess

3.) The joints on my fingers and toes itches sometimes.. not sure if it's the hgh.. but bearable.
Experience report: one week of HGH American Forest Catropin at 2IU ED (first course with hgh)

1.) I'm still alive.. no pip

2.) The vial is finishing up fast... but that is the life on hgh I guess

3.) The joints on my fingers and toes itches sometimes.. not sure if it's the hgh.. but bearable.
1.Hgh will not give you pip
2. Is normal
Experience report: one week of HGH American Forest Catropin at 2IU ED (first course with hgh)

1.) I'm still alive.. no pip

2.) The vial is finishing up fast... but that is the life on hgh I guess

3.) The joints on my fingers and toes itches sometimes.. not sure if it's the hgh.. but bearable.
"The vial is finishing up fast... but that is the life on hgh I guess".... what are you trying to say here?
"The vial is finishing up fast... but that is the life on hgh I guess".... what are you trying to say here?

Experience report: one week of HGH American Forest Catropin at 2IU ED (first course with hgh)

1.) I'm still alive.. no pip

2.) The vial is finishing up fast... but that is the life on hgh I guess

3.) The joints on my fingers and toes itches sometimes.. not sure if it's the hgh.. but bearable.
One week lol. You sure going to go through a kit or two before you really notice anything. You probably even won't especially on 2ius. THAT is the life on hgh.
Learned that a raws source stole at least one of my more unique lab reports to use for sales so I'll be editing particularly valuable ones to be useless for this purpose until I have the finished product in store. Anyways, here's a glimpse of what some of your cat cash has been going towards:
Test Report #21587 edit.png
Lol and I just ordered tirzepatide from china :( Damn
It'll take me a while because this one needs lots of testing due to how new it is and not having Lilly's pharma product for reference to test against (physically and in the lab). Definitely get yours tested!
Learned that a raws source stole at least one of my more unique lab reports to use for sales so I'll be editing particularly valuable ones to be useless for this purpose until I have the finished product in store. Anyways, here's a glimpse of what some of your cat cash has been going towards:
View attachment 169009
Will Cat USA domestic have this or does he have this ? Thanks
I do not want to be a plague for you @Liska, but is there any approx ETA regarding PrimoE/Oxandrolone/TE/Cialis (in the bigger boxes) from your production?

Kind regards,
From a satisfied customer
I do not want to be a plague for you @Liska, but is there any approx ETA regarding PrimoE/Oxandrolone/TE/Cialis (in the bigger boxes) from your production?

Kind regards,
From a satisfied customer
Is "this summer" approximate enough? I do still have at least one 100x20mg Cialis from a customer that ghosted his order.

On this topic, there's a handful of ghosted Boldenone Cypionate and a couple of Deus Medical Primo back in stock. Soon to be sold out are Masteron Enanthate & Propionate, Testosterone Undecanoate, Dianabol, Tamoxifen, Clomiphene Citrate and Cabergolin.
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Learned that a raws source stole at least one of my more unique lab reports to use for sales so I'll be editing particularly valuable ones to be useless for this purpose until I have the finished product in store. Anyways, here's a glimpse of what some of your cat cash has been going towards:
View attachment 169009

wonder if people will realise that this is a semaglutide alternative, seeing as semaglutide is the current buzz drug being thrown around by certain influencers, even tho there's an argument that tirzepatide is superior in terms of sides with the same if not better outcomes in the clinical data.
wonder if people will realise that this is a semaglutide alternative, seeing as semaglutide is the current buzz drug being thrown around by certain influencers, even tho there's an argument that tirzepatide is superior in terms of sides with the same if not better outcomes in the clinical data.
This probably is because of its dual receptor agonists mechanism (GLP-1 and GIP) I believe. This will be the future, less sides but even better/stronger glucose lowering effects.
wonder if people will realise that this is a semaglutide alternative, seeing as semaglutide is the current buzz drug being thrown around by certain influencers, even tho there's an argument that tirzepatide is superior in terms of sides with the same if not better outcomes in the clinical data.
Lilly will push it hard(er) as a superior alternative once it hits the market. I'll offer both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide but will lyophilize them in EU to take advantage of the proximity to Janoshik for control of quality and any potential degradation at any stage as both of these products are so novel to the UGL market that we really haven't sufficient data on them, and I don't want this state to persist for decades as it has been with HGH and other peptides.
@Liska - 7,000iu HCG is unusual. Out of idle curiosity, were these offered to you as 10,000iu before you had them tested?

Ps: I’m sure there’s quite a few UK guys that would appreciate tested HCG appearing on your UK store, given how hit ‘n miss HCG seems to be nowadays.
@Liska - 7,000iu HCG is unusual. Out of idle curiosity, were these offered to you as 10,000iu before you had them tested?

Ps: I’m sure there’s quite a few UK guys that would appreciate tested HCG appearing on your UK store, given how hit ‘n miss HCG seems to be nowadays.
That's correct, they tested as 10.000iu via their testing method and as exactly 7000iu via Janoshik - we tested two separate sets of three vials each from different batches to make sure this wasn't a fluke. While we are adjusting the API content to test closer to 5000iu for the future, I figured I'd offer these for now as the consistency between all six samples is actually impressive.

UK guys can just order these from EU, I've recently had a three day TA to Wales and 3-5 business days seems the norm.